VASER Lipo Body Contouring: The Recovery Period
To help you better understand VASER Lipo, we’ve put together our answers to a selection of the most commonly asked questions related to VASER body contouring.
Q: What is VASER Lipo?
A: VASER, or Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance in full, is advanced technology used in certain body contouring procedures, which involve ultrasound fat emulsification and gentle aspiration to achieve a toned, defined appearance. The VASER Lipo procedure utilises minimally-invasive techniques (such as gentle aspiration) to tackle stubborn pockets of fat around various areas of the body with more precision, less trauma to the body and superior results, in comparison to a full Liposuction procedure.
During a procedure carried out with VASER, the area to be treated is injected with tumescent fluid (a specialised saline solution), helping to numb the area, reducing subsequent bruising and enlarging the area to aid subsequent fat emulsification and aspiration. A small-diameter probe is then inserted and targeted at fatty tissue, the tip of which emits ultrasound energy that essentially shakes loose fat cells, while preserving blood vessels, nerves and connective tissues. The fat cells mix with the tumescent fluid for easier aspiration via a specialised, small tube, called a cannula. More information is available on our website.
As VASER Lipo has developed, its application is being used not only for lipolysis and aspiration, but as part of fat transfer procedures, where your own body fat is transferred from a place of excess fat to a part of the body where it’s needed, like the breasts, hands, face and buttocks – as a natural alternative to synthetic implants. Find out more about Fat Transfer here.
Q: Does it hurt?
A: VASER Lipo Body Contouring procedures are minimally-invasive, and performed under local anaesthetic. Compared to traditional liposuction, the pain is greatly reduced. Discomfort is kept to a minimum and is a large factor in the popularity of the procedure. Most discomfort is reported around the treatment areas for the initial 1-3 days, after which you may feel a dull background ache around the treatment sites for anywhere between 1-4 weeks – remember everyone’s body heals differently.
To help with any discomfort, you are prescribed a course of painkillers as part of the recovery process. In line with what you will be told before the procedure, after the procedure you will be fitted with compression garments and an aftercare schedule necessary to aid the swift recovery.
Q: Do I go home straight after the procedure?
A: You will be allowed to leave the clinic as soon as you feel you’re ready. We allow our patients to take their time, but an overnight stay is not necessary with VASER Lipo.
We recommend that you take 2-3 days off work to adjust to any discomfort you may feel.
Q: Will I have any swelling, bruising or numbness? If so, for how long?
A: Each person’s body may respond differently, but from our experience it is not uncommon to experience some slight swelling and probably bruising within the first few days post treatment.
Swelling and bruising can be frustrating for many patients, keen to feel the effects of the procedure in full, and we understand that. We advise people to understand and share their stories with other people but bear in mind it is very much an individual response.
From our extensive experience, we have seen a very wide range of recovery periods, and our consultations are a great opportunity to ask our leading doctors and surgeons about their experience carrying out body contouring procedures with VASER.
The Private Clinic
Any common side effects or possible complications will be discussed with you during your initial consultation with your Doctor.
For more information about surgical liposuction, as opposed to VASER Lipo, please see our website.
For more information about how VASER Lipo is used in other procedures, check out our website for more details about Fat Transfer procedures.