When do boobs stop growing?

Breast procedures are amongst the most popular procedures that we offer. From breast enlargement to breast reductions and uplifts – there is a breast procedure to suit whatever your concern may be.

There are many reasons why a patient may be feeling unhappy with the appearance of their breasts. What age do boobs stop growing is a common search term with many women who are insecure about their breast size.

For many women, breasts stop growing at age 18, however, for some women, this may be in their early twenties.

It is important to remember that everyone develops at a different rate and there is nothing that can be done to speed up, or even slow down this process. Those wishing for a larger breast size who are over the age of 18 may be considering breast enlargement surgery. Likewise, many who are seeking ways to reduce the size of their breasts may be looking for breast reduction surgery.

Breasts will grow at different rates, which may mean for a certain period of time that one breast may appear larger than the other. Breast asymmetry is very common however in some cases, a more significant difference in size can leave many seeking corrective surgery.

Why have my breasts changed size?

Breast size can change throughout your life.

There are lots of factors that can contribute to this including:

  • Weight loss or gain
  • Increase in muscle
  • Hormones
  • Pregnancy
  • Breast feeding
  • Menopause

Breasts are made up of both glandular and fatty tissue and the amount of both will vary from person to person. For those who have a larger proportion of fatty tissue, changes in weight can cause a noticeable change in breast size.

The types of exercises you do can also affect the appearance of your breasts, for example if you are working to increase muscle mass in your chest area, then this can cause breasts to look slightly fuller or perkier.

Hormones play a huge role in the appearance of our breasts, you may notice a change in size to your breasts around the time of your period or when taking certain types of birth control medication.

Pregnancy and breast feeding can also cause a significant change in the size of your breasts as well as menopause.

How to change the size of my breasts?

What should I do if I am unhappy with my breast size?

The most effective way to change the size of your breast with more permanent results is cosmetic surgery. We offer a range of plastic surgery procedures to help with all types of breast concerns including.

  • Minimal breast tissue
  • Small breasts
  • Large breasts
  • Uneven breasts
  • Sagging or drooping breasts
  • Tuberous breasts

Breast Implant Surgery

For patients who have minimal breast tissue and are unhappy with the smaller size of their breasts. Breast enlargement surgery is most likely going to be the best choice.

Breast enlargement surgery uses breast implants to change the size of the breasts. Breast implants come in an assortment of shapes, sizes and profiles and our surgeons will work with you to choose the best options for your body shape whilst meeting your ideal goals. Find out more.

breast enlargement with implants before after photo

Useful Breast Enlargement Links

Breast Reduction Surgery

For patients who are unhappy with their large breast size, breast reduction surgery is going to be the most suitable procedure. Whilst some people may be wondering when their breasts stop growing in hopes of them becoming larger, at the opposite side we have many patients wondering when their breasts will stop growing as they are too large.

To get the best result from a breast reduction procedure, we do prefer that patients wait until they are at least 21 years old. It is also worth noting that lifestyle changes such as pregnancy, weight gain and menopause could all affect the results.

Breast reduction involves removing fat, glandular tissue, and excess skin from your breasts. The breasts are then reshaped, uplifted and the nipple often repositioned to achieve a smaller breast size. Find out more.

breast reduction before after photo

Useful Breast Reduction Links

Asymmetric Breast Correction

A combination breast enlargement, breast uplift and breast reduction procedures can help to correct the appearance of uneven and asymmetric breasts. It is important to remember that breasts will not always be the exact same size and guarantee of perfectly symmetrical breasts in unrealistic. What our expert breast surgeons can do is decrease the difference in size of the breasts either by reducing or increasing the size of one or both breasts. Find out more.

breast asymmetry correction before after photo

Useful Breast Asymmetry Links

Tuberous Breast Correction

Tuberous breasts can vary in severity and whereas some people may not even realise that they have them, others may experience typical symptoms such as pointy boobs, elongated breasts or doming of the areola. All of these symptoms cause may patients to have been waiting for their breasts to continue to grow with the hope that the symptoms become less noticeable.

Tuberous breasts are usually caused by lack of tissue development but also constricted tissue within the breast preventing their growth. Usually, tuberous breast procedures involve either a breast uplift or breast enlargement with an internal release of the constricting tissue. The treatment plan can be personalised to suit the goals of the patient. Find out more.

tuberous breast correction surgery before after photo

Useful Tuberous Breast Links

Breast Surgery at The Private Clinic

  • The Private Clinic has been treating patients for over 40 years with thousands of women placing their trust in us each year.
  • Top UK specialised best breast surgeons with decades of experience.
  • State-of-the-art hospital facilities
  • Giving you the best possible results and care is our priority.
  • Dedicated care with your expert breast surgeon and nursing team, and a 24-hour helpline
  • 5 Star Trustpilot Rating
  • A range of Finance Options to help spread the cost of your Breast Implant Procedure

Consultant Breast Surgeons

Book a consultation

We have clinics nationwide in London Harley StreetBirmingham, and Northampton.

To find out more about Breast Surgery, please call us on 0333 920 2471 or use our online contact form.