What every man should ask before he has a hair transplant
Does it hurt, will it last and how much will it cost?
Expert Hair Transplant surgeon, Mr Michael Mouzakis features in The Telegraph discussing key things to discuss before going ahead with a hair transplant procedure.
Thanks to the advances in technology, hair transplants are safer and easier than they have ever been, thinks Michael Mouzakis from The Private Clinic of Harley Street. “Hair restoration surgery has come on dramatically in recent years. Hair transplant procedures have been difficult to carry out in the past, but with new technology, patients can expect better healing and less visible scars.”
But are hair-loss surgeries safe? Do they work? Is it worth spending the money and what kind of difference can it make? We asked some leading experts.
Who can get a Hair Transplant?
“People who have had no hair since birth are not suitable candidates as the surgery is performed by taking hair follicles from one part of the scalp to another”, says Mouzakis. “We also recommend that patients are at least 27 years old so we can better determine the pattern of baldness to accurately perform the treatment and help counteract further baldness.”
“Patients with health conditions such as heart disease or kidney failure may not be suitable for surgery, as well as those who react to anaesthetics. Patients with blood disease are also not suitable”, Mouzakis continues. “However, beyond that, anyone else can get a hair transplant.”
The article goes on to detail how a hair transplant procedure works and the different types of hair transplant procedures available such as follicular unit transplantations (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE).
Find out more about Hair Transplant procedures in our related links:
- Step by Step Guide to a Hair Transplant Procedure
- All the information you need about Hair Transplants
Next it goes on to talk about the cost of a hair transplant procedure with the UK average cost ranging from £7,000 – £12,000.
The Cost of a FUE Hair Transplant in London
However, prices of a hair transplant procedure in Turkey can start from £1,500 but often this is a procedure performed by non-medical staff and the level of care can be much lower.
“There are, of course, first-class surgeons abroad who will do an excellent job, but that isn’t the point as the recovery period is important.”, adds Mouzakis. “Complications can occur with any surgery. The issue is how to manage them if they do occur. If you go abroad and come back home, they cannot be managed properly.”
We talk a lot about the risks of Hair Transplants abroad, see our related blogs;
- Hair Transplant Risks in Turkey
- FUE Hair Transplants in London vs Turkey
- Medical Associations from the UK and Turkey come together to issue minimum guidelines for Hair Transplant Surgery
Read full article
Hair Loss options at The Private Clinic
We offer a range of hair loss solutions at our clinics including:
- FUE Hair Transplants for Men
- FUE Hair Transplants for Women
- Hair Loss Medication
- Non Surgical Hair Loss Treatment
- Calecim Hair Loss Treatment
- Micropigmentation
- Female Hair Loss
- Hair Loss & Thinning
To find out more about hair loss procedures at The Private Clinic, please contact 0333 920 2471 or you can use our online contact form to request a call back.