My Naked Secret
“My Naked Secret” is available to watch now on TLC. Follow The Private Clinic as it transforms the lives of 3 people with very different issues.
If you like TV shows like “Embarrassing Bodies”, you are sure to like “My Naked Secret”.
“My Naked Secret” follows the lives of people with cosmetic and medical differences and problems, such as excessive hairiness and varicose veins. The show then takes these people to various medical professionals to get treated with often surprising and touching results, as people are visibly moved by their transformation and all the more happy for it.
Episode 6 – Gail & Varicose Veins
Gail’s episode premiered in the UK on the 21st October 2013. It will be repeated in case you have missed it. Gail had suffered from Varicose Veins from a very young age and they were affecting her confidence considerably. So much so she would cover her body as much as possible. Having undergone a gastric bypass surgery she had shed a lot of weight but left behind a lot of poor quality excess skin, which was removed along with her varicose veins. The Private Clinic’s Mr Kyriakides (Vascular Surgeon) helped Gail regain her confidence and get her body back and we wish her all the best in the future. Watch the trailer.
Stay tuned for our next appearance on “My Naked Secret” next month!
*All images, videos and testimonials are based on the personal experiences of our patients and represent individual body shapes and results. Results may vary from person to person. All testimonials are provided voluntarily by our patients and clients and all photos and videos have been consented to and have not been altered in any way.
Episode 4 – Louis & Excessive Hair
The first episode is all about Louis, a 21 year old man with a lot of excess hair. So much in fact that it has got in the way of relationships and has affected his whole life. Despite trying many treatments and methods, Louis hadn’t found a way to control his unwanted hair so he turned to “My Naked Secret” for help. From there we were able to help him overcome his issue with Laser Hair Removal at our Harley Street clinic. Louis was transformed and you can see the results by tuning in to catch a repeat or come in for a consultation and we can show you the results. Watch the trailer.
*All images, videos and testimonials are based on the personal experiences of our patients and represent individual body shapes and results. Results may vary from person to person. All testimonials are provided voluntarily by our patients and clients and all photos and videos have been consented to and have not been altered in any way.