breast uplift mastopexy surgery before after results photos mr adrian richards angle 018AR

Breast Asymmetry – 018AR-Side

Procedure: Breast Uplift & Breast Asymmetry Correction
Implant size: 390cc & 260cc
Implant profile: Moderate Profile
Implant placement: Subglandular / Over

This patient felt her left nipple was too low and there was not enough volume in the top of her breasts. Had an uplift and breast implants with slight asymmetry correction too. 390cc and 260cc mid profile implants placed over the muscle. Scars will continue to fade over time.

Related Before & After Images

Implant size: 390cc & 260cc
Implant profile: Moderate Profile
Implant placement: Subglandular / Over
Implant size: 390cc and 260cc
Implant profile: Moderate Profile
Implant placement: Subglandular / Over the muscle
Time of after photo: 6 weeks