FUE Hair Transplant – 011FR-Front

Procedure: FUE Hair Transplant
Surgeon: Dr Furqan Raja
Hairs: 2775
Grafts: 1223
Location: Hairline & Temples
Time of after photo: 12 months

This patient came to us concerned about receding hairline and temples. Male pattern baldness runs in his family and he has been experiencing loss for over 3 years. A TrichoTest was performed to understand his hair loss better. A FUE Hair Transplant was carried out to the hairline and temples and hair loss medications Finasteride and Minoxidil were recommended.

Related Before & After Images

Hairs: 2775
Grafts: 1224
Location: Hairline & Temples
Time of after photo: 12 months
Hairs: 2775
Grafts: 1223
Location: Hairline & Temples
Time of after photo: 12 months