10 Facts about Male Chest Reduction Surgery
It has been reported that at least 35% of males are affected by gynecomastia / gynaecomastia during their life.[1] Also known as man boobs, gynecomastia can cause men to feel self-conscious about their chest. They often avoid wearing certain types of clothing and doing activities like swimming where they show their chest. Your GP is a good place to start should you suspect that you may have gynecomastia. However, getting treatment for this on the NHS can be very difficult. Many patients find themselves going privately to put an end to their discomfort.
Male breast reduction surgery is the most effective known treatment for gynecomastia.
If you are seeking male breast reduction then you may have a condition known as Gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is when the breast tissue in men becomes enlarged. It can be caused by genetics, certain medications or hormonal changes and males of any age can develop it.
Gynecomastia has 4 stages.
Grade 1: Small enlargement without skin excess
Grade 2: Moderate enlargement without skin excess
Grade 3: Moderate enlargement with minor skin excess
Grade 4: Marked enlargement with excess skin, mimicking female breast ptosis [2]
Gynecomastia can easily be identified in men who have excess localised fat in the chest area often with an increased amount of breast skin too. Sufferers may also notice an increase in glandular tissue giving the chest a puffy appearance, with pointed nipples and that it can affect one or both sides of the chest.
You are likely to be a good candidate for male chest reduction surgery.
The majority of patients who visit us for male chest reduction are suitable for surgery, as long as they are over 18 years of age. You must also be healthy with no pre-existing medical conditions that can impair healing. You must be physically healthy and at your ideal weight. We also advise patients to refrain from smoking before and during the recovery from the procedure.
Excess fat and glandular tissue can be removed during the procedure.
In some cases, the chest may have an excess amount of glandular tissue that will need to be removed, this is known as gyno surgery. This will help you to achieve the best result and there is less risk of gynecomastia reoccurring. This can be achieved through a surgical excision and your surgeon will discuss the best option for you.
To ensure your procedure goes smoothly we recommend that you;
- Stop smoking before your procedure
- Avoid excessive sun exposure
- Stop taking blood thinning medication or supplements
- Book time off work
- Let your surgeon know if you become unwell in the weeks leading up to your scheduled procedure,
- Ensure you have travel arrangements to get you to and from the hospital
- Make sure that you have been measured up for any post-surgical garments.
Initial recovery from male chest reduction surgery can take 5-10 days.
You will have an initial period of recovery where you will expected to rest and wear any dressings, bandages and compression garments as advised by your surgeon. You may experience swelling and bruising during this stage and may need to take pain medication to manage any discomfort. In some cases a drain may be used to remove any excess blood or fluid from the incisions.
Vaser liposuction will allow for a quicker recovery than surgical liposuction, patients usually only need to take 1-2 days off work depending on what their job role involves. You will still be required to wear a compression garment for 3 weeks and refrain from heavy lifting and any other strenuous activities.
Surgical liposuction often requires you to take a week off work, to wear a surgical garment and to avoid exercise for around 4 weeks post-procedure.
In both cases, after 6 weeks you should start to be able to see the final results but full recovery can take up to 6 months.
Results from Male Chest Reduction surgery are permanent.
As with many surgical procedures, the results from male chest reduction surgery are meant to be permanent. Certain lifestyle factors can alter the results such as;
- An excessive increase or decrease in weight can cause results to change
- Certain medications or supplements can trigger gynecomastia to appear again
Even male chest reduction surgery had its risks.
All surgical procedures come with risks and even though male chest reduction is designed to treat gynecomastia it still has some risks and side effects such as;
Bleeding, scarring, infection, chest asymmetry, blood clots, anaesthesia related risks, changes to nipple sensation and irregular chest contour or shape.
You may have Pseudogynecomastia not gynecomastia.
Before you are considered for surgery, your surgeon will want to assess you to ascertain your suitability for surgery. In some cases, where males think they have gynecomastia, may actually have Pseudogynecomastia which is when the appearance of male breasts are just down to fatty deposits and not glandular tissue. In most cases, a routine of regular exercise and healthy eating will be able to reduce the appearance of pseudogynecomastia but for stubborn areas of fat vaser liposuction can be used to improve the appearance of the chest.
Male Chest Reduction Results

Click here to see more male chest reduction before and after photos.
Why You Should Choose The Private Clinic for Non-Surgical Male Chest Reduction?
- By coming to The Private Clinic for your chest reduction procedure you can rest assured you are in the best possible hands.
- Consultation with expert specialist surgeons who are very experienced in male chest reduction and gynecomastia.
- 24 hour patient helpline meaning we are only ever a phone call away should you feel the need to contact us.
- As many post-operative care and appointments with your surgeon, doctor and nursing team as required.
- Outstanding hospital and clinic facilities.
- Competitively priced for our expertise and experience.
- Comprehensive patient information, every step of the way.
- Our excellent reputation for patient safety and satisfaction, honest advice and outstanding care means your journey with The Private Clinic will be a premium experience.
Helpful Links
- See our gallery of male chest reduction before and after photos here.
- Read our extensive male chest reduction FAQs here
- Hear from previous male chest reduction patient’s in our patient stories
- Consultations available at our clinics in London Harley Street, Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester and Northampton.
Male Chest Reduction / Gynaecomastia Surgeons
- Mr Dario Rochira, BS, MD. GMC Number: 6130664
- Mr William Van Niekerk, MB ChB, MSc, MRCS, FRCS (Plast), FCMI, RAF (qs). GMC Number: 4362791
- Mr Navid Jallali, BSc, MB ChB (Hons), MD FRCS (Plast). GMC Number: 4404969
- Mr Michael Mouzakis, MD, MSc. GMC Number: 7237640
- Ms Helena Antoniadou, MBBS, MD & Surg (Hons), FRCS (Eng). GMC Number: 3700956
- Mr Maisam Fazel, MA(Cantab), MB BChir, MSEd, FRCS. GMC Number : 4767420
- Professor Sandip Hindocha, MD, MPhil, MBChB, MRCS, MFFLM, FRCS (Plast). GMC Number: 6122218
If you would like to arrange a consultation with one of our renowned specialists, please call us on 0333 920 2471 or use our male chest reduction online contact form.