Vaser Liposuction in Turkey
Vaser liposuction is a fat reduction procedure that uses targeted ultrasound technology to selectively remove fat whilst helping to reshape and contour the body. Vaser liposuction is usually performed under local anaesthetic with sedation and it is suitable for many areas of the body including;
- Chin & Neck
- Arms/Bingo Wings
- Male Chest Reduction
- Back
- Abdomen/Tummy
- Male Torso/Abdomen
- Flanks/ Love Handles
- Buttocks Crease & Hips
- Inner & Outer Thighs
- Knees & Ankles
When it comes to choosing where to have your vaser liposuction procedure, it is not just the body area that you need to consider. The location and surgeon you choose can have a big impact on the outcome of your procedure so you need to feel reassured and confident that you are in the best hands.
One of the biggest deciding factors when it comes to any type of procedure is cost. We understand that everybody wants to get the best cost for anything but unlike price matching the cost of a new phone or TV; vaser liposuction is a surgical procedure and each clinic or surgeon will have a variation on expertise and standards.
Many patients these days are seeking cheaper cosmetic surgery procedures abroad and vaser liposuction is a popular one. But whilst choosing to have a vaser liposuction procedure abroad might be an attractive option; for many, it is not as smooth sailing as promised and can often end up costing more and in some cases can even prove to be fatal.
There will always be risks associated with vaser liposuction which will apply whether the procedure is carried out in the UK or abroad. The difference is that if you have your procedure carried out in the UK you will be in close contact with your surgeon who will be able to personally provide you with long-term aftercare and will be there if anything was to go wrong. For patients who may have had surgery abroad, if they develop a complication after they have arrived back in the UK; it can be difficult to see your surgeon again in person without travelling back to the country.
Following a vaser liposuction procedure at The Private Clinic, we provide our patients with unlimited follow-up appointments with their surgeon. We also have a 24-hour on-call phone number which is there for you should you feel worried or concerned about anything outside of our usual working hours.
Although you may be promised an aftercare plan following vaser liposuction abroad, it is well worth finding out how this is going to be carried out. Usually, we see patients back in our clinics a few months after their procedure, would this visit require you to travel again and who would be liable for the cost if so? It is not acceptable to be seen by a non-medical member of staff for any type of follow-up appointment.
Travelling following surgery
Travelling is also another big red flag at The Private Clinic. Although most patients are fine to travel after 7-10 days following a vaser liposuction procedure, we do advise that patients try to wait at least 6 weeks to allow their body to fully recover and also to remain close to the clinic or surgeon to enable them to contact should they need to at any point during their recovery. For many patients who travel abroad to Turkey for example; it is a 4-hour flight that you will take in as little as 4 days after having the procedure. You are at a much higher risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT).
Meeting your surgeon
When choosing to have vaser liposuction in the UK, you would have met your surgeon once, if not twice before booking the procedure. At The Private Clinic especially, you will have had a detailed consultation with one of our experts where the procedure will have been discussed in detail, the surgeon will have gone through all the risks, you will be assessed for the procedure and a treatment plan discussed. During your consultation, before and after photos will be shared and you have the opportunity to ask any questions about the procedure too. If having vaser liposuction abroad, it is a lot more common for patients not to meet the surgeon performing their procedure until the day of the procedure. We do not advise booking and paying for a vaser liposuction procedure before you visit the clinic and meet with the surgeon. In the UK we also like to allow a 2-week cooling off period after meeting with your surgeon to be able to make a more informed decision.
Travel Insurance
Normally when you go abroad you take out travel insurance to cover the cost of any unexpected medical fees. You may feel like you are already covered within the package you have taken out with your selected clinic abroad but it is unusual for a holiday policy to cover you if something was to go wrong during or after your liposuction procedure that you have not already paid for. Most travel insurance policies will not cover you if you are travelling to receive medical treatment abroad so you will need to be honest when applying. Travel insurance for this purpose can be costly so it is another expense to add on to your final fee.
Is cosmetic surgery abroad ever safe?
This blog is not here to tell you that all surgery abroad is unsafe. There is a wide network of very experienced doctors and surgeons across the world. What we want all patients to do is ensure they thoroughly research the procedure and safety aspects. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and don’t get drawn in by attractive offers. Vaser liposuction has a lot of great benefits and is a treatment for targeting stubborn areas of excess fat and reducing them but these impressive claims and results are only achieved when performed safely by experienced surgeons who offer detailed aftercare. When it comes to choosing your surgeon or clinic whether it be in the UK or abroad, research is one of the most important steps.
Vaser Liposuction at The Private Clinic
The Private Clinic prides itself on ensuring you have the best quality and most comprehensive care. We have performed over 11,000 VASER Liposuction treatments to date.
- 24 hour patient helpline to ensure you are always in the best of hands.
- As many post-operative care and appointments with your surgeon, doctor and nursing team as required.
- One year cover for all surgical, hospital and nursing care, in case of any medical issue giving you peace of mind.
- Comprehensive patient information, every step of the way
- Highly experienced surgeons and doctors who have years of experience in vaser liposuction.
- Outstanding hospital facilities.
- Competitively priced for our expertise and experience.
- With over 40 years’ experience of Cosmetic Medical Excellence, you are in expert hands.
- Our excellent reputation for patient safety and satisfaction, honest advice and outstanding care means your journey with The Private Clinic will be an exciting experience to a newfound shape.
- We work with our partnered finance provider ‘Chrysalis Finance’ to offer 0% finance* to our patients. Get in touch to find out more.
Get in touch
To find out more about Vaser liposuction, please call us on 0333 920 2471 or use our vaser liposuction online contact form here.