Learn more about Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)


Want to do something about your hooded or drooping eyelids, or puffy eyes? Blepharoplasty surgery is a popular, safe, simple and effective solution. Find out more about the procedure in this blog post, where we discuss the procedure details and different blepharoplasty options available. To give you an idea of what you can expect with blepharoplasty, we’ve accumulated a selection of before and after photos, and included the story of one of our blepharoplasty patients, Deborah.
What is a blepharoplasty procedure?
Also known as eye-bag removal or eyelid surgery, blepharoplasty procedures can be used to reduce drooping, tighten folds or creases in the lower or upper eyelids, and lift skin around the eyes. Blepharoplasty can also correct hooded eyelids (when your upper eyelid has folded over the eye), or eye bags (puffiness under the eyes), and is able to deliver life-changing results. But how does it work? A surgeon will carefully remove or reposition the responsible excess tissue (skin and/or fat) around your eyes.
A sought-after procedure, blepharoplasty is often referred to as one of the simplest and quickest plastic surgery procedures, with relatively small downtime and impressive results. Depending on the individual case and type of blepharoplasty chosen, the operation can take as little as 30 minutes to perform.
Frequently, the youth-restoring solution is used in conjunction with various surgical and non-surgical treatments. Common supplementary procedures include facelifts, fat transfer to the face, and brow lifts.
Blepharoplasty Options:
As we have referred to, blepharoplasty can be used to correct the lower eyelid or upper eyelid, or both may need to be addressed in more severe cases. Accordingly, there are three different blepharoplasty options: lower blepharoplasty, upper blepharoplasty and combined blepharoplasty procedures, with each differing in terms of the process and the recovery.

The best option for you to achieve the look you want should be discussed comprehensively at your consultation. It’s also important to know that your surgeon should always cater your eyelid surgery to your requirements and case, with each patient having unique needs.

Procedure Length Incisions Anaesthesia Used Downtime
Upper Blepharoplasty (Upper Eyelid) A short procedure which can take only 30 minutes Incisions are made in the eyelid crease Typically performed using local anaesthetic Minimal downtime and you can return home shortly after
Lower Blepharoplasty* (Lower Eyelid) Slightly more complex, the procedure can take between 1-2 hours Incisions will be disguised under the eyelashes or inside the eye Often requires general anaesthetic More downtime than upper blepharoplasty, the exact amount depending on the individual patient**
Combined Blepharoplasty* (Upper and lower eyelid) Approximately 2 hours As above for each eyelid Usually requires general anaesthetic ** Same as above

*Eye Bag Removal can also be performed in a lower or combined procedure, helping to reduce any puffiness, without creating a hollowed out appearance
Blepharoplasty Before and After Photos:
To give you an indication of what blepharoplasty could achieve for you, please see below the striking outcomes achieved for some of our patients. You can also view more of our before and after blepharoplasty photos on our website.
lower blepharoplasty before and after photos blepharoplasty before and after photos blepharoplasty before and after pictures ukeyelid surgery before and after photo
Deborah’s Blepharoplasty Procedure:
Our patient, Deborah chose to undergo upper eyelid revision (upper blepharoplasty) with The Private Clinic. After tape started to be used to hold her upper eye area, at a regular beauty appointment, she realised she needed to correct it.
Post procedure, Deborah comments that she is ‘very pleased with the results’ from her blepharoplasty, and that people have commented she since looks well and fresh faced. Impressed with the downtime with the procedure, Deborah says the ‘recovery time was very good.’ She also ‘felt fine’ post-surgery and even went to work after briefly, ‘to do a few emails.’
Watch Deborah’s patient story video (below) to learn more about her experience of the procedure, recovery, aftercare and results:

Blepharoplasty Before and After Patient Testimonial Video

Why choose The Private Clinic?
We offer some of the most highly qualified and celebrated Consultant Reconstructive and Plastic surgeons in the industry, for our blepharoplasty procedures, many of whom have been recognised for the effectiveness and high precision of their work. All of our blepharoplasty surgeons specialise in or have specialist interests in facial surgery or blepharoplasty, and have extensive experience in the procedure.
To learn more about blepharoplasty treatments, see our website including useful information, further blepharoplasty before and after photos, the answers to useful FAQ’s, and more.
If you would like to arrange a blepharoplasty consultation, please call us on 0333 920 2471 or you can request a consultation via our website.  Our blepharoplasty consultations and procedures are available with the following expert Consultant Reconstructive and Plastic Surgeons, at their respective locations.