Breast Augmentation in your 50’s and 60’s
Breast augmentation is a procedure that has no age limit. It is just as suitable for someone aged 50+ as it is for someone in their 20s. Anyone of any age can achieve a great breast augmentation result.
Rejuvenate Breasts
For older women, they are often more concerned about age-related changes to their breasts.
As we age, many women experience loss of volume and tissue from the chest resulting in saggy boobs. As well as the ageing process, hormonal changes such as pregnancy and menopause can also attribute to boobs dropping.
A breast augmentation procedure can help to rejuvenate breasts by restoring fullness in the upper pole/section of the breast whilst adding more volume and shape to the overall breast.
Change in Breast Size
Ageing can cause breasts to appear smaller. Maybe you had breast implants when you were younger but now wish to change them for a different style or size.
Our surgeons are experts in providing you with options to help you achieve your desired goals from breast augmentation or breast implant replacement.
Am I suitable for Breast Augmentation in my 50s or 60s?
When it comes to approving someone’s suitability for breast surgery, we are not looking at age. Instead, we are looking at your health. There are some key criteria that you will need to meet before being approved for breast augmentation surgery.
- Patients should be in good overall health.
- Patients must not be smokers or agree to stop smoking in the weeks prior to and following their procedure.
- You will need to provide your medical history to rule out conditions such as cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.
- You will need to disclose any medication you are taking to ensure it will not interfere with your surgery.
- We may ask women over the age of 50 to have a recent mammogram prior to surgery.
A downside to breast augmentation, when you are over 50 or 60, is that your recovery may take a little more time than a younger person. Factors like smoking can suppress the body’s ability to regenerate injured tissue putting you even more at risk of slow healing and complications.
What to do if my boobs dropped?
Breast sagging is very normal and common, especially in older women.
When choosing to go ahead with a breast augmentation, you may have to consider the option of a combined breast uplift and enlargement procedure for sagging mature breasts.
A breast uplift procedure involves removing excess skin from the breast and often relocating the areola and nipple to a higher placement. The breast skin is then tightened resulting in a more uplifted appearance of the chest.
This procedure can be combined with breast implants to also help increase the size of the breast. Choosing an implant alone when your breasts are sagging, the weight of the implant can cause the breast to drop further which may not be the results that you desired.
Unfortunately, implants alone are not a solution for saggy breasts.
Breast Uplift with Enlargement Before and After Photos
See more breast uplift with enlargement results here.
Consider a Breast Uplift
If your main concern is the sagging of the breasts then a breast uplift alone may be a more preferred procedure.
A breast uplift works to remove excess skin from the breast and tightens the remaining skin to result in a more uplifted procedure.
A breast uplift is not designed to increase the size of the breast, but if you are just looking to achieve a more youthful shape to the breast then this may be an ideal option.
Breast Uplift Before and After Photos
See more Breast Uplift results here.
Breast Surgery and Mammograms
Getting a mammogram after breast surgery can be a concern for many older patients. Having a mammogram with breast implants is very safe. Many mammogram technicians will be familiar with the alternative techniques when performing a mammogram on a patient with breast implants. This will ensure that the implants do not interfere with the radiologist’s ability to detect any problems.
Breast implants should not rupture or become displaced following a mammogram. However, breast implants do have an overall shelf life of around 10 years. This does not mean that they need to be replaced, but as the implant becomes older over time the outer shell can become more prone to rupture. We recommend that you schedule regular check-up appointments with your plastic surgeon, especially if your implants are over 10 years old.
Patient Reviews
I can’t wait to see my new perkier breasts.
“I had a breast lift and augmentation on 6th May with Dario Rochira. I was naturally anxious that week leading up to my surgery, Lucy and Bernadette were at the end of the phone to answer any queries and were so easy to talk too. When I arrived at The Private Clinic in Fitzroy Square, I met my nurse who was so lovely and straight away put me at ease. I then met Dario again for the second time after my initial consultation. Dario’s energy was one of the reasons I choose him as my surgeon. He seemed very professional yet with a friendly, genuine manner, quite chilled, which I liked. My anaesthetist also put me completely at ease and was also very happy and friendly. I was most nervous about the anaesthetic as I had never been put under before. What I loved most about this whole team is how I felt so looked after what could have been a scary experience, they managed to turn into one of the most lovely experiences in my life. Literally, they felt like a lovely little family there to look after me and that’s just what they did. The anaesthetic was not a worry at all, I drifted off listening to my anaesthetist’s voice thinking of a beach and my daughter. What felt like seconds I woke up with a lovely new pair of boobs! Owen and another lovely nurse looked after me after surgery. I felt so at home there, the whole team were amazing. I’m only 4 days into my recovery, I haven’t seen my breasts properly yet but from what I can see they are amazing. Dario is a true artist. I am still blown away by how beautiful the whole experience was. My follow-up appointment in 3 days and I can’t wait to see my new perkier breasts. I completely left it up to Dario and I think he’s given me the breasts of my dreams already. Thank you so so much to all of you who made that day so special, and thank you so much Dario for transforming my very saggy, post-baby breasts into a work of art. I can’t wait to start wearing my clothes again more confidently.” – Amy, Previous Breast Uplift with Augmentation Patient
Wish I’d done it years ago
“I love the results after having a breast uplift. I’d always felt so self-conscious and it had affected my comfort and my relationships. Now I can go bra-less for the first time ever and love my new boobs. The only regret I have is that I didn’t have it done years ago. Dr Jallali made me feel in safe hands through the whole process.” – BB, Previous Breast Uplift Patient
Breast Surgery at The Private Clinic
- The Private Clinic has been treating patients for over 40 years with thousands of patients placing their trust in us each year.
- 24-hour patient helpline to ensure you are always in the best of hands.
- Comprehensive Patient Guides.
- Highly experienced Cosmetic Breast Surgeons who have decades of experience.
- Outstanding hospital facilities.
- As many post-operative care and appointments with your surgeon and nursing team as required.
- We believe that our experience and medical expertise will make your surgical journey a reassuring one.
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Expert Breast Surgeons
We have a team of breast surgery specialists working for us at The Private Clinic which includes;
- Mr Dario Rochira, BS, MD. GMC Number: 6130664
- Mr Maisam Fazel, MA(Cantab), MB BChir, MSEd, FRCS. GMC Number : 4767420
To find out more about breast uplift procedures or to book a consultation call 0333 920 2471 or book your breast lift consultation online.
Breast Implants after 50: What you should know – WebMD
What You Should Know About Breast Implants If You’re Over 40 – Cleveland Clinic