Breast Revision Surgery Options
Revisional breast surgery is surgical procedure that is carried out with the aim of improving the appearance of breasts that have already previously been operated on.
When you choose to have a surgical procedure whether it be on your breasts, or any part of your body, there are a number of risks that should be fully explained to you before you make your decision to go ahead with surgery.
Breast surgery in particular carries risks such as
- Asymmetry – Breast surgery can cause existing asymmetry to become more pronounced or in some cases asymmetry can occur following surgery.
- Scarring – All types of breast surgery will leave some form of scarring and the type of surgery you have will determine the location of your scar.
- Sagging – All breasts will sag over time which can alter the results of breast surgery. The weight of breast implants can sometimes make existing sagging more emphasized in which case your surgeon may recommend a combined uplift.
- Affects of Pregnancy / Breastfeeding – Lifestyle changes such as pregnancy and breastfeeding can cause the results of your breast surgery procedure to change. Find out more about breastfeeding and breast surgery here.
- Capsular Contraction (Breast Implants) – Capsular contracture is the most common complication with breast implants and can cause the implant (and breasts) to appear hard and deformed.
- Breast Implant Displacement – Breast implants can move after surgery and whilst slight changes may not be noticeable, excessive movement of the implant can cause breasts to appear deformed.
- Subjectivity of results – It is important to remember that the outcome of breast surgery can never be guaranteed, and the results of breast surgery can only be assessed subjectively.
If any of the above has resulted in you being unhappy with the results of your breast surgery procedure, then revision breast surgery may be an option.
Am I suitable for breast revision surgery?
Any patient who has previously had breast surgery may be suitable for breast revision surgery. Patients who have experienced a change in their breast size, shape or appearance are best placed for revisional breast surgery.
If the patient has recently had breast surgery, we do recommend waiting at least 6 months, but ideally a year before considering revision surgery. This is because it can take 12 months for breast tissue to settle, scarring to soften and your true results from surgery to show.
Certain types of breast revision may not be suitable for patients who have unrealistic expectations from surgery or patients who they feel are not getting revisional surgery for the right reasons. In these cases surgeons may refuse to proceed with further surgery until they feel comfortable that the patient understands what is to be expected from surgery or that the patient is undergoing surgery for their own reasons.
What type of breast revision surgery is there?
There are lots of types of breast revision surgery and which one is most suitable will depend on which previous surgery was performed, what issues are occurring and what the desired result is.
Breast Implant Revision / Removal and Replacement of Breast Implants
Breast Implant Exchange surgery involves removing implants from the breast and replacing them with different implants. The replacement implants may be of the same size, smaller, larger or of a different profile or shape to help the patient achieve their desired result. In some cases where patients may be experiencing animation deformity, the placement of implant may need to be changed from under to over for example. An experienced breast surgeon will be able to recommend the best implant replacement option.
Breast Implant Removal
In some cases, patients wish to remove their implants completely with no replacement. There are different variations of Breast Implant Removal procedures depending on if the implant was ruptured or if the capsule needs to be removed or not. An experienced breast surgeon will be able to explain which method is best suited to individual cases.
If patients are concerned about the appearance of their breasts after a breast implant removal procedure, then a Breast Auto Augmentation may be recommended which is a specialist breast reconstruction procedure that uses existing breast tissue to reshape and enhance the shape of the breasts following removal of an implant. Find out more here.
Breast Lift Revision
Breast uplift procedures are highly effective at reducing the appearance of breast ptosis and sagging. The effects of this procedure can be time limited however as breast surgery is not able to stop the natural process of ageing and lifestyle changes can also impact the results. In these cases, a mastopexy procedure may need to be performed again to reshape the breast tissue and move the nipple to a higher position.
In other cases such as breast implants causing sagging of the breasts over time, a combined breast uplift with breast implant replacement procedure may be recommended.
Breast Reduction Revision
Similar to breast uplift procedures, the results of breast reduction procedures can alter over time. A breast reduction procedure removes both glandular and fatty tissue from the breast, so regrowth is rare, but enlargement of the remaining glandular tissue can occur with lifestyle changes such as pregnancy and medication that can affect the way your body produces hormones. A secondary breast reduction procedure is possible, and this will be performed in the same way that your first procedure was.
Do I need to see my original surgeon for Breast Revision Surgery?
At The Private Clinic we have a team of expert breast surgeons who will always endeavour to meet patients’ realistic expectations from surgery. They are well informed to offer patients the best advice when it comes to breast revision surgery whether the surgery was originally performed by them or not. Ideally patients should contact their original surgeon if they are not happy with their results, but patients are free to choose a different surgeon if they feel more comfortable doing so. Where possible, patients should request their notes which covers the details of their previous surgical procedure so their new surgeon can make a more informed decision regarding their breast revision options.
Breast Surgeons at The Private Clinic
At The Private Clinic breast surgery is performed by some of the UK’s top consultant plastic surgeons who have decades of experience and specialist experience in breast surgery.
- Mr Davood Fallahdar, MD&Surg (Hons), FRCS (Eng), Chir Plast (Hons), MicroSurg (Hons), ORL (H&N) GMC Number: 4686602
- Ms Helena Antoniadou, MBBS, MD & Surg (Hons), FRCS (Eng). GMC Number: 3700956
- Mr Maisam Fazel, MA(Cantab), MB BChir, MSEd, FRCS. GMC Number : 4767420
- Mr Giuseppe Di Taranto, MD. GMC Number: 7614248
- Professor Sandip Hindocha, MD, MPhil, MBChB, MRCS, MFFLM, FRCS (Plast). GMC Number: 6122218
- Ms Rieka Taghizadeh, MBChb, MRCS (Glas), FRCS (Plast), GMC Number: 4743910
- Mr George Samouris, MD. GMC Number: 7064009
Breast Surgery at The Private Clinic
- Expert Cosmetic surgeons.
- Dedicated post-operative care and appointments with your surgeon and nursing team, including a 24-hour help line.
- We have state of the art hospital facilities.
- Giving you the best results and patient care is our priority we have a 5-star Trust Pilot rating.
- Locations in London Harley Street, Birmingham, and Northampton.
- See our Breast Enlargement before and after photos, FAQs and patient stories.
- See our Breast Uplift before and after photos, FAQs and patient stories.
- See our Breast Reduction before and after photos, FAQs and patient stories.
To find out more about breast revision surgery at The Private Clinic please call 0333 920 2471 or use our online breast surgery contact form.