Celebrity Hair Transplants
Hair transplants in the celebrity world are becoming more and more common with plenty of male stars admitting to having the treatment and sharing their stories.
Wayne Rooney Hair Transplant
‘Doing the Rooney’ referencing footballer Wayne Rooney, who publicly announced his hair transplant treatment back in 2011, he has since returned to Harley Street for a second treatment in 2013. See photos here.
From his initial announcement, plenty more male celebrities have followed suit, no longer feeling ashamed and openly admitting to having the treatment in order to boost their confidence.
Calum Best Hair Transplant
Calum Best is another male celebrity who is not ashamed of letting everyone know about his procedures. He recently had a third hair transplant in 2015 before his Celebrity Big Brother appearance. The son of footballing legend George Best has said:
“It was nature’s plan was for me to have thin and patchy hair across the top of my scalp. But the great thing is, we don’t have to follow nature’s plan. Hair transplant technology has improved so much in the last five years and I have been able to keep hold of all my hair and wear it in my the same way as I did when I was in my teens.”
Gordon Ramsey Hair Transplant
But hair transplants go further than the footballing world, celebrity chef Gordon Ramsey has also admitted to having treatment after suffering from an allergic reaction to the anaesthetic. This left him with a swollen face shortly after, which can be common with FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) so it is always important to discuss any allergies with your surgeon before-hand. Ramsey has also since gone on to have a reported second procedure which left him sporting an unusual hairstyle one evening, a tell-tale sign of FUE. See photos here.
James Nesbitt Hair Transplant
Actor James Nesbitt has become an advocate for hair transplants. Speaking in a promotional video he states how losing his hair was not only a concern but it soon became an addiction. Being in the public eye made him more aware of his hair loss issues. He goes on to say how he has chosen to use his positive experience of surgery to help others considering hair restoration treatment and the importance of doing your research and finding the best clinic and surgeon that will make you feel confident with your decision. See photos here.
Louie Walsh Hair Transplant
Louie Walsh had a hair transplant just ahead of his 59th birthday and was flooded with well-wishers telling him how young he looked in the months following his procedure. He described the process of getting a hair transplant as maintenance. Speaking to the press fifteen months later, he commented on how his hair is thicker than ever and whilst it wasn’t cheap, it was money well spent. See photos here.
“But if you’re on TV, and especially when you’re in high definition, you want to look good. Show business is an ageist business whether we like it or not. Facing the nation week in week out with Gary, Nicole and Tulisa all looking great, you don’t want to look like the old guy at the end.”
Jason Gardiner Hair Transplant
Australian choreographer and Dancing on Ice judge, Jason Gardiner has gone through his hair restoration treatment in the public eye also. Gardiner previously admitted in 2007 to having intense laser treatments and a hair transplant which involved using donor hair to be placed onto his head, a treatment which he said did not work and since that point decided to accept the fact that he was losing his hair. Used to seeing Gardiner in his trademark caps it was a surprise for him to reveal on TV during an episode of Dancing on Ice in 2011 that he had a head full of hair once more!
It has since emerged that Jason Gardiner went through with a hair transplant procedure called ‘Follicular Unit Transplantation’ but it was 9 months of secrecy before he revealed his new do to the public due to the time it takes for new hair to grow following the procedure. See photos here.
James Brown
TV personality and stylist to the stars, James Brown, has become the latest celebrity to publicly admit to having undergone a hair transplant procedure to hide his thinning hairline.
James, 43, first noticed that his hair was thinning over 20 years ago.
The British hair stylist says of his decision: ‘I was 24, I was in Miami and my hair got wet. When I looked in the mirror I noticed my hair was going on the top. What saved me is that I have curly hair so you couldn’t really notice it. Over the years, the problem predictably got worse’.
Hair Loss is a daunting topic for many people and can often be the cause of deteriorating self-confidence. At the age of 24, it could be that James was a suitable candidate for a course of medication, to ‘hold’ the thinning of hair and reduce the rate of future hair loss.
Alan Halsall Hair Transplant
Recent headlines feature Coronation Street star Alan Halsall who previously had a hair transplant in 2016. He had his second hair transplant treatment in March 2019. Alan Halsall grew increasingly self-conscious about his thinning hair before he finally decided to have a hair transplant procedure. He now states that having a hair transplant has given him more confidence and that people have it done all the time – it’s not something to be ashamed of.
Jack P Shepherd Hair Transplant
Jack P Shepherd who also appears on Coronation Street as David Platt very openly had an FUE Hair Transplant procedure after he began to notice a big change in the shape and fullness of his hairline.
“I remember seeing myself on screen and thinking: ‘Oh my God, it is really falling out.” – Jack P Shepherd
Jack had 3,000 hairs transplanted into the front of his hairline in December 2018 and has since had a second procedure in 2019 a year after his first procedure. Recent photos have showed him with a much fuller and thicker hairline.
“I really hope that this will fix the problem for good because, as an actor, it is vital that I keep hold of my hair”
Rafa Nadal Hair Transplant
Tennis superstar Rafa Nadal was once known for having an impressive head of hair but back in 2016 he underwent a hair transplant procedure after noticing thinning especially around the crown which proves that no one is immune to hair loss.
Anton du Beke Hair Transplant
Anton du Beke is one of the most recent celebrities to discuss the hair transplant procedure that he had back in 2017. The Professional ballroom dancer, Latin dancer and television presenter had previously felt unhappy with his hair loss. After speaking to James Nesbitt about his hair transplant experience he finally decided to go ahead with the procedure.
“I feel 25 again. It’s given me so much more confidence when appearing on television or having my picture taken.” – Anton du Beke
Greg Shepherd Hair Transplant
Reality TV star, Greg Shepherd has been very open about his hair transplant experience. He has been sharing his journey for his TV series Family Diaries. This is a documentary show that also features his wife Billie Faiers from The Only Way is Essex.
When Greg shaved his head for charity back in 2019, his areas of balding and hair loss became more prominent.
“I recently had to shave my head for a charity event and realised I was going bald. It took a lot longer for the hair, on the top of my head, to grow back!”
He decided to have a hair transplant with the aim of restoring his hair loss and increasing the density of his hair.
He has since been praised for being so open about his procedure. He has helped make other men feel less ashamed about hair loss and more confident to enquire about hair loss treatments.
Scott Robinson Hair Transplant
Scott Robinson from former 90s boyband 5ive has revealed he has undergone a hair transplant and claims it will change his life for the better.
“So I’m 44-years-old, I’m 45 in November, and I’ve been sort of receding and I’ve been blagging it, covering it a little bit. And this is the bit I hate because, I’m going to document it, but look, I cover it, but I am receding quite a lot. It’s been getting me down, so I’m doing something about it”.
Scott has been providing regular updates on his Hair Transplant recovery showing his regrowth and new hairline.
“I couldn’t be happier with the results, I’m not even joking when I say that this will actually change my life”
Kyle Christie Hair Transplant
Geordie Shore star Kyle Christie is a surprisingly young star to undergo a hair transplant at the age of 24. Hair transplant specialists at The Private Clinic have said that it is not uncommon for men to get the treatment at his age, particularly if hair loss is hereditary. See photos here.
Joshua Sassee Hair Transplant
In the press most recently is actor Joshua Sasse, as he’s been sporting an array of elaborate hats and scarves in an attempt to cover up his recovering scalp perhaps. Looking at before images you may not instantly recognise him as being an obvious candidate for the procedure but as mentioned by James Nesbitt previously, any type of hair loss or thinning for men can not only be a concern, but it can become an addiction and can affect anyone’s confidence significantly. See photos here.
Rob Holding Hair Transplant
Rob Holding had a FUE Hair Transplant procedure after experiencing male pattern baldness in his late 20s. The hair loss he experienced was starting to become noticeable and was affecting his self-confidence. Since having a hair transplant procedure, a year later he is showcasing a full head of hair and new hairline which has dramatically improved his mental health. See photos here.
Boy George Hair Transplant
Whilst taking part in ‘Im a celebrity get me out of here’ in 2022, Boy George shared with his camp mates that he had a hair transplant after being inspired by Wayne Rooney’s results. See photos here.
“Do you know what made me do it? Wayne Rooney. I saw his hair and thought, I can actually get my hair done.”
Wayne Bridge Hair Transplant
Wayne Bridge, a former Premier League footballer, has confirmed that he got a hair transplant to help “boost his confidence”. He had more than 4,000 hairs implanted into the thinning areas of his scalp using a DHI technique.
He said;
“I had the hair transplant because I wanted to boost my confidence. I have been suffering from hair loss since my mid-30s and I just felt it would give me a bit of a boost to get it sorted. So many men are getting help with their hair and it is really no big deal. I told Frankie what I was doing and she was really supportive. She said ‘go for it’ and supports anything that makes me feel better about myself.”
When talking about the treatment process, he said that he liked the fact that he did not have to shave his entire head, there was very little disturbance to the scalp and the final results are completely natural.
The downtime following his procedure was minimal and he was able to return to his everyday activities quickly.
Dean McCullough Hair Transplant
BBC Radio 1 DJ and now I’m a Celebrity 2024 star, Dean McCullough has openly shared his Hair Transplant journey that he underwent in April. Dean underwent a partially shaved hair transplant procedure to restore his hairline. Sharing updates on his social media stories – he showed the highs and lows of recovering from a Hair Transplant procedure and was surprised to reveal how good his results were looking just a few months following his procedure – just in time for his I’m a Celeb appearance!
“5 months post hair transplant and I can’t believe these results. I’ve been following my aftercare plan, taking biotin, using 100% natural hair oils & having PRP to give my transplant the best chance of success. I wasn’t expecting this growth until around Jan/Feb time.”
Hair Transplant Procedures – What to expect
Of course, just because you may not be a budding Hollywood actor, sports star or TV personality doesn’t mean you are any less of a candidate for a hair transplant procedure. However, reading these celebrity stories does give you some points to consider before going ahead with treatment;
- You may need more than one treatment.
- It is a surgical procedure and not a decision to make lightly.
- You must do your research.
- You may have to shave your head or sport a slightly different hairstyle for some time afterwards.
- Do not expect instant results.
- Do not be ashamed of considering treatment if you are young. Speak to a specialist who will be able to advise you on your best options to reduce hair loss going forward which may not require surgical treatment.
- Have a good collection of hats and headgear for post-surgery recovery.
Novelty hats aside, a hair transplant is a serious procedure and you must do your research into the different types of treatments and see as many specialists as you can to get the best idea of what you will be able to achieve.
FUE Hair Transplant Before and After Photos
See more FUE Hair Transplant before and after results here.
What is a hair transplant?
A hair transplant is a procedure where healthy, strong hair follicles are taken from the back of the head and transplanted into areas of the scalp that are thinning or balding. It can be performed on men and women for different reasons and requires considerable expertise so always check the surgeon’s credentials.
There are two major types of hair transplants.
FUE Hair Transplant
The Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method takes individual hair follicles from a donor area (typically the back or sides of the head) to the ‘problem’ area. The purpose is to restore hair to areas of the scalp that are thinning or balding. A tiny, circular incision is made around each follicle, leaving very little or no scarring; these are not visible to the naked eye. The hair follicle is then prepared and implanted into the specified area, where it takes up to a year to fully establish itself. There is minimal downtime, it is performed under local anaesthetic and recovery is minimal.
FUT Hair Transplant
The Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) method, in contrast, cuts a strip of skin and hair from the back or side of the head. The hair follicles are then dissected and implanted into the balding or thinning area of the scalp. The FUT method leaves a linear scar at the donor site and requires a lengthy postoperative schedule and aftercare regime for the patient. Its advantage is that it’s typically cheaper and quicker to perform.
How long does a Hair Transplant take?
We only offer the FUE method of hair transplants. For many patients, a day at our clinic is necessary; some patients require a second day of treatment for an extensive procedure. The FUT method is much quicker but requires hourly care for 2 days after the procedure and weeks of postoperative recovery.
Is a Hair Transplant permanent?
Hair Transplant procedures are permanent however, they do not stop hair loss. So over time, the results are likely to change. Only strong, healthy hair follicles are harvested from the strongest, densest areas of hair. The surgeon’s expertise is especially important here. They need to discuss with you the results and help you manage your expectations. Find out more about what to expect 10 years after your hair transplant here.
I have Afro hair and I find it hard to find clinics that have the specialism.
Treating Afro hair requires specific experience and expertise. We recommend asking clinics for demonstrable experience. Here at The Private Clinic, we’re one of a small number of clinics that can help Afro hair successfully.
How much does a Hair Transplant cost?
Cost should not be the defining factor for any cosmetic treatment or procedure. Expertise requires constant topping up of skills and knowledge, which is why this is reflected in the prices at some clinics. Hair transplants are typically priced per hair transplanted so the price varies considerably for individuals. We charge £2.50 per hair follicle, for someone with a moderate amount of hair loss, the procedure may be around £6,000-8,000. For more extensive procedures, the costs will increase considerably. Find out more about the cost of hair transplant procedures here.
Is a Hair Transplant painful?
You can read our testimonials on our website for real-life accounts of having the procedure done. From our experience, patients are usually happily chatting during the procedure. Local anaesthetic is used during the procedure which may initially sting, but shortly after you should not be able to feel any pain. Our expert surgeons will ensure that you are feeling comfortable throughout your procedure. Some discomfort may be felt following your hair transplant procedure once the local anaesthetic has worn off. Patients are provided with painkillers and medication to help with this.
Is there anything else apart from a hair transplant that will work?
There is nothing to regain areas of lost hair at the moment but you can use medication such as Minoxidil or Finasteride to reduce any further hair loss.
At our clinic, we also specialise in alternative hair loss treatments including non-surgical hair loss treatment, scalp micropigmentation, mesotherapy and calecim hair loss treatment.
Hair Restoration at The Private Clinic
The Private Clinic of Harley Street offers the latest and most advanced FUE Hair Transplant procedures available, including hair transplants to the face and eyebrows.
- Highly experienced Hair Transplant Surgeons who have decades of experience and have carried out thousands of hair transplants.
- The Private Clinic prides itself on ensuring you have the best quality and most comprehensive care.
- FUE is a minimally invasive treatment meaning there is no cutting of a strip.
- The procedure is carried out under local anaesthetic, many patients either watch TV, or even fall asleep during the procedure.
- You won’t require any stitches after your treatment. This means that the recovery time is also reduced when compared to the Strip surgery (FUT). Find out more about hair transplant recovery here.
- We use the finest instruments, resulting in as minimal trauma to your scalp as possible.
- Following treatment, there will be no linear scarring across the back of your head as seen with the strip method (FUT) – you’ll be free to wear your hair long or short.
- We choose the best follicular unit (a group of hairs); this ensures that only the strongest, healthiest grafts are used for your hair transplant procedure.
- Your results will look natural, with denser packing – the hair is implanted in the direction that matches your hair growth, and because we select healthy follicular units, the treated area will look densely filled.
- Our surgeons are the only surgeons in the UK offering the Unshaven Hair Transplant (U-FUE) (the long-hair hair transplant), to those who prefer not to shave beforehand. At your consultation, we will be able to advise you on whether an unshaven procedure is suitable for you.
- Scars resulting from injuries or previous surgeries can also be corrected. This could be a previous bad hair transplant or we can cover linear scars caused by FUT hair transplants.
- 24 hour patient helpline to ensure you are always in the best of hands.
- As many post-operative care and appointments with your Hair Transplant surgeon and nursing team as required.
- Comprehensive patient information, every step of the way.
- Outstanding clinic facilities.
Helpful Links
Our excellent reputation for patient safety and satisfaction, honest advice and outstanding care means your journey with The Private Clinic will be an exciting experience to a new hairline
- View our gallery of FUE Hair Transplant before and after results here.
- Hear from previous hair transplant patients by reading their stories here.
- Read our extensive Hair Transplant FAQs
Our specialist hair transplant surgeons
- Mr Michael Mouzakis, MD, MSc. GMC Number: 7237640
- Dr Luca de Fazio, MD, BSc, Msc. GMC Number: 7095123
We also have a team of advanced Hair Loss Experts who can offer expert advice and non-surgical treatments for Hair Loss & Thinning, even if a transplant isn’t going to be the right solution for you.
Where can I have a hair transplant?
Hair Transplant treatment consultations are available at our clinics in London Harley Street, Birmingham, and Northampton.
To find out more about FUE Hair Transplants call 0333 920 2471 or use our hair transplant online contact form.