CoolSculpting for your Love Handles

One of the most common areas of the body that we treat with CoolSculpting is love handles. These accumulated pockets of fat at the sides and back of your stomach area are famously difficult to remove. Even if you exercise regularly, you may still find it difficult to shift these fat bulges from your waistline. We see many healthy patients who undergo regular workouts, but who still cannot manage to fight their flank fat.

Thankfully, CoolSculpting has emerged as the go-to technique to successfully target love handles without surgery, gym sessions or downtime.

What is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting, also known as Fat Freezing or Cryolipolysis is an FDA-approved non-surgical method to eliminate unwanted body fat. Developed at Harvard University, it involves freezing fat cells to break them down and permanently remove them. It has been clinically proven to reduce fat cells by up to 24% across a range of treatment areas.
It was designed to reduce stubborn areas of body fat like love handles. Thanks to its completely non-invasive design, patients can experience game-changing body sculpting effects with zero downtime and maximum results. Perhaps this is why the procedure is known as freeze lipo or cool liposuction. It offers the same clinically proven fat removal benefits of surgical liposuction, but without any associated risks.

CoolSculpting for Love Handles

‘Love handles’ is another name for fat that can build at the sides of a person’s waist, or flanks. CoolSculpting targets love handles effectively as it is difficult to spot-target flanks with weight-loss programmes. Many patients report that despite performing crunches and cardio routines, the fat on their ‘muffin tops’ is very challenging to clear.
However, with CoolSculpting, each flank can be targeted with a fat-freezing applicator so that fat reduction is strategically focused. This allows patients to sculpt their love handles with greater precision and efficiency.

How does CoolSculpting work on love handles?

CoolSculpting works to freeze away the subcutaneous fat tissues located on the hips. This type of fat is the soft and malleable kind that sits just below the skin’s surface. It is easily dissolved with the fat freezing treatment as it breaks down at a higher temperature than the skin that surrounds it. This allows the CoolSculpting practitioner to safely isolate and treat the fat cells alone while leaving surrounding healthy tissues free from damage.

Once the fat in the love handles has been cooled, it crystallises before shrinking and breaking down. The body then naturally dispels of the destroyed fat cells through standard metabolic processes, allowing patients to trim their muffin tops quickly and effectively with proven results. Recent studies have verified this by confirming that on average, individuals can lose between 20%-25% of subcutaneous fat cells in their love handle zones after just one CoolSculpting treatment.

Am I a good candidate for Love Handles CoolSculpting?

Ideal CoolSculpting patients are those who lead a relatively healthy lifestyle. If you eat healthily, exercise regularly and are near your goal weight, then you are likely to benefit most from a love handles fat freezing treatment. If you are excessively overweight, then the impacts of fat reduction are harder to ascertain visually. But if you only need to trim the shape of your love handles, then CoolSculpting will radically enhance your look.

The CoolSculpting Love Handles treatment explained

During a standard CoolSculpting treatment, a gel-like pad is laid across the love handles to protect and lubricate the area, before the CoolSculpting machine crystallises and kills the fat cells. Once the treatment has taken place, patients can return to their normal activities immediately. In as little as 35 minutes, unwanted fat pockets are destroyed, and patients can carry on with their day without any downtime.

What are the Benefits of CoolSculpting?

  • FDA Approved Treatment for Fat Loss.
  • 17 million CoolSculpting treatments performed worldwide.
  • Minimal discomfort with no anaesthesia required.
  • No surgery, no needles and little to no downtime.
  • A clinically proven method of fat loss with up to 27% reduction in fat cells.
  • Targets specific fatty areas of concern.
  • Noticeable results within 8-12 weeks.
  • Treated fat cells are permanently destroyed.
  • Natural-looking results.
  • Book a free consultation at our CoolSculpting clinics to find out more

CoolSculpting Love Handles Results/ Before and After Photos

Visible results from the CoolSculpting treatment show from 4-6 weeks post-treatment. It is not an instant result, as it takes the body some time to fully dissolve and dispose of the shrivelled fat. The best results are therefore tangible after 14-16 weeks, once most of the fat cells have dispersed.

You will notice a marked reduction in the shape and size of your love handle bulges at this point and will be able to witness a more smoothly contoured shape across your flanks. Patients have often reported feeling much more confident about their body image and how much easier it is to fit into their favourite pair of trousers of jeans.

CoolSculpting’s best benefit is its permanent fat removal results. As long as you stick to a healthy lifestyle after treatment, fat won’t return and you will have the pleasure of enjoying CoolSculpting’s fat freezing benefits on a long-term basis.

Discover how patients at The Private Clinic have frozen away their muffin tops in our CoolSculpting love handles before and after photos below.
Coolsculpting flanks male before and after photos
Coolsculpting love handles bra fat women before and after photos

CoolSculpting Love Handles Reviews

Why freeze love handles with The Private Clinic?

  • Here at The Private Clinic, we are a multi-award-winning provider of cosmetic treatments.
  • With over 40 years’ of experience in advanced body contouring and liposuction procedures, fat removal is our speciality.
  • We see over 15,000 new patients every year.
  • We are proud to have one of the highest patient satisfaction rates in the industry, thanks to our ‘Excellent’ Trustpilot service rating.
  • Over 17 million patients have benefited from CoolSculpting treatments so far across the globe, showing how popular the treatment is for fat removal.
  • As a leader in the field, we offer a world-class fat freezing service with patient care and quality results at the forefront of what we do.
  • 98% of our patients would recommend us to their friends and family.

Useful Links

Book a Free CoolSculpting Consultation

Free consultations are available at our CoolSculpting clinics in:

We also have clinics in; London and Buckinghamshire.

To find out more about CoolSculpting treatments, please call 0333 920 2471 or use our CoolSculpting online contact form.

If you would like to find out more about our CoolSculpting love handle treatments, please call us on 0333 920 2471, or use our CoolSculpting online contact form.