Demand for Anti-ageing Cosmetic Treatments Soars in the UK
Recently published figures from BAAPS (British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons) show a 0.2% increase in the UK over the last 12 months. Plastic Surgery procedures as a whole saw double-digit increases in 2012, with Facial Rejuvenation treatments (Eyelid surgery and Brow lifts) and Fat Transfer procedures, experiencing the largest growth.
Despite growing concerns around the PIP Breast Implants scandal, Boob Jobs have still remained the most popular cosmetic treatment in the UK, with 9,843 procedures having taken place in 2012.
The top performing Facial age-defying treatments for women in 2012 were:
• Eyelid Surgery
• Face/Neck Lifts
• Brow Lifts
Popular surgical treatments amongst men included:
• Rhinoplasty
• Eyelid Surgery
• Breast Reduction
Similar to the top ranking female procedures, Face/Neck lifts, Fat Transfer and Brow lifts saw the highest increases in male procedures.
Along with growing popularity of anti-ageing treatments, figures show that people are looking for more natural and non-surgical treatments – with Fat Transfer procedures, which we are specialists in, having seen a massive 14% increase.
The number of men and women transferring fat from one body part, such as thighs, buttocks or abdomen, to areas that have lost volume through ageing, such as the face or hands, has become increasingly popular. Fat Transfer offers a natural, long-term, volume enhancing solution, which ends up being more economical and safer than synthetic fillers.
Read more about it here.