How much does Gynecomastia surgery cost UK?
Gynecomastia / Gynaecomastia is a medical condition that causes prominent breasts in men. The severity of gynecomastia can vary from person to person with some men experiencing a small amount of excess tissue around the nipple whereas other men can develop a lot more excess breast tissue and may also notice their areolas appear more domed.
What causes Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is caused by a hormonal imbalance between testosterone and estrogen. There are other factors that can contribute to men developing gynecomastia which include:
- Puberty – Gynecomastia is a common symptom of puberty in males, in most cases, this will resolve after a few years and hormone levels have settled again.
- Age – As you age, your testosterone levels drop which is why gynecomastia may not occur until later on in life.
- Health – Certain health conditions such as liver failure, kidney failure, malnutrition, hyperthyroidism, and trauma to the testes can cause a change in testosterone and estrogen.
- Weight – A high body fat percentage can cause fat to store in the chest area which can make gynecomastia more noticeable.
- Medication – Some cases of gynecomastia are caused by drugs or medication such as alcohol, steroids, HIV medication, amphetamines, heroin, methadone, antipsychotic medication, and antihypertension medication.
Can I get gynecomastia treatment on the NHS?
If your gynecomastia requires treatment, you may be shocked to find out that in most cases, gyno surgery is not covered by the NHS as it is considered low clinical priority and therefore is not routinely funded by the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).
In rare cases the NHS may offer your gynecomastia surgery if you;
- have had gynecomastia for a long time.
- have not responded to other treatments.
- are experiencing considerable pain or distress due to the condition. [1]
One of the most reliable ways to get treatment for gynecomastia is to self-fund gyno surgery with a private health company. All private health clinics should offer patients consultations with a surgeon who specalises in male chest reduction or gynecomastia. They will be able to help diagnose you and assess which type of treatment will give you the best result.
How much does male chest reduction cost in the UK?
The cost of gyno surgery, also known as male breast reduction or male chest reduction, can vary across the UK depending on the clinic, surgeons, and type of procedure.
At The Private Clinic, Male Chest Reduction Liposuction starts from £5,950 and Gynecomastia Surgical Excision starts from £6,380. Once you have had a consultation with one of our expert surgeons, a more accurate quote can be provided based on your personalised treatment recommendations.
Book a consultation to find out how we can help.
What does gynecomastia surgery involve?
Surgery for Gynecomastia involves reducing the prominence of the male chest. The severity of the gynecomastia will determine which surgical technique is used.
In most cases, vaser liposuction under local anaesthetic is used to remove excess fatty tissue from the male chest.
If the patient’s gynecomastia is caused due to excessive glandular tissue, then this will need to be surgically removed under general anaesthetic through an incision around the areola.
Benefits of gynecomastia surgery
The benefit of male chest reduction surgery is having a firmer upper chest and a more masculine appearance. Many men felt self-conscious when wearing tighter clothing or going swimming and these fears were relieved post-surgery.
Gynecomastia surgery at The Private Clinic
By coming to The Private Clinic for your chest reduction procedure you can rest assured you are in the best possible hands and that you will get the results you were hoping for. We have carried out thousands of procedures
- Consultation with expert specialist surgeons who are very experienced in male chest reduction and gynecomastia.
- 24 hour patient helpline meaning we are only ever a phone call away should you feel the need to contact us.
- As many post-operative care and appointments with your surgeon, doctor and nursing team as required.
- Outstanding hospital and clinic facilities.
- Competitively priced for our expertise and experience.
- Comprehensive patient information, every step of the way.
- Our excellent reputation for patient safety and satisfaction, honest advice and outstanding care means your journey with The Private Clinic will be a premium experience.
Expert Male Chest Reduction Surgeons
- Mr Dario Rochira, BS, MD. GMC Number: 6130664
- Mr William Van Niekerk, MB ChB, MSc, MRCS, FRCS (Plast), FCMI, RAF (qs). GMC Number: 4362791
- Mr Navid Jallali, BSc, MB ChB (Hons), MD FRCS (Plast). GMC Number: 4404969
- Mr Michael Mouzakis, MD, MSc. GMC Number: 7237640
- Ms Helena Antoniadou, MBBS, MD & Surg (Hons), FRCS (Eng). GMC Number: 3700956
- Mr Maisam Fazel, MA(Cantab), MB BChir, MSEd, FRCS. GMC Number : 4767420
- Professor Sandip Hindocha, MD, MPhil, MBChB, MRCS, MFFLM, FRCS (Plast). GMC Number: 6122218
Helpful Links
- See our gallery of gyno surgery before and after photos here.
- Read our extensive FAQs here
- Hear from previous patients in our patient stories
- At The Private Clinic, we work with our partnered finance provider ‘Chrysalis Finance’ to offer 0% finance* to our patients. Get in touch to find out more.
Get in touch
If you would like to arrange a consultation with one of our renowned specialists, please call us on 0333 920 2471 or use our online contact form.