How to get rid of moobs?
The appearance of man boobs affects around 15% of adult men in the UK and is caused when excess fat develops in a man’s breast area.
Moobs are most often caused by a condition known as gynecomastia. This is when there is an increase in the amount of breast gland tissue growth which is caused by an imbalance of the hormones estrogen and testosterone.
In other cases, moobs are caused by pseudogynecomastia which is a result of excess stubborn male chest fat that is often hard to reduce with diet and exercise alone.
How to get rid of moobs?
There are lots of ways that can help to reduce the appearance of moobs including;
- Chest exercises
- Diet
- Reduce alcohol consumption
- Avoid any illegal drugs
But as with many of the patients we see in our clinics, if you have true gynecomastia – these are often not enough to completely reduce the appearance of moobs. In this case, we have a variety of procedures to help you achieve the male chest you have been looking for.
Vaser Liposuction for Male Chest Reduction
Vaser Liposuction is very effective on providing a male chest reduction procedure for men who are suffering from gynaecomastia or man boobs. It is a much less invasive option than surgical removal but can provide instant and effective results in the majority of cases.
MicroLipo for Male Chest Reduction
Microlipo uses a Microcannula Technique which is also ideal for male breast reduction. Cannulas less than 3 mm in diameter are used to remove the fat, which means there is less risk of irregularities and depressions in the skin compared to regular liposuction.
Surgical Liposuction for Male Chest Reduction
If you have pseudogynecomastia then you are most likely well-suited for treatment with liposuction alone. There will be minimal excess skin following treatment, and this will proceed to shrink after surgery and re-shape over the pectoralis muscles during the healing process.
Surgical liposuction is more invasive procedure than Vaser Lipo and MicroLipo, but it is the best option for those who have a large amount of fat to be extracted. Surgical liposuction is performed under general anaesthetic and you may be required to stay overnight.
Surgical Removal for Male Chest Reduction
If you have gynecomastia then as well as the removal of excess fat, you may also need to have the glandular tissue surgically removed from the chest area to stop the appearance of moobs from reoccurring. This is performed as a small surgical procedure at the same time as your vaser lipo, micro lipo or surgical liposuction treatment.
How much does pseudogynecomastia or gynecomastia surgery cost?
Prices for male chest reduction start from £6,380. You will be given an accurate quote following your consultation.
The doctor’s experience and advanced liposuction techniques are key things required to achieve the desired results from male chest reduction surgery.
The Private Clinic have performed the highest number of minimally invasive liposuction treatments in the UK. We were the first to introduce VASER and VASER High definition to the UK, as such our doctors have unmatched experience when it comes to body contouring.
Safety is our number one priority. Make sure to go to a qualified and highly experienced doctor to avoid disappointment.
Male Chest Reduction Finance
At The Private Clinic, we work with our partnered finance provider ‘Chrysalis Finance’ to offer 0% finance* to our patients. Get in touch to find out more.
Get in touch
To find out more about male chest reduction please call 0333 920 2471 or use our online contact form.