Is technology ageing us quicker?


Tech neck is a term that’s been popping up in the media recently. It suggests our love of technology is causing us aesthetic problems. But is it actually real? And what can you do to reverse it?  
tech neck blackberry wrinkles reality or fake treatments
Recent statistics suggest that the average 18-39 year old with three digital devices or more can look at a screen up to 150 times a day. There are constantly articles pertaining as to how this affects our social life but now, it seems, our dependence on digital is also ageing us quicker too.
Various experts have been offering their opinions on the effect technology can have on our skin and face, suggesting that constant neck bending to look at screens encourages sagging skin, drooping jowls and even creases above the collarbone.  It’s very unlikely we’re all going to put our phones and tablets down to brave the morning commute alone, so what can be done to address the dreaded creases?
We have seen a huge rise in people turning to non-invasive treatments to address the problem. Every week we are visited by patients hoping to erase the neck creases they’ve developed as a result of spending so much time on devices like iPhones and Kindles.
The lower face (a prominent stomping ground for technology related aesthetic tantrums), is notoriously difficult to target through cosmetic products alone. One particularly popular treatment is the non-surgical Thread Lift (also known as Silhouette Soft or ‘puppet’ face lift)  which uses extremely fine, biodegradable sutures to lift sagging areas of skin and encourage collagen production without the need for incisions. Likewise non-invasive skin tightening treatments like Thermage are becoming increasingly popular, requiring no downtime and virtually painless methods to achieve their results. Wrinkle injections are a popular favourite to target fine lines and creases, while Dermal Fillers can help restore volume to hollow areas. One innovative treatment uses fillers in key positions of the face to lift and rejuvenate without surgery – known as the 8 Point Lift, the treatment is extremely specialised and normally only performed by professionals with extensive experience.

Before and after Non-Surgical Threadlift
Before and after Non-Surgical Threadlift

Walk-in walk-out methods like the above require no incisions or real downtime, making them extremely popular with those experiencing early signs of ageing. However they aren’t always suitable for everyone and more severe cases may require surgery. Facelifts and Necklifts can get rid of excess skin and fat around the area using incisions behind and in front of the ears to avoid scarring. However surgery should always be something you take your time to consider – we’d recommend speaking to non-surgical experts as well as plastic surgeons to ensure you understand exactly what your options are, and that the way you’ve chosen is the best one for you.
Tech Neck, Blackberry Botox, Smartphone Face…whatever you want to call it, more of us are becoming concerned about the effect our obsession with technology has on us aesthetically. Not everyone requires treatment and we’d always recommend considering a good exercise and skincare regime before anything else. However, if you are concerned about the area and feel products alone can’t help your concerns, make sure you only ever work with established professionals – your face and body are too important to trust anyone but the best.

The Private Clinic

We have clinics located across the country in London Harley StreetBirminghamBristolBuckinghamshire, Leeds, Manchester and Northampton.
From facials and peels to reinvigorate the skin, to more long-lasting surgical options – we’ll only ever go ahead with a treatment if it’s right for you. Over 40 years of Harley Street excellence is behind us and some of the UK’s most respected aesthetic experts are by our side – our only aim is your satisfaction and achieving the most suitable outcome for you.
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To book a consultation to find out more about the treatments we offer, please call 0333 920 2471 or use our online contact form to get booked in at a clinic local to you.