Is Snoring Bad for Relationships? Why You Should Stop Snoring


Over the past week the news has heavily featured a story about what effects poor sleep can have on your body. Research, published in the journal PNAS, has found that sleeping less than six hours a night disrupts more than 700 genes, including those responsible for metabolism, the immune system and the body’s way of responding to stress.
Professor Derk-Jan Dijk, director of the Surrey Sleep Research Centre at Surrey University, who led the study. “It’s an indication that sleep disruption or sleep restriction is doing more than just making you tired.”
Your biological clock is significantly impacted if you’re not getting enough or the right kind of sleep. The metabolism affects conditions like diabetes and your ability to simply drive a car is impaired with chronic lack of sleep. With treatments available, snoring should not be a factor in keeping you awake or disrupting your sleep.
Our very own Professor Yves Kamami, ENT Surgeon, explains further:
“Sleep deprivation can be caused by snoring and/or sleep apnea. This can result in the body being unable to replenish and replace new cells, leading to degenerative diseases. Snoring and sleep apnoea, causing a reduction in oxygen during the night, frequently leads to sleep fragmentation and tiredness in the morning. So with a better quality of sleep, you can also expect to reduce the risk of diseases caused by a lack of sleep and/or a poor sleep.”
Snoring in the UK
Snoring is affecting a lot of people in the UK. According to the British Snoring & Sleep Apnoea Association, 41.5% of the UK adult population snore. Snoring is not good for you. A team from the University of Detroit last month linked snoring to heart disease. Alcohol intake and obesity are widely-known contributing factors, which can both be mitigated and reduced. What isn’t so clear is how to effectively stop snoring and why you should. Snoring can have a dramatic effect on the quality of a relationship.
One couple, featured in the press recently, described how snoring was affecting their relationship. Doreen, 72, from Lancashire, began to sleep in the next room but as she describes, “I had ear plugs and pressed my ears in. Neville had nose strips, but nothing worked…I didn’t know what to do. I’d kick him and bang on the wall.” The couple soon split but after a procedure at The Private Clinic they are now back happily together, minus the snoring.
Return on Investment
“Enduring Love? Couple relationships in the 21st century” – an Open University research project has found snoring ranked high as a source of irritation for many of the participants. The project also found that many accepted snoring as part of a modern relationship. The project reported that saying ‘thank you’ and thoughtful gestures were prized most highly by all participants. With effective walk-in walk-out treatments available from The Private Clinic, you can boost your own health, your partner’s wellbeing and your relationship swiftly and simply.

The Private Clinic
Here at The Private Clinic we offer a range of snoring treatments from experts in the field.
Our specialist, Professor Yves Kamami, ENT Surgeon, is at the forefront of his field with over twenty years experience in a variety of ENT related procedures and the inventor of the Laser Assisted Uvulopalatoplasty (LAUP) procedure. Professor Kamami notes:
“By treating snoring and sleep apnea with a simple outpatient laser treatment, under local anaesthesia, the patient immediately feels better after the treatment and achieves a more restful, deeper sleep, with less disruption of oxygen supply during the night, helping to improve concentration and memory.”
For more information about snoring treatments, please see: more information about Neville and Doreen, please see: