Live Clinic Session: Hand Rejuvenation with Fat Transfer
Earlier this week, Dr Wolf conducted a live Hand Rejuvenation (with fat transfer) procedure at our Knightsbridge Clinic, which we documented live on our Twitter feed.
Using the hashtag #LiveClinicSession, Twitter users were able to follow Dr.Wolf as he carried out the procedure on patient, Rosetta, removing fat from Rosetta’s right thigh and re-injecting it into her hands.
For those of you who missed the Live Clinic Session, you can read the full transcript, which includes every step of the treatment from start to finish, below:
#LiveClinicSession: Hand Rejuvenation with Fat Transfer Procedure
Good afternoon! Today we’ll be documenting a live Hand Rejuvenation (with Fat Transfer) Keep your eyes peeled for updates! #LiveClinicSession
Vaser practitioner, Dr.Wolf, will be performing a live Hand Rejuvenation (with Fat Transfer) on our patient, Rosetta today #LiveClinicSession
Rosetta works in the jewellery industry, part of her job is trying on jewellery & she is self conscious about her hands #LiveClinicSession
Rosetta tells us that she would like the veins in her hand concealed and to achieve an overall more youthful appearance #LiveClinicSession
Dr Wolf will first be harvesting fat from Rosetta’s right thigh, which will then be transferred into Rosetta’s hands #LiveClinicSession
A before photo of Rosetta’s hands #LiveClinicSession
The Treatment
Numbing the areas
Part 1 – Dr Wolf first outlines the areas on the right thigh and hands that he will be working on today #LiveClinicSession
Dr Wolf outlining the areas #LiveClinicSession
Part 2 – Anesthetic. Nurse Margaret helps to ensure Rosetta’s comfort first http://twitpic.com/b6fpxs #LiveClinicSessiDr Wolf will first anaesthetise Rosetta’s thigh before taking a fat sample from her right thigh #LiveClinicSession
Dr Wolf warns that the anesthetic may sting a little and asks Rosetta how she feels #LiveClinicSession
Dr Wolf numbing Rosetta’s thigh http://twitpic.com/b6fs3e #LiveClinicSession
Rosetta tells us that the anesthetic feels uncomfortable – not painful. She says it is a 4/10 in terms of discomfort #LiveClinicSession
Dr Wolf sterilises Rosetta’s hand – Dr Wolf calls this an ‘Essex Tan’ as he uses iodine which is orange in colour http://twitpic.com/b6fvjj #LiveClinicSession
While the thigh is left to numb, Dr Wolf injects local anesthetic into Rosetta’s hands #LiveClinicSession
Local anesthetic has been injected into Rosetta’s hands: ‘feels like a pinch’ #LiveClinicSession
Harvesting the fat
Part 3 –Fat Harvesting. Dr Wolf next takes a sample of fat from the right thigh http://twitpic.com/b6fz86 #LiveClinicSession
We ask Rosetta if she can feel anything, she responds ‘is he even touching me?’ #LiveClinicSession
Rosetta now tells us that she can feel a very light ‘tapping’ #LiveClinicSession
Purifying the fat
Step 4 – Purifying the fat #LiveClinicSession
Dr Wolf will purify the fat in preparation for it to be re-injected into Rosetta’s hands #LiveClinicSession
Fat before it is separated from the fluid http://twitpic.com/b6g50t #LiveClinicSession
Centrifugal force is used to purify the fat. The speed separates the fat from fluid so what is left is ‘nice clean fat’ #LiveClinicSession
The samples are placed in a centrifugal purifier machine for 3 minutes http://twitpic.com/b6g6sr #LiveClinicSession
Fat after is has been separated from fluid http://twitpic.com/b6g7ll – see the layer on top like oil? #LiveClinicSession
Dr Wolf now puts each sample of fat together ready for it to be re-injected http://twitpic.com/b6g9xw #LiveClinicSession
Fat grafting
Step 4 – Fat grafting. The fat is now being re-injected into Rosetta’s hands to plump up the skin #LiveClinicSession
Dr Wolf infiltrating the left hand first http://twitpic.com/b6gbbv #LiveClinicSession
Dr Wolf uses a cannula to insert the fat, this makes it safer so not to pierce a vein or other important structures #LiveClinicSession
Dr Wolf tells us that he goes by eye to determine how much fat will be needed in each hand #LiveClinicSession
Rosetta tells us that she cannot feel a thing #LiveClinicSession
The left hand is now finished and the difference is clear to see already! http://twitpic.com/b6geuo #LiveClinicSession
Dr Wolf begins to insert fat into the right hand http://twitpic.com/b6gfp5 #LiveClinicSession
We ask Rosetta if she will be resting her hands tonight, she jokes ‘no, I have to cook the dinner when I get home!’ #LiveClinicSession
Rosetta’s hands post fat transfer http://twitpic.com/b6gjq4 #LiveClinicSession
Post Treatment
1.5 hours later and Rosetta’s treatment is now complete #LiveClinicSession
Dr Wolf tells Rosetta that she can expect swollen hands for 24/48 hrs, but she will still have full movement #LiveClinicSession
Rosetta must be very careful over the next two days as not to dent the fat, she must avoid applying pressure #LiveClinicSession
Dr Wolf is currently cleaning up Rosetta’s hands with sterile gauze and covering over the insertion holes with steri strips #LiveClinicSession
Rosetta thanks Dr Wolf and looks ecstatic about the already showing results! #LiveClinicSession
Thanks for following today’s #LiveClinicSession! If you have any questions for either Dr Wolf or Rosetta, be sure to let us know!
As part of the procedure aftercare, Rosetta visited Dr Wolf at the Clinic 48 hours after the procedure had taken place for her follow up appointment. Rosetta was delighted with the results and happy to show off her hands for photographs – as you can see below!
Watch a video of the procedure take place here.
If you have any additional questions for Dr.Wolf or our patient Rosetta, please post them on our Facebook and Twitter page and we will pass these on.