One out of five 18-25 years olds would consider a cosmetic treatment


The Daily Express has revealed that one out of five of the 18-25 year old age group would consider a cosmetic treatment according to a survey. 88 per cent of girls would change something about their body if possible but it is important that they are informed about all cosmetic procedures available rather than just thinking of the popular surgical treatments.
It was found that 37 per cent were unhappy with their tummies and thighs, 20 per cent with their skin and 18 per cent with their breasts.
With the current increase in males opting for cosmetic treatments it is surprising though that amongst the same age group 81 per cent said they would change something about their looks if they could. The trend here was bigger muscles, less belly or better hair.
Overall, 18 per cent of British youngsters said they would consider surgery, but 22 per cent of females wanted an operation compared with 15 per cent of males. It is imperative that anyone considering any cosmetic treatment does their research and finds out about the clinic and the doctors providing the treatments.
Vaser Liposuction, Hair Transplant and Fat Transfer for Breast Enhancement are all appealing treatments amongst the age group, taking the time to do your own research on these treatments costs nothing but have huge benefits.