Ready for the next chapter of Jake’s VASER Liposuction experience? In Part 1, we finished things off with a few words from Jake just before he was about to go down and prep for his Vaser Lipo procedure. In this part we’re going to focus on the treatment and Jake’s impressions of the day. As… Continue reading The Jake-Jamie VASER Liposuction Diary: Part 2
Tag: Birmingham
The Jake-Jamie VASER Liposuction Diary: Part 1
There are a thousand and one reasons why someone would choose to have a cosmetic procedure, but it can be difficult to take the leap due to just as many uncertainties – mainly about how things will turn out. It matters to us that our patients feel secure in their decision, which is why we want… Continue reading The Jake-Jamie VASER Liposuction Diary: Part 1
The Private Clinic Bristol: Treatments
Recently, Bristol’s been getting a lot of attention because of Banksy’s Dismaland and the crowds have been coming in droves to visit. The temporary hustle and bustle might not be welcome by everyone though, so we thought we’d highlight a more permanent fixture, that’s there to offer you a professional and reliable environment all year round: The Private… Continue reading The Private Clinic Bristol: Treatments
What treatments are there for the male chest?
Perhaps more commonly (and rather uneloquently) known as ‘man boobs’, excess fat on the male chest is a common problem thought to affect at least 15% of the male population. Unlike fat elsewhere, however, some find the area simply doesn’t respond to changes in how we look after our health – even if the rest… Continue reading What treatments are there for the male chest?
Medical uses for cosmetic treatments
Most people today are pretty clued up on what different cosmetic procedures can achieve aesthetically, but did you know some of the most well known procedures are actually used for other medical purposes too? We explain a few of the most well-known treatments and their purposes beyond simply helping us to look good. Liposuction Well… Continue reading Medical uses for cosmetic treatments
Anti-Ageing: Surgical Vs Non-Surgical
Ageing happens to us all. It isn’t something to be ashamed of, nor is it anything that we need to stop. However, if you find the effects of ageing are taking their toll on your confidence, you may be considering your cosmetic options. Surgery is a huge consideration and should always be something you take… Continue reading Anti-Ageing: Surgical Vs Non-Surgical
What is a ‘Mommy Makeover’?
Having a baby is one of the most amazing experiences a woman will go through, but the effect it can have on our bodies is sometimes difficult to reverse. When your world becomes all about one (or more) tiny person, your figure can be the thing that takes the toll with breastfeeding and pregnancy leaving the chest sagging without… Continue reading What is a ‘Mommy Makeover’?
Are your veins healthy? The Varicose Veins MOT
We’re slaves to getting our cars checked in annual MOTs, but how often do we take the time to check our own health? Probably not often enough. It’s estimated that nearly 3 in 10 of us will suffer from varicose veins at some point in our lives, with even more being plagued by smaller spider… Continue reading Are your veins healthy? The Varicose Veins MOT
A face lift without the surgery?
Photos are a great way to remember happy days, but can be an even better way to lose confidence; sagging skin, wrinkles and generally anything nasty not only shows, but often looks worse. Beauty app developers Modiface think they’ve found the perfect solution for this photographic faux-pas in their new creation Beauty Mirror, which allows… Continue reading A face lift without the surgery?
How Safe is your Skin?
Summer’s finally here and we can all be a bit guilty of overindulging on Vitamin D – after all, the Great British heat wave comes but once a year and for a couple of days maximum. What we rarely think about sprawled out on our lunch break, however, is the long-term effect our binge on… Continue reading How Safe is your Skin?