Medical uses for cosmetic treatments

Most people today are pretty clued up on what different cosmetic procedures can achieve aesthetically, but did you know some of the most well known procedures are actually used for other medical purposes too? We explain a few of the most well-known treatments and their purposes beyond simply helping us to look good. Liposuction Well… Continue reading Medical uses for cosmetic treatments

5 Cosmetic Treatments You (Probably) Didn’t Know Existed

Cosmetic surgery is a popular topic of discussion nowadays and, with more open resources, we all know a lot more than we used to on an assortment of procedures. But there are also some pioneering treatments that are lesser known and lesser understood. We explain  five of our favourites. Fat transfer How many times have… Continue reading 5 Cosmetic Treatments You (Probably) Didn’t Know Existed

What to consider before cosmetic surgery abroad

Medical tourism is increasing in popularity and many people are now choosing to travel to Europe and beyond to undergo cosmetic surgery procedures. However, new figures have been revealing that over the past few years, hundreds of people have required corrective surgery on the NHS following a botched cosmetic surgery procedure that was performed abroad.… Continue reading What to consider before cosmetic surgery abroad

Celebrities and cosmetic surgery

Open up the entertainment section of any website or newspaper and you’re bound to see a certain topic at least once a week; celebrities and their relationship with cosmetic surgery. Sometimes it might be stars speaking out about why they opted to undergo a treatment, or occasionally it can be regret from a celebrity who undertook a treatment without researching it… Continue reading Celebrities and cosmetic surgery

The Private Clinic: Now Consulting in Brighton

The Private Clinic no longer consults in Brighton. Our closest clinic is based in Harley street London, a short train trip takes approximately one hour. We also have a varicose vein clinic based in Bexhill. We have over 34 years’ experience working with the latest cosmetic advancements, and our doctors and surgeons are industry leaders… Continue reading The Private Clinic: Now Consulting in Brighton

Cosmetic Surgery Questions: Find Out What You Should Always Ask

Sometimes it can feel a bit overwhelming thinking about all the questions you could ask about cosmetic surgery. Help is at hand. Good clinics should help you with the questions. The Private Clinic believes the best patient is an informed patient. We want our patients to go ahead knowing everything about the procedure with no… Continue reading Cosmetic Surgery Questions: Find Out What You Should Always Ask

10 Things You Should Know About Breast Enlargement with Implants

breast enlargement augmentation surgery lucy patient review story

Having Breast implants is a life changing procedure and most women are more than satisfied with the results. Make sure you choose an experienced, qualified surgeon and a safe, reputable clinic. We think the best patients are the most informed patients so we make sure our patients know all about our breast enlargement procedure at The Private… Continue reading 10 Things You Should Know About Breast Enlargement with Implants

The Cosmetic Surgery Boom And The Private Clinic

Before & After Vaser High-Def

Britons are spending £2.3 billion a year on cosmetic procedures, which includes invasive and non-invasive treatments and procedures. The figure is expected to rise to £3.6 billion in two years and around 43,000 people are having cosmetic surgery each year in the UK. In light of Sir Bruce Keogh’s recent review of the Cosmetic Industry,… Continue reading The Cosmetic Surgery Boom And The Private Clinic

Cosmetic Surgery: 10 Ways on How to Find Good Clinics

In the wake of Sir Bruce Keogh’s Cosmetic Industry review and the recent PIP Breast Implant scandal, we decided to put together a blog post all about how people looking into treatments and procedures can do so safely. Have a look at our guide to finding reputable cosmetic surgery clinics. Finding a good clinic can… Continue reading Cosmetic Surgery: 10 Ways on How to Find Good Clinics

Q&A: 2013 Cosmetic Industry Review by Sir Bruce Keogh

Sir Bruce Keogh, the health service’s medical director, published a review for the Department of Health in England on the problems associated with the Cosmetic Industry, including calling for a complete reclassification of dermal filler products. At the moment, anyone can set themselves up as a practitioner for Dermal Fillers, with no requirement for knowledge, training… Continue reading Q&A: 2013 Cosmetic Industry Review by Sir Bruce Keogh