Skincare in your thirties

Aristotle once said “The body is at its best between the ages of thirty and thirty-five.” We see no reason why that mantra can’t extend to your skin…and why it has to stop at 35. After we hit our mid-twenties, the skin’s production of collagen starts to slow down at the same time as our reserves of the protein… Continue reading Skincare in your thirties

Skincare in your twenties

It’s never too early to start looking after your skin. And, while you might not feel ready to start thinking about getting older, your twenties are actually the best point to start taking skincare seriously. It can be a difficult time for some of us; caught halfway between skin that’s starting to show signs of soft… Continue reading Skincare in your twenties

Cosmetic treatment: Is 17 old enough?

Is 17 too young to undergo a non-invasive treatment? And is 18 really old enough? We explore. Having faced months of media (and public) speculation as to the seemingly fluctuating size of her lips, Kylie Jenner recently admitted that nature and make up had less to do with her new facial structure than a good… Continue reading Cosmetic treatment: Is 17 old enough?

Should celebrities be honest about cosmetic treatment?

In a recent interview with Vogue, pop singer Iggy Azalea decided to open up about her experience with plastic surgery, admitting without hesitation that she’d undergone a breast augmentation. The 24 year old, best known for her song Fancy, was asked in the interview what she would change about her body to which she replied “I… Continue reading Should celebrities be honest about cosmetic treatment?

How to get rid of wrinkles and signs of ageing

While adverts might have us believe that a single, bargain-priced lotion is all we need to transform our face from someone whose years are catching up with them to Hollywood starlet, it’s unfortunately very rarely the case. Wrinkles and sagging skin appear for different reasons on all of us and treating different areas requires varying approaches and… Continue reading How to get rid of wrinkles and signs of ageing

Is technology ageing us quicker?

Tech neck is a term that’s been popping up in the media recently. It suggests our love of technology is causing us aesthetic problems. But is it actually real? And what can you do to reverse it?   Recent statistics suggest that the average 18-39 year old with three digital devices or more can look at a screen… Continue reading Is technology ageing us quicker?

Anti-Ageing: Surgical Vs Non-Surgical

Ageing happens to us all. It isn’t something to be ashamed of,  nor is it anything that we need to stop. However, if you find the effects of ageing are taking their toll on your confidence, you may be considering your cosmetic options. Surgery is a huge consideration and should always be something you take… Continue reading Anti-Ageing: Surgical Vs Non-Surgical

The difference between wrinkle injections and fillers

The fountain of youth: a mythical spring with an ability to gift bathers with beauty of the past and the vitality of a younger self. Over the years there have been a fair few quests to find it, one of the earliest being Herodotus way back in 5th century BC. Two thousand years later and… Continue reading The difference between wrinkle injections and fillers

Special Offers at The Private Clinic – Ends 31st January

Here at The Private Clinic, we thought we would celebrate Christmas and the start of 2014 with some special offers for our cosmetic and medical treatments. Available across the UK at our clinics in London, Glasgow, Leeds, Manchester, Birmingham and Bristol. Book ASAP to avoid disappointment. Christmas and the New Year at The Private Clinic… Continue reading Special Offers at The Private Clinic – Ends 31st January

Treatment Guide: Facial Wrinkles and Lines

There are plenty of facial rejuvenation treatments out there but which ones are the best for lines and wrinkles? Many facial skin treatments can improve the appearance of the face, reducing lines and wrinkles even if they are not primarily designed to target them so please get to know all our treatments to see if… Continue reading Treatment Guide: Facial Wrinkles and Lines