Workout supplements: How gaining muscle might be making your hair fall out

Being thin or skinny used to be the body trend everybody chased after, nowadays it’s all about being fit. As far as trends go this is a pretty good one to follow, as in theory, it promotes healthy eating, regular exercise and being mindful about your lifestyle. Some people have amazing discipline and dedication on… Continue reading Workout supplements: How gaining muscle might be making your hair fall out

Are you suitable for a Hair Transplant?

Hair Transplants can have life-changing effects for those who are eligible candidates for the procedure, but unfortunately, not everyone who rings up asking for it is suitable. Our goal here is to clarify who wouldn’t benefit from booking a Hair Transplant consultation and why, but first, we’re going to do a quick recap about what… Continue reading Are you suitable for a Hair Transplant?

Male Pattern Baldness in Focus: How DHT Affects Hair Loss

Hair loss affects men and women in different ways and can have a dramatic impact on our lives. Hair loss will affect most men at some point in their lives and it affects many women too to some degree. DHT, or Dihydrotestosterone in full, is a steroid and hormone that plays an influential role in… Continue reading Male Pattern Baldness in Focus: How DHT Affects Hair Loss