Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) treatments for men and women: The Silent Handicap

Unless you’re actively kicking up a sweat at the gym or taking part in a marathon, excessive sweating can make you feel uncomfortable and out of place. What is hyperhidrosis? Termed the ‘Silent Handicap’ by Hyperhidrosis specialist, Dr Carl Swartling (2011), Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) is a common condition that isn’t often discussed in social circles,… Continue reading Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) treatments for men and women: The Silent Handicap

The inside scoop on VASER Liposuction, MicroLipo and unwanted fat

As we age, our fat can slowly settle into certain areas and become very difficult to shift even for regular gym-goers. How fluctuations in weight affect your body comes down to several factors, but an interesting one is the fat cells themselves. Like traditional Liposuction, VASER Lipo and MicroLipo use suction to remove fat from your… Continue reading The inside scoop on VASER Liposuction, MicroLipo and unwanted fat

What treatments are there for the male chest?

Perhaps more commonly (and rather uneloquently) known as ‘man boobs’, excess fat on the male chest is a common problem thought to affect at least 15% of the male population. Unlike fat elsewhere, however, some find the area simply doesn’t respond to changes in how we look after our health – even if the rest… Continue reading What treatments are there for the male chest?

How much fat is required for fat transfer?

Most of us have said it at some time or another: “if only I could take fat from here and just move it here”. Not everyone, however, realises there’s been a treatment designed to do just that since the 80s. Fat Transfer is a ‘natural’ alternative to implants and fillers which uses pockets of fat… Continue reading How much fat is required for fat transfer?

Medical uses for cosmetic treatments

Most people today are pretty clued up on what different cosmetic procedures can achieve aesthetically, but did you know some of the most well known procedures are actually used for other medical purposes too? We explain a few of the most well-known treatments and their purposes beyond simply helping us to look good. Liposuction Well… Continue reading Medical uses for cosmetic treatments

Breast Lift or Breast Augmentation?

We explain the difference between a Breast Lift and Breast Implants, and explore what each treatment is suitable for. If you’re considering breast surgery, it can be confusing to know exactly what you require. The most commonly performed treatment in the UK is surgical breast augmentation, but that doesn’t mean it has to be your… Continue reading Breast Lift or Breast Augmentation?

Anti-Ageing: Surgical Vs Non-Surgical

Ageing happens to us all. It isn’t something to be ashamed of,  nor is it anything that we need to stop. However, if you find the effects of ageing are taking their toll on your confidence, you may be considering your cosmetic options. Surgery is a huge consideration and should always be something you take… Continue reading Anti-Ageing: Surgical Vs Non-Surgical

What is a ‘Mommy Makeover’?

Having a baby is one of the most amazing experiences a woman will go through, but the effect it can have on our bodies is sometimes difficult to reverse. When your world becomes all about one (or more) tiny person, your figure can be the thing that takes the toll with breastfeeding and pregnancy leaving the chest sagging without… Continue reading What is a ‘Mommy Makeover’?

Does my bum look big in this? Fat transfer to the buttocks explained.

‘Does my bum look big in this?’ Anyone who answered ‘yes’ to the eternal question a decade or two ago will know it wasn’t exactly the right answer back then. Super slim supermodels like Kate Moss were the vision of perfection in the 1990s, and thin was in when it came to the female figure.… Continue reading Does my bum look big in this? Fat transfer to the buttocks explained.

Four non-surgical alternatives to a facelift

We all wish we could turn back time (physically, at least). But not everyone is ready for or willing to undergo extensive surgery in order to achieve the feat. A recent example is Judy Murray, the mother of UK tennis player Andy Murray, who revealed how she has taken advantage of a non-surgical facelift to… Continue reading Four non-surgical alternatives to a facelift