Celebrity Skin Care Secrets

As the faces of age defying celebrities grace our screens, social media feeds and favourite magazine covers it can often leave us wondering what their secret is. Without delving deep into their personal diaries the answers are usually hard to find but many celebrities have started sharing their beauty secrets and the treatments mentioned are… Continue reading Celebrity Skin Care Secrets

Crossing the Vermillion Border with Juvederm’s VOLBELLA

Juvederm became somewhat of a household name for beauty aficionados after Kylie Jenner revealed that she uses the brand’s Dermal Fillers to plump up her lips. Specifically, the brand’s VYCROSS range (which includes products such as Juvederm VOLUMA and Juvederm VOLIFT ) is currently considered as being top of the line, but keeping in mind… Continue reading Crossing the Vermillion Border with Juvederm’s VOLBELLA

Setting the record straight on Dermal Fillers

A couple of interesting facts have emerged in the past few years. First, there’s no denying it, minimally invasive treatments are the way forward and their popularity is only growing. Second, women no longer hold a monopoly on interest in subtle cosmetic procedures and male demand is steadily rising. Injectable treatments such as Dermal Fillers… Continue reading Setting the record straight on Dermal Fillers

Cosmetic treatment: Is 17 old enough?

Is 17 too young to undergo a non-invasive treatment? And is 18 really old enough? We explore. Having faced months of media (and public) speculation as to the seemingly fluctuating size of her lips, Kylie Jenner recently admitted that nature and make up had less to do with her new facial structure than a good… Continue reading Cosmetic treatment: Is 17 old enough?

Should celebrities be honest about cosmetic treatment?

In a recent interview with Vogue, pop singer Iggy Azalea decided to open up about her experience with plastic surgery, admitting without hesitation that she’d undergone a breast augmentation. The 24 year old, best known for her song Fancy, was asked in the interview what she would change about her body to which she replied “I… Continue reading Should celebrities be honest about cosmetic treatment?