She’s topped countless ‘Most Beautiful’ lists and regularly graces the cover of sophisticated beauty and fashion magazines the world over, but ask Kate Winslet what she thinks about her looks and her answer might surprise you. Speaking to Marie Claire, the Academy Award winning actress played down compliments bestowed upon on her by the press,… Continue reading Kate Winslet suffers from adult acne
Tag: London
Uncovering the Reasons behind Keloids
Characterised by highly visible hairless and shiny scars, keloids are a frustrating skin condition which normally occurs after trauma or surgery. Their most common occurrence is in those between 10-30 years old, and people with darker skin have been shown to be more susceptible than those who are paler. Apart from this, there is currently… Continue reading Uncovering the Reasons behind Keloids
Four non-surgical alternatives to a facelift
We all wish we could turn back time (physically, at least). But not everyone is ready for or willing to undergo extensive surgery in order to achieve the feat. A recent example is Judy Murray, the mother of UK tennis player Andy Murray, who revealed how she has taken advantage of a non-surgical facelift to… Continue reading Four non-surgical alternatives to a facelift
Are your veins healthy? The Varicose Veins MOT
We’re slaves to getting our cars checked in annual MOTs, but how often do we take the time to check our own health? Probably not often enough. It’s estimated that nearly 3 in 10 of us will suffer from varicose veins at some point in our lives, with even more being plagued by smaller spider… Continue reading Are your veins healthy? The Varicose Veins MOT
The difference between wrinkle injections and fillers
The fountain of youth: a mythical spring with an ability to gift bathers with beauty of the past and the vitality of a younger self. Over the years there have been a fair few quests to find it, one of the earliest being Herodotus way back in 5th century BC. Two thousand years later and… Continue reading The difference between wrinkle injections and fillers
The Top 10 Things You Should Know about Hair Transplants
Your Confidence. Your Social Life. Your Hair. Let us help restore them! Hair Transplants can be a great way to boost you confidence and help you look and feel better for your age but Hair Transplants can also be done badly. This is something we want people to know how to avoid. We have put… Continue reading The Top 10 Things You Should Know about Hair Transplants
Male Pattern Baldness in Focus: How DHT Affects Hair Loss
Hair loss affects men and women in different ways and can have a dramatic impact on our lives. Hair loss will affect most men at some point in their lives and it affects many women too to some degree. DHT, or Dihydrotestosterone in full, is a steroid and hormone that plays an influential role in… Continue reading Male Pattern Baldness in Focus: How DHT Affects Hair Loss
Anna Nelson's Vaser Diary: After the treatment
After my vaser lipo procedure (which you can read about here) I left the clinic with my husband and we headed home. I wasn’t in any pain, but everything felt slightly hazy as if I was walking around in slow motion! I was wearing my black one piece which felt nice and comfy.