Skincare in your sixties

According to scientists; sixty really is the new forty. Therefore, in your sexagenarian years, you’ve got absolutely no excuse not to look as vibrant, radiant and glowing as you did twenty years ago (but that’s enough of us getting all stern on you). Adapting your daily regime around your skin’s new needs might sound difficult,… Continue reading Skincare in your sixties

How does breast reduction treatment work?

Growing up, there is no gurantee on what your breast size may be. Many seek larger breasts which is often influenced by the idea of the perfect female body as portrayed in the media. However having large breasts is not always ideal and many women find themselves wishing they had a smaller bust. Larger breasts… Continue reading How does breast reduction treatment work?

Arm Lift or Liposuction?

A recent survey found that 56% women would trade in every single pair of designer shoes they own to have perfect arms. But, while a staggering 3/4 of us apparently dislike the area, there’s no need to stick those heels on eBay quite yet… Looking at the end results above, can you tell whether the patient had… Continue reading Arm Lift or Liposuction?

Skincare in your fifties

Coco Chanel once said “you can be gorgeous at thirty, charming at forty, and irresistible for the rest of your life”.  It’s time to get irresistible…   By the time we approach 50 our skin has normally gone through a lot of changes from younger adult years, but that doesn’t have to be for the bad.… Continue reading Skincare in your fifties

The History of Plastic Surgery

Modern Plastic Surgery is celebrating its 100th birthday this year, but a lot has changed since it was first used by Harold Gillies on wounded soldiers during World War One. We explore how some of the treatments we know today first appeared and how our perception of cosmetic treatments has altered over the last century. First… Continue reading The History of Plastic Surgery

Teardrop vs. Round – Choosing the correct breast implant shape and size

If you’re considering breast augmentation, one of your most important decisions lies in the implants you choose. Everything from the brand and size to shape and position can make a huge difference to your final outcome, meaning it’s useful to understand your options. Your surgeon will always guide you towards the choices best suited to your needs,… Continue reading Teardrop vs. Round – Choosing the correct breast implant shape and size

How much do Rhinoplasty and Septo-Rhinoplasty treatments cost?

With over 3,690 treatments performed in the UK, Rhinoplasty was us Brits’ sixth most popular cosmetic treatment in 2015. The procedure involves the surgical correction and reconstruction of the nose and has several different formats for different results. But what about the price? As with any treatment, there’s not a straightforward answer. The cost of… Continue reading How much do Rhinoplasty and Septo-Rhinoplasty treatments cost?

Should celebrities be honest about cosmetic treatment?

In a recent interview with Vogue, pop singer Iggy Azalea decided to open up about her experience with plastic surgery, admitting without hesitation that she’d undergone a breast augmentation. The 24 year old, best known for her song Fancy, was asked in the interview what she would change about her body to which she replied “I… Continue reading Should celebrities be honest about cosmetic treatment?

Recovery after Rhinoplasty

As with any surgical procedure, your recovery after a Rhinoplasty treatment should something you consider a long time before you decide to go ahead. Downtime isn’t as bad as some patients might think, but nose surgery is still a serious operation and should always be treated as such. The first thing to remember is that… Continue reading Recovery after Rhinoplasty

How can we make Cosmetic Surgery safer?

At The Private Clinic, we have just two key focuses; your satisfaction and your safety. With over 30 years of cosmetic medical experience behind us, we’ve established ourselves as a respected and trusted provider of aesthetic treatments, and we’re keen to never let that reputation slip. However, not every clinic shares the same driving force… Continue reading How can we make Cosmetic Surgery safer?