What are “Daddy Do-Overs”?

Mommy makeovers are a popular procedure among women typically after pregnancy as they want to get their bodies back to how they looked before pregnancy. Mommy makeovers typically involve a combination of procedures such as liposuction, breast lift and tummy tuck. Now, there has been a rise in men who want to undergo different procedures… Continue reading What are “Daddy Do-Overs”?

Cosmetic Treatments Around the World & What Is Popular Where

Over the past week, the Guardian’s Tehran bureau has reported on the growing trend for nose reshaping surgery, more commonly referred to as ‘nose jobs’ or more clinically as rhinoplasty. As many as 200,000 Iranians a year are getting nose jobs, it is being reported, and at a rate 7 times that of the US.… Continue reading Cosmetic Treatments Around the World & What Is Popular Where