There’s a handful of features that men would rather not develop and while a balding head might top the list, ‘man boobs’ or ‘moobs’ (as they’re more commonly referred to) are definitely up there as well. In fact, recent figures show that in 2015, Male Chest Reduction surgeries were up by a significant 13%. The… Continue reading Have you got ‘em but don’t want to flaunt ‘em?
Tag: testosterone
Workout supplements: How gaining muscle might be making your hair fall out
Being thin or skinny used to be the body trend everybody chased after, nowadays it’s all about being fit. As far as trends go this is a pretty good one to follow, as in theory, it promotes healthy eating, regular exercise and being mindful about your lifestyle. Some people have amazing discipline and dedication on… Continue reading Workout supplements: How gaining muscle might be making your hair fall out
Male vs. Female Skin: Do women age quicker than men?
Men and women are often pitted against each other when it comes to daily life but not many people think about skin differences despite skin’s importance. Skin is the biggest and most visible organ of the body after all. Unfortunately females have additional pressures when it comes to looking after it. Hormones can wreak havoc… Continue reading Male vs. Female Skin: Do women age quicker than men?