Bilateral Breast Augmentation for Asymmetrical Breasts

Breast asymmetry is actually very common, it just is not something that is often discussed among friends. We always say to consider your breasts to be sisters rather than twins and many celebrities such as Kiera Knightly and Jennifer Lawrence have opened up about having uneven breasts themselves. Kiera even posed topless for photographer Patrick… Continue reading Bilateral Breast Augmentation for Asymmetrical Breasts

We address 5 common breast complaints on National Cleavage Day

Push up bras at the ready, its National Cleavage day! Originating in South Africa, National Cleavage Day started in 2002 and was started as a way to; ‘solemnise women’s independence and power in all facets of life, from their careers to their relationships to their own destiny‘ The day is sponsored by Wonderbra, Cosmopolitan Magazine and… Continue reading We address 5 common breast complaints on National Cleavage Day