Top frequently asked questions about breast lifts.
The loss of breast volume and increased sagginess can result following pregnancy, weight loss or can also be due to age. The condition of loss of volume and increased sagginess on the breasts is known as breast ptosis and can be corrected with a breast uplift.
Breast uplifts are a common procedure to reshape and lift the breast and/or the nipple to regain the volume and shape lost.
Through this post, we will be discussing the most commonly asked questions related to breast lifts.
What to expect from a breast-uplift procedure. What does it involve?
Breast uplift, also known as Mastopexy or breast lift is a surgery that allows women to recuperate the loss of confidence by restoring and improving the look of the breasts. The procedure is able to re-shape, re-size the breasts and reposition the nipple achieving an overall improved result.
The procedure for a breast uplift requires general anesthetic and consists of removing excess skin from the breasts. Once the excess skin is removed, the remaining skin is lifted, reshaped and the nipple re-positioned to a higher point, a youthful, voluminous and rounded look.
Can I get a breast augmentation at the same time as a breast lift?
A breast augmentation and breast uplift can be performed at the one time. Performing a breast augmentation as well as a lift can sometimes be the best option for some patients looking to achieve a fuller, more voluminous result. Although, many patients can achieve their desired results with the breast lift alone.
There are some risks associated with the combination of both breast augmentation and breast lift procedures in one. Because there is a higher risk of problematic scaring, capsular contraction and a decrease in nipple sensitivity, a two-stage surgery can often be suggested by your surgeon.

What type of scaring can I expect from a breast lift?
There are three different types of scars associated with the breast uplift surgery:
- Lollipop: The scar left from this type of incision goes around the areola and down the centre of the breast. This kind of incision is one of the most popular ones as it best allows the surgeon to efficiently re-shape the breast as well as to reposition the nipple.
- Anchor: This type of scar starts around the areola and goes below the inframammary fold generating an anchor shape. This sort of incision is best suited for women who have a large quantity of breast tissue and fat to be removed and downward pointing nipples.
- Periareolar: This incision is not used as often as the incision performed on the edge of the areola can stretch affecting the shape and look of the areola. This type of scar is only utilised when the patient has a large quantity of excess skin to undergo a vertical lift and if the patient has large nipples.
How long can the breast uplift last for?
The breast uplift results can last forever. However, there are some instances where the results of the breast lift can be changed due to aging, weight gain or breastfeeding.
What is the recovery process after the breast uplift?
The breast lift surgery requires an overnight stay at the hospital. Once you are discharged from the hospital, at The Private Clinic we recommend rest for a period of between two to six weeks depending on your physical condition and age.
At The Private Clinic, we also advise taking around two weeks off work in order to fully recover as well as avoid any physical activity for over six weeks post operation.
How long will the swelling last for after the breast uplift surgery?
You will be able to see a reduction in swelling a week after the procedure. A month from the surgery, most of the swelling will be gone but the full result will be around the year mark even though at that stage the swelling remaining is barely noticeable.
Why you should choose The Private Clinic to get a breast lift?
The Private Clinic only works with the best consultant surgeons who are specialists in their field. The best option is to come and discuss the different options available to your particular case with your surgeon.
To find out more about breast uplift, our surgeons and to see before and after images visit our website. If you would like to book a consultation with one of our surgeons, please call us on 0333 920 2471 or book your breast lift consultation online.