Vaser High-Def & Big Brother Darryn Lyons
He’s the talk of the town but for all the wrong reasons. The unveiling of Darryn Lyons body in the Big Brother house has shocked the nation and his muscle sculpting procedure (similar to Vaser High Def ) may look like it’s been done with no consideration to his shape. Ideal candidates for this procedure are people who have already lost some weight, work out regularly and just want a more sculpted, athletic appearance. The ideal patient will have the motivation to maintain a healthy lifestyle and exercise program.
We don’t know what he looked like before, or when he had the procedure, so it’s difficult to say if he was the right candidate. He may have put on some weight in the interim and also not maintained his lifestyle or a healthy exercise program. Not maintaining these important aspects may make the results look fake. Expecting VASER to perform magic is unrealistic.
In 2008 The Private Clinic was the first clinic to launch Vaser Hi Def in the UK. Since then our Hi Def trained doctors have performed 100′s of Vaser treatments using the Hi Def technique.
The Private Clinic’s doctors have performed literally thousands of lipo-contouring treatments including over 2000 Vaser treatments to date, more than any other clinic in Europe. In 2010 alone we performed over 900 Vaser and Microcannula lipo-contouring treatments.
Vaser and Vaser High-Def is a popular procedure amongst men and women. For women, an understated look is more popular and known as Vaser or Vaser Mid-Def. Vaser Mid-Def gives you a subtle sculpted look that has a feminine appearance.
Vaser procedures are all minimally invasive procedures performed under local anesthetic. It is less invasive than traditional liposuction and because it differentiates between fat and important tissues such as nerves, blood vessels and connective tissues, the risk of damage to these tissues is practically eliminated. There is no hospital stay, Vaser is a walk-in walk-out procedure with minimum downtime.
The Private Clinic is an accredited European Advanced Vaser Training Centre.