What is the Male Pattern Hair Loss Norwood Scale? Part 1

If you are looking into hair transplant procedures especially here at The Private Clinic you may have heard of the Norwood scale or Hamilton-Norwood Scale being referenced. If you are suffering with hair loss then you may already be familiar with the Norwood scale but for others this may be an unfamiliar way of defining the stage of your hair loss.

Male Pattern Hair Loss Hamilton-Norwood Scale

The Norwood scale is one of the many classifications of pattern hair loss and has been used since 1975. The Norwood scale ranges 1 – 7, Below we look at the first 3 stages, where it is likely to have the most noticeable changes to the way that you look at yourself.

Hamilton-Norwood Scale 1 Hair Loss

This is the earliest stage of the Norwood scale to classify a normal or minimal recession of the hairline.
If you have just noticed your hairline has gone back slightly or if it is starting to look thinner then you will most likely be in this stage

Take note, if you know that you have a strong family history of hair loss and you take no actions now, you may continue proceed to next stages of the Norwood scale. Our team of hair loss experts will always advise that prevention is always better.

Hamilton-Norwood Scale 2 Hair Loss

At this stage you will have noticed triangular and normally symmetrical areas of hairline recession at the frontal (front of the head) and temporal (on your temples) sections of your hairline.
This is when you start to notice that your facial framing ratio has started to changed. The history of hair loss that runs in the family will determine your likelihood of significant future hair loss. A consultation with a hair transplant doctor may be useful to see if you are suitable for a hair transplant procedure but only if you feel strongly about restoring your temples or hairline at this stage.

Don’t be surprised if some doctors say that it is too early for a hair transplant and that you may not achieve the best results by proceeding too soon. We have a great range of non-surgical hair loss treatment options and our hair loss experts can advise on medication to help reduce hair loss.

Hamilton-Norwood Scale 3 Hair Loss

If you are at Norwood scale 3 you will see very clearly that your temples have receded deeper. Your hairline and temples have likely receded past an imaginary line between your ear canal and over your scalp.

You may find that you are not able to style your hair how you used to and hopefully no one has mentioned it to you in an insensitive way. If you are happy with the way it is and wish to keep your hair as it is.

If you are looking to restore the temples or have your hairline filled in then a consultation with a hair transplant surgeon should be able to help you with your restoration project. If you have a particular hairline that you are looking for, you can bring a photo too, but our surgeons are experts in ensuring your hairline looks natural post-procedure so they may advise on a different one based on the shape of your forehead, availability of donor hairs and progression of your hair loss.

Find out more about Assessing your hair loss with the Hamilton-Norwood Scale here.

hair transplant before after photo results
Before, During and 1 year after a FUE Hair Transplant

Click here to see more Hair Transplant Before and After Results.

FUE Hair Transplants at The Private Clinic

  • The Private Clinic’s Hair Transplant surgeons have the most extensive experience in treating Male Pattern Baldness and treat hundreds of patients each year.
  • We use a minimally-invasive hair restoration technique called FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) Hair Transplantation.
  • You won’t require any stitches after your treatment. This means that the recovery time is also reduced when compared to the Strip surgery (FUT). Find out more about hair transplant recovery here.
  • Thanks to our advanced skills and techniques results can be undetectable and the recovery time is minimal compared to previous strip surgery.
  • After surgery you will be free to wear your hair long or short as there will be no linear scaring across the back of your head and you will instead have natural results with denser packing as the hair is implanted to match your natural hair growth.
  • We only select the healthiest follicles to use meaning a higher quality result.
  • Our surgeons are also able to offer the Unshaven Hair Transplant for those who prefer not to shave their head beforehand.
  • At your consultation, we will be able to advise you on whether an unshaven procedure is suitable for you.
  • Scars resulting from injuries or previous surgeries can also be corrected with FUE Hair Transplant for Scar Revision surgery.
  • The Private Clinic prides itself on ensuring you have the best quality and most comprehensive care.
  • 24 hour patient helpline to ensure you are always in the best of hands.
  • As many post-operative care and appointments with your Hair Transplant surgeon and nursing team as required.
  • Highly experienced Hair Transplant Surgeons who have many years of experience.
  • Comprehensive patient information, every step of the way.
  • Outstanding clinic facilities.
  • Our excellent reputation for patient safety and satisfactionhonest advice and outstanding care means your journey with The Private Clinic will be an exciting experience to a newfound head of hair.

Useful Links

Expert Hair Loss Experts & Hair Transplant Surgeons at The Private Clinic

Get in touch

To find out more about FUE Hair Transplants please call, 0333 920 2471 or use our hair transplant online contact form