What you need to know about Blepharoplasty Surgery


As we begin to age our skin elasticity reduces resulting in the appearance of loose skin which can cause heavy or sagging eyelids and noticeable eye bags forming deep creases in the lower eyelid.
A blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that can help approve these issues and it is slowly growing in popularly. Last year saw a 25% increase in men especially opting for the eyelid correction procedure
Drooping eyelids often cause men, and women to look older, tired and less energetic than their former selves and this quick and simple surgical procedure is a great way to restore a youthful boost to their overall appearance.

blepharoplasty lower eyelid surgery before after photo
Blepharoplasty before and after photo

What types of blepharoplasty are there?
When it comes to researching blepharoplasty procedures you may have noticed that there a few different variations. There are 3 types of blepharoplasty procedures;
Upper Blepharoplasty
Upper eyelid surgery is aimed at improving the appearance of droopy heavy eyelids that can make you look tired and grumpy. In rare cases the dropping of the upper eyelid can even impact the patient’s vision. An upper blepharoplasty procedure involves making an incision along the natural creases of the upper eyelid to remove excess fat and skin. Once removed, your surgeon will then lift the skin and close the incision, often using fine absorbable stitches. The result is a smoother and younger looking eyelid area.
Lower Blepharoplasty
Lower eyelid surgery works to reduce the appearance of heavy looking eye bags and sagging skin underneath the eyes. The surgery involves removing excess fat tissue from the area as well as removing any excess skin under the eye creating a tightened effect. In some cases your lower blepharoplasty procedure may be combined with fat transfer or dermal fillers to help fill out any hollowing or tear troughs that you may have in the area resulting in an overall firmer and more youthful looking face.
Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty
In some cases the eyelid skin may still be tight and supple but excess fat pockets may still be present causing an aged appearance. In this instance a slightly less invasive technique may be used remove excess fat tissue from this area. A transconjunctival blepharoplasty technique does not remove any skin or tighten any muscles and is ideal for minor eye bags on skin with good elasticity.
If you are experiencing loose skin and excess fat on the upper and lower eyelid then it is possible to perform a combined blepharoplasty where a upper and lower blepharoplasty are performed at the same time.  Other combined procedures could include a facelift or fat transfer.
The patient below has had fat transfer to the eyelid and cheeks combined with a lower blepharoplasty procedure.

blepharoplasty eye lid eyebag surgery before and after photos
Eye lid Surgery Blepharoplasty before and after photo

How long does eye  bag removal and eyelid surgery take?
Blepharoplasty procedures are often performed as day case procedures meaning you will not need to stay overnight in hospital. The procedure itself can take anywhere from as little as 30 minutes to 2/3 hours depending on the severity of the case. Blepharoplasty procedures are often performed under local anaesthetic but can also be performed under general anaesthetic or sedation if required.
What is the downtime?
During the hours following a blepharoplasty procedure you may feel a little uncomfortable and you should take care to rest with your head elevated and limit your activities for the initial 24 hours.  You may experience swelling and bruising in the areas treated which can last from 7-10 days but make-up can be worn a week after surgery if desired.  It is best to avoid activities that promote eye strain or dry eyes like watching TV, reading and using a computer for at least a week. You will not be able to wear contact lenses for 2-3 weeks but you will be fine to wear glasses as normal post-procedure.
You will be able to start to get back to normal after 2-3 weeks, returning to gentle exercise. Any remaining swelling should have reduced significantly after a month.  The best results are seen 2-3 months of their procedure.  Overall at The Private Clinic we recommend anywhere from a week to two weeks off work and you will definitely not be able to drive for the first week after your procedure.
Am I too young for a blepharoplasty?
Eyelid surgery is most common among patients aged 40 and older but this does not mean that you are ever ‘too young’ for a blepharoplasty procedure.
Eyelid or eye bag correction surgery generally addresses the effects that aging has on the face but it is not uncommon for patients in their 30s or even late 20s to enquire about eyelid surgery after feeling unhappy with their puffy, droopy eyelid skin.
The better your skin elasticity the better the results of surgery will be so it is almost encouraged for patients to not wait too long to have eyelid correction surgery so that they are able to enjoy the results for longer.
In some cases eyelid or eye bag issues could be helped with non-surgical options such as dermal fillers which many younger patients opt for, but for those with more severe problems a surgical procedure is often the only way to effectively treat those complaints.

eyelid surgery blepharoplasty procedure before after photos
Blepharoplasty before and after pictures UK

To find out more information or book a consultation to see one of our experienced facial surgeons please call 0333 920 9135 or click here