Why Planning Hairline is of key importance for best Hair Transplant Results
For many patients who are considering a hair transplant the end goal is usually to achieve a full head of hair again – often reminiscent of their youthful self, but is this always the best outcome?
When it comes to restoring hair loss, it is important to not just think about the overall volume of hair but instead to look at what hairline would be appropriate for you.
Why is hairline important?
A good hairline is the key to a natural-looking hair transplant. In social situations, the point where your hairline meets your forehead will be the most noticeable and it is the section which you are more likely to focus on when it comes to looking in the mirror at yourself. It may not be something that you would traditionally get complimented on like your eye colour, jaw line, or teeth for example but it is actually just as important.
Plan your hairline
Here at The Private Clinic we have a team of skilled FUE Hair Transplant surgeons who can work with you to determine the best hairline for you. Poor hair transplant results are often caused by surgeons who lack an understanding of how a natural-looking hairline should be created.
Many people make the mistake of wanting their new hairline too low or too high but a hairline should reflect the wearer’s age. A natural hairline will recede by 2cm around the time of puberty whether they are due to suffer from hair loss or not – this is simply just the natural progression of a more mature hairline. A balding man in his 40s for example who wants to restore his hairline should avoid going for a low and rounded look as this will result in an unnatural appearance instead it should reflect the hairline of a 40-year-old who is not balding.
When it comes to planning your hairline we should stick to the natural proportions of the face. Traditionally the distance between your hairline and your eyebrow should match the distance between your eyebrows and the bottom of your nose and then the same again from your nose to your chin. So when you look at someone unconsciously you expect to see these three similarly-sized areas on the face. If the hairline is too high or too low then this goes against the rule of thirds resulting in an unnatural looking hair transplant.
Many of our younger patients are obviously upset over losing their hair so soon but this is a permanent hair replacement and so your new hairline will need to suit you for years to come.
In the video above you can see Hair Transplant Surgeon, Mr Michail Mouzakis marking up our patient Doug ready for the implantation of his new hair follicles. Mr Mouzakis discusses how he likes to plan a hairline to achieve a natural result.
Another factor to consider is the pattern of the hairline. No natural hairline appears straight so any hairline that reflects the look of it being drawn with a ruler is instantly going to look unnatural. Your hairline will naturally develop a zone of fine hairs as it transitions to the forehead this is known as feathering and is something that our hair transplant surgeons like to recreate so instead of marking out straight lines they will instead use more of a zig-zag/dashed pattern and will only insert smaller follicular units in this area.
It is really important to listen to your surgeon’s advice if you want to achieve a natural-looking hair transplant with the best results. It is well worth taking the time to discuss your new hairline in depth with your surgeon and ask to see it marked out before implantation.
Why Choose The Private Clinic?
The Private Clinic prides itself on ensuring you have the best quality and most comprehensive care:
- The Private Clinic’s Hair Transplant surgeons have the most extensive experience in treating Male Pattern Baldness and treat hundreds of patients each year.
- We use a minimally-invasive hair restoration technique called FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) Hair Transplantation.
- You won’t require any stitches after your treatment. This means that the recovery time is also reduced when compared to the Strip surgery (FUT). Find out more about hair transplant recovery here.
- Thanks to our advanced skills and techniques results can be undetectable and the recovery time is minimal compared to previous strip surgery.
- After surgery you will be free to wear your hair long or short as there will be no linear scaring across the back of your head and you will instead have natural results with denser packing as the hair is implanted to match your natural hair growth.
- We only select the healthiest follicles to use meaning a higher quality result.
- Our surgeons are also able to offer the Unshaven Hair Transplant for those who prefer not to shave their head beforehand.
- At your consultation, we will be able to advise you on whether an unshaven procedure is suitable for you.
- Scars resulting from injuries or previous surgeries can also be corrected with FUE Hair Transplant for Scar Revision surgery.
- The Private Clinic prides itself on ensuring you have the best quality and most comprehensive care.
- 24 hour patient helpline to ensure you are always in the best of hands.
- As many post-operative care and appointments with your Hair Transplant surgeon and nursing team as required.
- Highly experienced Hair Transplant Surgeons who have many years of experience.
- Comprehensive patient information, every step of the way.
- Outstanding clinic facilities.
- Our excellent reputation for patient safety and satisfaction, honest advice and outstanding care means your journey with The Private Clinic will be an exciting experience to a newfound head of hair.
Useful Links
- View our before and after results gallery
- Find out more information in our blogs
- Read our extensive FAQs
- Hear from previous Hair Transplant patients in our patient stories and video
- We have clinics nationwide in London Harley Street, Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester and Northampton.
Expert Hair Transplant Surgeons at The Private Clinic
- Mr Michael Mouzakis, MD, MSc. GMC Number: 7237640
- Dr Luca de Fazio, MD, BSc, Msc. GMC Number: 7095123
Get in touch
If you would like to find out more or arrange a hair transplant consultation with one of our leading surgeons or patient advisors at one of our nationwide locations, please get in touch via 0333 920 2471 or use our hair transplant online contact form.