- Breast Augmentation performed by renowned Plastic Surgeons based in the UK
- Procedures performed under Local or General Anaesthetic
- 0% Finance Available
- Redeemable Consultation Fee
What’s on this page
- About this Treatment
- Before and After Photos
- What to Expect
- Breast Augmentation FAQs
- Breast Augmentation Clinics
- Things to Consider
- Patient Stories
- Why the Private Clinic
- Meet the Surgeons
- Related Blogs & News
Medically reviewed by Lorcan Sheppard BSc MBBS FRCA, Chief Medical Officer for The Private Clinic of Harley Street, London.
Last Reviewed February 3rd 2025
Related Cosmetic Surgery
Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation, also known as a boob job, breast enlargement or breast implants is the UK’s most popular cosmetic surgery procedure for women.
Breast enlargement is a surgical procedure to enlarge or reshape the breasts. It involves the addition of a breast implant via a small incision under the breast.
A breast enhancement procedure is often selected by women who may have a smaller breast size and wish to achieve a fuller appearance. Many choose to undergo breast enlargement following pregnancy, breastfeeding, or weight loss due to a decrease in the size of their bust.
Whatever your reasons are for wanting a larger breast size, our expert Consultant Breast Surgeons will work with you to ensure that you receive reassurance and honest advice about your breast surgery options and breast implant choices. Finding your confidence and happiness after your operation is what we work hard to achieve.
At The Private Clinic, breast augmentation is performed by some of the UK’s top consultant plastic surgeons who have decades of experience. We have dedicated clinics for Breast Augmentation in London Harley Street, Birmingham and Northampton.
Your personalised journey starts with a consultation with one of our specialist consultant surgeons. Your consultation fee is redeemable upon booking your procedure.
What happens at a Breast Augmentation Consultation?
During your consultation, you will talk about your goals and expected outcomes and hear recommendations from your surgeon about the ideal implant type, size, and shape. They will detail what to expect from your breast enlargement procedure whilst also informing you of all risks associated with breast implant surgery.
Breast Augmentation,Breast Enlargement, Breast Implants at a glance
Procedure Time
1 – 2 hours
Anaesthetic Type
General Anaesthetic or Local (+Sedation)
Hospital Stay
Day Case
Support Garment
Surgical Bra – 6 weeks
1 week
Elevated on back 2 weeks
1 week
Up & Mobile
1 day
Sexual Activity
4 – 6 weeks
Back to Work
1 – 2 weeks
4 – 6 weeks
6 weeks
Full recovery Time
6 weeks
Final Results
6 – 12 months
Your Breast Enlargement decisions
There is an entire range of options and decisions that you will be required to make for your breast enlargement procedure. Our breast surgeons are experts in helping you to understand the differences and pros and cons of each one so that you can make an informed decision.
Why choose Breast Enlargement Surgery?
There are many different reasons why patients choose to have breast enlargement surgery. These include personal preferences and lifestyle changes. A breast enlargement procedure is most suitable for patients with small boobs/breasts. Common reasons include:
- Increase fullness and/or size of breasts.
- Breast asymmetry can be improved if different sizes are used.
- May improve sagging (an additional breast uplift may be needed for considerable sagging)
- Can help increase lost volume after pregnancy, breastfeeding or weight loss.
- Feeling confident in your clothing.
General or Local Anaesthetic?
Typically, Breast Augmentation procedures are performed under General Anesthetic. At The Private Clinic, we can offer Breast Enlargement under Local Anaesthetic (+Sedation) with expert Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Mr Davood Fallahadar. Mr Fallahdar specialises in local anaesthetic procedures and this offers a great option for patients who are concerned about General Anaesthetic.
What is the best implant type?
There are several types of breast implants. The most commonly used are saline breast implants or silicone implants.
In the UK, silicone implants are the popular choice. Silicone is a safe and durable material that is able to achieve a natural look and feel to the breasts.
Saline implants are breast implants that are filled with sterile salt water. They are not commonly used in the UK. Saline implants are known to be more visible under the skin compared to silicone and can feel hard and firm.
How to choose implant size?
Breast Implants are sized by CC which stands for cubic centimetres, not by cup size. Most patients have an idea in their mind about which cup size that they want to be, together with that information and after being measured, our expert surgeons can provide recommendations for which size of implant they feel is going to give the best result.
The same sized implant on two different patients can give hugely different results as it all relies on the patient’s existing breast tissue, body frame and the amount of available skin.
Find out more about breast implant sizes here.
Which implant shape is best?
Breast Implant’s come in a variety of different shapes which will give different results. Round implants are the most popular choice in the UK as they are very well suited to the majority of patients. Round implants can give volume to both the upper and lower breast due to their spherical shape.
Teardrop implants or anatomical shaped implants are used when a more natural result is wanted. The implants will give more volume to the bottom of the breast and are ideal for patients who have very little natural breast tissue in order to achieve a natural result.
Find out more about breast implant shapes here
What is an implant profile?
As well as different sizes and shapes, breast implants also come in a variety of different profiles. The most common four are low profile, medium profile, high profile, and extra high profile. The profile of a breast implant determines how wide the base of the breast implant is. The correct profile for the patient usually depends on the width of the chest so that the implant does not exceed the width of the breast giving an unnatural appearance.
Find out more about breast implant profiles here.
Over vs Under Implant Placement
Breast implant placement refers to where the breast implant sits within the chest, traditionally over (sub glandular) or under (submuscular) the breast muscle were the two options. Over or in front of the muscle is when breast implants are placed over the chest or pectoral muscles, it is the most straightforward option and is known to have a quicker recovery time. Under or below the muscle is when implants are placed below the pectoralis muscle. It is a common placement for patients who don’t have a huge amount of existing breast tissue to help achieve a more natural result.
However surgical techniques have advanced a lot since then and more often than not, what was known as under the muscle is being performed as a dual plane placement which is where the upper portion of the implant is placed under the pectoral muscle, but the lower portion is left uncovered. This variation lessens the risk of implants feeling high and tight on the chest and a less complicated procedure.
Find out more about Breast Implant Placements here.
Where is the Breast Enlargement incision?
There are a selection of different breast implant incision sites, but under the breast within the inframammary fold is the most commonly used in the UK. The majority of our surgeons use a Keller funnel to insert the implant meaning the incision is usually between 3-5cm. A Keller funnel is a device used by breast surgeons to insert the breast implant into the chest pocket without the need to touch it. This reduces the risk of bacterial contamination as well as reducing the size of the incision required.
Other breast enlargement incisions include the arm pit (transanxillary Incision), nipple (periareolar incision) and belly button (trans-umbilical breast augmentation /TUBA).
Find out more about Breast Implant Incisions here.
Find out more about the Keller Funnel here
Will I need stitches after a Breast Enlargement?
The breast enlargement incision will be closed using dissolvable stitches which are commonly used in many medical procedures. This means you will not require the stitches to be taken out, but our team of nurses will be able to check on the stitches at your follow-up appointments should you feel concerned.
Asymmetric or Tuberous Breasts
Patients who have asymmetric or tuberous breasts will require a more personalised approach to their breast enlargement surgery depending on what results they are hoping to achieve.
Our breast surgeons are very experienced in tailoring their procedures to ensure that patients get the best results. Patients may require additional breast uplift or reduction procedures or different-sized implants to help correct the asymmetry.
Breast asymmetry or Tuberous Breasts can be corrected as part of a breast augmentation procedure however, complete symmetry cannot be guaranteed after any type of breast surgery procedure.
Find out more about Breast Asymmetry Correction here.
Find out more about Tuberous Breast Correction here.
Hear Maia’s reaction to how she found Breast Enlargement Surgery at The Private Clinic Harley Street London below.
Ask us a question
Breast Augmentation Before & After Photos
We have selected a variety of photos that show a selection of different beast implant types, sizes, shapes, profiles and positions.

Breast Augmentation
Implant Size: 300cc
Implant Profile: Moderate
Implant Placement: Sub Glandular
Time of After Photo: 9 Weeks

Breast Augmentation
Implant Size: 230cc
Implant Profile: Demi
Implant Placement: Sub Glandular
Time of After Photo: 6 Weeks

Breast Augmentation
Implant Size: 340cc
Implant Profile: Demi
Implant Placement: Sub Glandular
Time of After Photo: 6 Weeks

Breast Augmentation
Implant Size: 285cc
Implant Profile: Demi
Implant Placement: Sub Glandular
Time of After Photo: 4 Weeks

Breast Augmentation
Implant Size: 390cc
Implant Profile: High
Implant Placement: Sub Glandular
Time of After Photo: 6 Weeks

Breast Augmentation
Implant Size: 320cc
Implant Profile: Demi
Implant Placement: Sub Glandular
Time of After Photo: 6 Weeks
What to Expect
The Private Clinic has been treating patients for over 40 years with thousands of women placing their trust in us each year. We pride ourselves on being able to offer a personalised service. We have a team of friendly nurses and expert breast surgeons who understand the importance of this decision and will support you throughout your journey with us.
Breast Enlargement Consultation
Your first step on your Breast Enlargement journey is to meet with one of our Consultant Plastic Surgeons.
At your consultation they will be able to provide information on:
- The types of breast implants available.
- The difference between tear-drop and round implants.
- Whether you want the breasts implants under or over the muscle.
- The ideal breast size and shape that will best suit your frame.
Your surgeon will then:
- Review your medical history and family history.
- Examine and measure your breasts.
- Recommend an implant type, size and position.
- Discuss your expectations from surgery.
- Detail the risks and complications of breast enlargement surgery.
- Go through the aftercare and recovery process.
Some of our surgeons will also perform a Crisalix 3D Imaging Scan to show you what the proposed procedure will look like so that the shape and size of implants can be decided upon before the procedure takes place. (Available at our Harley Street and Northampton clinics)
You will then be allocated a dedicated patient coordinator who will be your point of contact should you wish to go ahead with the procedure.
During your journey, you may decide to have several consultations with your plastic surgeon and their nursing team before deciding to go ahead with surgery.
Pre-Operative Appointment
In the interests of patient safety, all our patients are assessed against our patient selection criteria. Following your breast enlargement consultation your medical history will be reviewed and the pre-operative nurse will advise on pre-operative tests which are going to be most appropriate for you. Most breast enlargement pre-operative assessments include a blood test, MRSA swabs, urine test and a blood pressure test.
They will also advise you of any precautions you need to take in the days or weeks leading up to your breast enlargement procedure and advise on any medication that you should stop taking ahead of your procedure.
Breast Enlargement Surgery
On the day of your operation, the medical team will ensure you are comfortable. Your Breast Augmentation is performed under general anaesthetic and will take 1 hour. You will be given an admission time which usually involves you arriving an hour before the agreed start time of surgery.
Once admitted:
- The medical team will record your blood pressure and prep you for surgery.
- You will meet with the breast surgeon who will go through the procedure again and answer any questions.
- Pre-operative photos will be taken.
- Your chest will be marked up and ready for surgery.
The Procedure
- General anaesthetic will be administered by the anaesthesiologist.
- Your breast surgeon will make a 3-5cm incision in the skin usually in the inframammary fold.
- A pocket will be created within the breast for the implant to be placed within, this will be either between the breast tissue and chest muscle (over) or behind the chest wall muscle (under).
- An implant sizer may be used to help create the pocket and compare implant sizes.
- The majority of our breast surgeons will use the Keller Funnel™ device to place the implant into the breast pocket. This specialist medical device means that the implant is not touched during the procedure and is a less traumatic insertion method for silicone gel implants. The use of a Keller funnel also means patients will have a shorter incision length compared to implants that are inserted by hand.
- The incision will then be closed with dissolvable stitches and covered with tape.
- A surgical bra will then also be placed onto the patient which will need to be worn during your recovery period.
- You will then be taken to recover in a your room for 1-3 hours.
- Once the surgeon and medical team are happy that you are safe you return home, you will be discharged and allowed to leave accompanied by a family member or friend.
Breast Enlargement Recovery & Aftercare
A member of our nursing team will call you usually the day following your procedure to ensure you are feeling comfortable and recovering. You will have been given details of our dedicated on-call nurses who can be contacted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week should you have any worries or concerns during your recovery time.
We advise that you take 1-2 weeks off work to recover. The week following your procedure you should be resting and taking it easy, but you do not need to spend all your time stationary. It is important to keep active and make sure to get up for regular short walks. You should arrange for someone to help you around the house and to help with childcare if necessary.
You will need to wear a post-surgical bra for 6 weeks after your procedure to help support the breasts, prevent excess swelling, reduce the risk of implant displacement, remove strain on the stitches and it can also help to limit bruising after surgery. It’s a good idea to have one or two extra compression bras for your recovery from breast surgery to allow you to wash them. Your patient advisor can help recommend where to purchase these from.
Exercise and other strenuous activities should be avoided for 4-6 weeks post-procedure and your surgeon will be able to advise you on this.
You will be required to attend a check up appointment with our nursing team who will ensure your incision sites are healing properly. Our dedicated on-call nursing team will also be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week after your surgery should you have any questions or concerns.
You will have a 6-week follow-up appointment with your surgeon. At this stage, you should be back to your everyday activities and your surgeon will be able to advise you on anything that you are unsure of or have questions about.
The Private Clinic have collaborated with Chrysalis Finance to offer 0% finance for our patients.*
*Acceptance is subject to status. Terms and conditions apply.
Frequently Asked Questions
A Breast augmentation is known by many names – like breast enhancement, breast enlargement, or more commonly, a ‘boob job’ – but one thing is clear, it’s one of the most sought-after cosmetic procedures in the UK.
In the British Association of Aesthetic Surgeons (BAAPS) 2022 annual audit, Breast Augmentation or breast implants surgery accounted for 6,640 procedures (up 67% from last year) and was rated the top cosmetic surgery procedure for 2022.
A breast augmentation procedure involves breast implants being inserted into the chest to enhance the appearance of the breast by increasing the size, shape, form and feel of a woman’s breast.
The procedure does involve a general anaesthetic but there is not usually an overnight stay required. There are 3 potential incision sites but the most common and widely used is the inframammary fold (IMF) which means the scar is placed along the natural crease line underneath the breast. A typical breast augmentation scar is very small usually 3-5cm. Other alternative incision sites are Periareolar (around the underside of the nipple) and axillary (through the armpit) these are not used on a regular basis and the option to use them will come down to the preference of the surgeon.
There is also an option as to where the implant is placed which is either in front of the pectoral muscle or behind. This decision will be made by your surgeon and is often based on the amount of natural breast tissue that you have.
Once your implant has been put into place, your surgeon will use dissolvable stitches to secure the incision and bandages and a support bra will be placed on you which you will wake up in, once in recovery.
After the procedure, you shouldn’t be in too much pain as the local anaesthetic administered in and around the breast will still be in place. Once you are feeling well and your surgeon has assessed you, you will be able to return home to recover.
At The Private Clinic, your chosen specialist breast surgeon will be able to discuss your options with you and speak to you about the procedure in detail. They will be able to assess your shape in detail and advise on the most suitable placement for your implants and give you their objective opinion on the best breast enlargement shape that you can achieve.
To find out more about Breast augmentation procedures at The Private Clinic, or to book a consultation click here.
At The Private Clinic for breast augmentation, types of breast implants we offer are Nagor, Mentor (Johnson & Johnson), Motiva, Allergan Smooth and B-lite. The best option is to discuss the type of breast implant and what is best for your shape in your consultation with your breast cosmetic surgeon.
We primarily use silicone implants, which we believe give the most natural and long-lasting results. They consist of a solid silicone outer shell which is pre-filled with medical-grade, fully approved cohesive silicone gel.
Breast implants can be round or shaped / teardrop. Your suitability will be established during consultations where you will discuss the different shapes and sizes and how they might suit your needs and shape.
For more information on breast implants see the following blogs;
- How to choose breast implants profile
- Choosing the perfect shape of implants
- Choosing the correct breast implant shape and size
- What is a good size breast implant
To find out more about the types of implants we offer, visit us for a consultation with an expert breast surgeon who will be able to advise on the best implant to help you achieve your desired look and suit your frame.
Implants have been designed to mimic the natural feel of the breasts. Silicone implants offer the best possible feel. In particular, if the implant is positioned below the muscle then the natural breast tissue will become more prominent – allowing for a more natural feel. Initially, your breast implants may feel unnatural to you. This is most likely because you are not used to them but breast implants can also take a month or so to properly settle and soften.
Our medical team at The Private Clinic have many years of experience in breast surgery procedures. They regularly help patients achieve the results they want. It is always their aim to ensure that your results are natural looking and will always recommend the best options to suit you, your frame and your ideal goal from surgery.
The Keller Funnel is a device used by some surgeons to insert the breast implant into the chest pocket without the need to touch it.
The Keller Funnel is made of a clear polymeric material and the interior is surfaced with a hydrophilic coating. This coating is then submerged in a sterile solution causing it to become very slippy allowing the breast implant to move through it.
Round implants are loaded into the funnel usually direct from the packaging which is why this is often called a ‘No Touch Technique’. Shaped implants are usually hand-placed into the funnel to allow the surgeon to make sure that they are in the correct position, direction and orientation and this is called the ‘Minimal Touch Technique’.
The smallest part of the funnel is then placed into the incision and the implant is gently moved through the Keller funnel and into the chest pocket.
Benefits of the Keller Funnel include;
- Shorter incision lengths
- Improved patient comfort
- Increased protection against infection
- Reduced risk of Capsular Contraction [1]
- Reduced force on the breast implant
- Less trauma is caused to tissue surrounding the implant.
The Keller Funnel is an FDA (Food & Drug Administration) approved device in the USA. The Keller Funnel is owned by Allergan, one of the world’s largest medical, pharmaceutical research and development companies
To find out more about the Keller Funnel technique book a breast augmentation consultation with one of our expert surgeons.
Our team of expert surgeons will be happy to answer all of your questions. Click here to book a consultation.
Breast Augmentation Consultations are Available in these Clinics
Things to Consider
Our advice on what to consider when deciding to have a breast enlargement (boob job) procedure:
1. When choosing a clinic, you should always do your research, and only go to an established, reputable clinic.
The Private Clinic has been in the cosmetic surgery industry for over 40 years. We are here to answer all of your questions and give you peace of mind.
2. When choosing a surgeon, make sure you know who you’ll be seeing. Their expertise, qualifications and patient satisfaction rate are important factors to take into consideration.
At The Private Clinic, we only source the most experienced and specialised surgeons and ensure they are registered with the General Medical Council (GMC). Find out more about our plastic surgeons here.
3. Price should never be the deciding factor when choosing where to have your treatment. Safety should be your number one priority and feeling confident that they will look after you – not only before, but also after your procedure
4. When it sounds too good to be true, it often is. Always find out what implants are going to be used and what your clinic’s reputation is.
Our surgeons use the highest quality CE Mark and FDA approved implants to ensure the very best results and safety standards. We have never used PIP Implants.
Our excellent reputation for patient safety and satisfaction, honest advice and outstanding care means your journey with The Private Clinic will be an exciting experience to a newfound shape.
Breast enlargement Patient Stories
Outstanding care, patient satisfaction and results mean everything to The Private Clinic Team
To discuss breast shape, sizes, under or over the muscle placement or any other questions book a phone or video consultation.

Breast Augmentation – Chloe

Breast Augmentation – Lucy

Breast Augmentation – Amy

Breast Augmentation – Rebecca

Breast Augmentation – Maisie

Breast Augmentation – Kim

Breast Augmentation – Vicky
Why Choose The Private Clinic
- The Private Clinic has been treating patients for over 40 years with thousands of women placing their trust in us each year.
- Top UK specialised best breast surgeons with decades of experience.
- Dedicated care with your expert breast surgeon and nurses, and a 24 hour help line.
- State of the art hospital facilities.
- All breast options are discussed not just one type of implant. So you will be happy with your shape.
- Breast Augmentation under Local Anaesthetic available for suitable patients.
- 5 Star Trustpilot Rating
- Find out more about Breast Enlargement in our informative blogs

Meet our Breast Enlargement Surgeons
We have a dedicated Plastic Surgeon and medical team who will be with you throughout your breast surgery procedure journey.
At The Private Clinic breast augmentation is performed by some of the UK’s top consultant plastic surgeons who have decades of experience and are all registered with the General Medical Council (GMC). Many are also members of professional organisations such as The British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS) and The British Association of Aesthetic Surgeons (BAAPS). Find out more in their profiles below.
Consultant Plastic Surgeon
Consultant Plastic Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeon
Consultant Plastic, Reconstructive, Cosmetic Surgeon
The Risks of Breast Augmentation Surgery
Like all surgical treatments, there is always a possibility of complications associated with breast enlargement surgery but the likelihood of these are rare, especially when you opt for surgery at a reputable clinic like The Private Clinic.
Common risks include;
Infection, Haematoma/bleeding, Changes in nipple sensation, Capsular Contracture, Implant Displacement, Implant Rupture or Leakage, Rippling, and Asymmetric Breasts.
The Private Clinic has been in the cosmetic surgery industry for over 40 years. All our breast enlargement procedures are carried out at our privately owned hospital where we only admit healthy elective patients. This significantly reduces the risk of cross-contamination in comparison to others who use general hospitals to carry out their procedures.
The Private Clinic also only uses the highest quality CE Mark and FDA-approved implants which further reduces the risk of potential complications.
- NHS – Breast enlargement (implants)
- British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) – Breast Augmentation
- British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS) – Breast Augmentation
- Royal College of Surgeons England (RCS) – Breast Enlargement (Implants)
- Association of Breast Surgery (ABS) – Your guide to breast augmentation