Complaints Procedure

Making a complaint

At The Private Clinic of Harley Street, we strive for quality. It is our priority to put safety, expertise, and patient satisfaction at the core of everything we do.

As a leader in the cosmetic surgery and aesthetic treatment industry, we aim to deliver exceptional levels of care and customer service to all our patients and customers.

When you feel our service has not met your expectations it’s imperative for us to know so that we may provide resolution and continually improve our care and service delivery.

To raise a concern

We are keen to resolve your concern at the time it occurs, ensuring the rest of your visit is as worry-free as possible.

Should you have any concerns during your stay, please raise these directly with the member of staff caring for you.  Our staff may need to escalate your feedback to the senior nurse on duty for further intervention or support.

Should you have any concerns following your visit, please contact your Patient Coordinator or local Clinic Manager, who will welcome the opportunity to help and act to resolve your concern efficiently.

Making a formal complaint

A complaints procedure is in place for patients who may not be satisfied with our services and wish to make a formal complaint.

In the event you wish to make a written complaint please write to us (either by email or post to the Clinic Manager at the clinic you are registered or to no later than six months after the incident occurred.

If your concern took place more than six months after you have raised it we may not be able to fully assist you with your complaint.

All comments and complaints are investigated thoroughly and are confidential. 

Your letter should include a summary of your concerns and both where and when the events took place.

When a relative or friend wishes to raise a concern or complaint on your behalf we will require written consent from you before we can discuss information related to your care, in order to ensure your confidentiality is protected.

The Private Clinic will also share a summary of the complaint with you as it is important for you to understand the contents of the concern being raised.

During the investigation into your complaint, we will share your concerns with relevant staff and / or your consultant to help us consider your feedback and provide you with a response. 

If you do not wish for us to contact the relevant staff or consultant, please do let us know although this will limit our investigation on your behalf.

As a member of ISCAS (Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Service) The Private Clinic of Harley Street follows their three-stage complaint process.  A full copy of the ISCAS code of practice can be found at

Stage 1 – Local Resolution

  • Upon receipt of your complaint, you will receive a written acknowledgement within two working days unless a full response can be sent to you within five working days.
  • If we cannot provide you with a written response within five working days, we will aim to provide you with a response within 20 working days of the date of your complaint.
  • If we cannot provide you with a full response within 20 working days, we will write to you notifying you of any delays. In this situation we will regularly update you on the progress of your complaint.

Stage 2- Internal review

If you remain concerned with our response at Stage 1 you are entitled to have your complaint reviewed at Stage 2.  

To conduct a Stage 2 review, you should write to the Chief Medical Officer within six months of the date of our final Stage 1 letter outlining your concerns regarding our response.

The Chief Medical Officer or Senior Management Team delegate will carry out an objective and impartial review of your Stage 1 complaint.

Please write to:

Dr Lorcan Sheppard
The Private Clinic of Harley Street
98 Harley St

  • Once we have received your complaint you will receive a written acknowledgement within two working days of receipt.
  • A written response following the Internal review will be provided to you within 20 working days of receipt.
  • If we cannot provide you with a full response within 20 working days, we will write to you notifying you of any delays. In this situation, we will regularly update you on the progress of your complaint.

Stage 3- Independent External Adjudication

Should you be dissatisfied with the outcome of the Internal review at Stage 2 you may refer your complaint to the Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Service (ISCAS) for an independent external review.

You must contact ISCAS in writing within six months of receiving your final reply from the Chief Medical Officer or Senior Management Team delegate at Stage 2

If you wish to register your request for an independent external review at the address below:

Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Service
100 St Paul’s Courtyard
T: 0207 536 6091


ISCAS will provide you with further details of this stage of the complaint process. It is important that you read the details provided carefully before deciding whether or not to proceed.

Once you have confirmed that you wish to proceed, ISCAS will make the necessary arrangements. You can then expect:

  • An independent external adjudicator to review your case.
  • To be kept informed of the timing of events by the adjudicator.
  • To be notified of the final decision in writing with explanations.

Please note that the adjudicator’s decision is final and binding. However, it does not affect your right to take legal action.