Excessive Sweating
Excessive underarm sweating is what causes the biggest problem for most people. Here at The Private Clinic, we have a range of treatments that targets the cause of excessive sweating, simply and effectively.
Please see our frequently asked questions for Excessive Sweating.
Frequently Asked Questions
Most treatments for hyperhidrosis are designed to reduce the symptoms and improve the quality of life.
Surgery for hyperhidrosis is available but this is usually only for very severe cases. The procedure is known as Sympathectomy surgery, also called endoscopic transthoracic sympathectomy (ETS). It involves cutting and destroying certain nerves within the sympathetic nervous system that carry nerve signals to the sweat glands. There are lots of risks of surgery including scarring, nerve damage, and loss of sensation. Some patients can also develop compensatory sweating that causes them to sweat even more heavily than they did from hyperhidrosis.
We do not offer sympathectomy surgery for hyperhidrosis at our clinics. Our wrinkle injections are a great non-surgical treatment option that can provide patients with at least 6 months of relief from excessive sweating.
Usually our patients that come to see us for this treatment have tried a whole variety of previous treatments like prescription antiperspirants and sweat proof clothing but have not had much success in reducing the excessive sweating.
Although this treatment may not be successful for everyone the majority of our patients find it has made a difference to their condition and visit us for regular treatments.
Certain medical conditions or medications may make you unsuitable for treatment but a full medical history will be taken and discussed with you at your consultation before treatment.
Botulinum toxin is only licensed to treat under arms for excessive sweating. It can be used on hands and feet but we do not treat these areas at The Private Clinic due to the discomfort, downtime and potential side effects.
You should notice that your sweating has reduced considerably within 3 to 7 days of treatment.
Wrinkle injections for excessive sweating are not commonly available on the NHS, in some parts of the country you may be offered this treatment if others have been unsuccessful on the NHS but usually it would be recommended that you find a private practice that offers this treatment.
Children can be treated for hyperhidrosis with other methods like antiperspirants and iontophoresis but wrinkle injections are not suitable for anyone under the age of 18. We do not treat anyone under the age of 18 at The Private Clinic.
Wrinkle injections are a substance called Botulinum toxin which is also commonly referred to as ‘botox’. Botulinum toxin is actually a protein that is produced by bacteria which works to block signals from the nerves to the muscles and glands.
Very small amounts of Botulinum Toxin are injected under the arms. This blocks the action of the nerves that supply eccrine glands and stops them producing sweat.
Topical anesthetic will be applied to make the treatment more comfortable. The needle used is very fine and only a tiny amount of substance is used so pain is minimal. No sedation or local anaesthetic is required.
Approximately 30 minutes. You can then go straight back to normal activities.
The effects of the injection should last between 6 and 12 months. As soon as you notice a return to excessive sweating you can come back to us for more treatment.
Botulinum toxin is broken down naturally by the body over time, but the time this takes will vary between individuals and their metabolic response. Factors which can accelerate natural metabolic response include exercise and stress.
You may experience some bruising and discomfort in the area treated which should only last a few days after your treatment. Some patients can experience muscle weakness for up to a week after treatment in the underarm area. Other side effects include itching, pins and needles, small nodules under the skin or sweating elsewhere but these will all be discussed in detail at your consultation.