Haemorrhoids FAQs
The Private Clinic offers safe and reliable treatments for haemorrhoids removal with lasting results
Please see our frequently asked questions for Haemorrhoids.
Frequently Asked Questions
We will always try to offer you a non-surgical option to treat your haemorrhoids where suitable. Our non-surgical haemorrhoid treatment is Radio Frequency Ablation of Haemorrhoids under Local Anaesthetic, also known as the Rafaelo procedure.
Rafaelo treatment is performed in-clinic under local anaesthetic. The treatment involves using radio frequency technology which is commonly used to treat varicose veins.
The heat from radiofrequency ablation causes blood vessels within the piles to coagulate which reduces and eventually stops blood flow to the pile. This causes the piles to shrink over time and clear from the area.
Other non-surgical options that can help treat piles include:
- Hydrocortisone cream for piles
- Pain killers
- Rubber Band Ligation
- Sclerotherapy
- Electrotherapy
- Infrared Coagulation
But we believe the Rafaelo procedure offers patients the best results and many patients only experience minimal pain and discomfort for very short period during their recovery time in comparison to other similar treatments.
To find out more about how to get rid of piles without surgery, book a consultation with out expert Consultant surgeons.
Our Rafaelo treatment takes as little as 15 minutes to treat piles. It can provide instant relief from the symptoms of piles, but it can take up to 2 weeks to see the final results.
Unfortunately they are no instant cures for haemorrhoids unless you have haemorrhoidectomy surgery where the piles are surgically removed. Haemorrhoidectomy is the quickest way to get rid of piles, but the recovery process can be a lot longer.
To find out more about how to get rid of piles quickly, book a consultation with out expert Consultant surgeons.
There are lots of treatments for piles available.
At our private haemorrhoid treatment clinics we offer patients the Rafaelo haemorrhoid treatment which is a non-surgical internal piles treatment that uses Radio Frequency Ablation to target, treat and remove haemorrhoids.
If not suitable for Rafaelo haemorrhoid treatment, we can also offer haemorrhoidectomy which is a piles operation where the piles/haemorrhoids are surgically removed from the area.
To find out more about how to get rid of piles book a consultation with out expert Consultant surgeons.
Piles can affect both men and women.
Women in particular can be more prone to developing piles during pregnancy. Haemorrhoids during pregnancy are often caused due to:
- Changing hormones
- Increased blood pressure
- Increased pressure on veins near the anus
- Constipation caused by iron supplements, hormones and sitting for longer periods.
In most cases, haemorrhoids caused by pregnancy will often disappear after after pregnancy and labour without any need for treatment. This is because your hormone levels and blood pressure will stabilise and pressure on the veins will be decrease. Having piles after delivery is not uncommon however and you may need to seek further treatment to resolve this.
In some instances, haemorrhoids will need treatment as untreated haemorrhoids can cause complications. You may be advised to try the following treatments during and immediately after pregnancy to help ease the symptoms of haemorrhoids:
- Witch hazel wipes
- Sitz bath
- Epsom salt bath
- Kegel exercises
- Avoid straining during bowel movements
- Ice packs
- Using moist toilet wipes
- Move around frequently
If haemorrhoids are still an issue following pregnancy, you may be advised to seek treatment.
Our expert Consultant surgeons are experts in advising women on how best to treat haemorrhoids caused by pregnancy. Book a consultation to find out more.
Women who are not pregnant could also develop haemorrhoids due to:
- Persistent straining during bowel movements
- Being obese
- Lack of fibre in their diet
- Anal intercourse
- Sitting for long periods on the toilet
- Heavy lifting
Whatever the cause of your haemorrhoids, our Colorectal surgeons are very knowledgeable in piles treatments including the revolutionary, safe and reliable new Rafaelo treatment.
Book a consultation to find out more.
The symptoms and length of time that you have piles will vary from person to person.
On average, a person who has small mild haemorrhoids may see them clear up without treatment after a few days. Larger haemorrhoids and external haemorrhoids may take longer to go away and often will require additional treatment.
We would recommend seeking advise from your GP to start with but if you have haemorrhoids or piles that are not going away then it may be best to seek private piles treatment.
Our expert Consultant surgeons are experts in treating all severities of haemorrhoids for both men and women. Book a consultation to find out more about the treatments we offer including the revolutionary, safe and reliable new Rafaelo treatment which can be performed in-clinic, under local anaesthetic and allows you to return to your daily activities immediately with minimal post-operative pain and aftercare.
When will I see results after piles treatment?
If you have Rafaelo treatment it can take 2 weeks for piles to go away.
If you have haemorrhoidectomy surgery, the piles are removed instantly but you will have a period of recovery time.
Piles can affect both men and women and the causes are in most cases the same.
Common causes for piles in men include:
- Straining and constipation
- Obesity
- Lack of fibre in diet
There is a misconception that anal sex can cause piles in homosexual men, but this is not usually the direct cause. Anal sex can irritate existing piles causing new symptoms such as pain and bleeding. Anal sex can cause anal fissures which are often confused or misdiagnosed as piles, but these are not the same.
Our expert Consultant surgeons are experts in diagnosing and treating all severities of haemorrhoids for both men and women. Book a consultation to find out more about the treatments we offer including the revolutionary, safe and reliable new Rafaelo treatment which can be performed in-clinic, under local anaesthetic and allows you to return to your daily activities immediately with minimal post-operative pain and aftercare.
There are a lot of remedies to help with the symptoms of piles which will then resolve once the piles go away. These include:
- Witch hazel wipes
- Sitz bath
- Epsom salt bath
- Kegel exercises
- Avoid straining during bowel movements
- Ice packs
- Using moist toilet wipes
- Creams or Ointments
There are also a variety of lifestyle changes you can make to help current piles and avoid piles from reoccurring in the future.
- Eat more fibre
- Drink plenty of fluids
- Wear loose fitting underwear
- Not waiting to use the toilet
- Not straining on the toilet
- Sit with legs slightly raised when on the toilet
If your piles are not going away or you are experiencing recurrent piles, then treatment may be required. Your GP may be able to refer you, but the waiting lists are often long. Many patients are opting for private piles treatment to avoid waiting and be free of piles symptoms quicker.
Our expert Consultant surgeons are experts in diagnosing and treating all severities of haemorrhoids for both men and women. Book a consultation to find out more about the treatments we offer including the revolutionary, safe and reliable new Rafaelo treatment which can be performed in-clinic, under local anaesthetic and allows you to return to your daily activities immediately with minimal post-operative pain and aftercare.
Our top colorectal surgeons are available for consultations for any patients who are troubled with haemorrhoid symptoms. Our surgeons are experienced in advising what best haemorrhoid treatment options are suitable.
Private colorectal surgeon near me
We have two experienced colorectal surgeons working with us at The Private Clinic.
Colorectal surgeon London
Mr Piero Nastro is our colorectal surgeon in London. He consults from our London Harley Street clinic offering the Rafaelo® treatment for suitable patients alongside more traditional haemorrhoidectomy procedures.
Colorectal surgeon Birmingham
Mr Amit Patel is our colorectal surgeon in Birmingham. He consults from our Birmingham clinic where he is also able to conduct the Rafaelo® procedure.
Book a consultation at a haemorrhoid clinic near you.
Private Haemorrhoid procedure UK
Consultations for private haemorrhoid treatment can take place at our clinics in:
Haemorrhoid treatment London – 98 Harley Street, London, W1G 7HZ
Haemorrhoid treatment Birmingham – 88 Hagley Road, Birmingham, B16 8LU
Private haemorrhoidectomy surgery takes place at our London Fitzroy Hospital. Situated in central London, our discreet purpose built theatre at Fitzroy Square is ideally placed to offer you the very best service throughout your haemorrhoidectomy treatment with us.
Haemorrhoid treatment is available on the NHS however, in 2018 a consultation was conducted by the NHS which decided which treatments would no longer be funded. This consultation concluded that haemorrhoidectomy surgery should be reduced in theatres and this action was implanted in April 2019 as part of the NHS England guideline through the clinical care groups (CCGS). You can read the consultation document here.
As a result of this, fewer haemorrhoid procedures are being offered to patients as part of the NHS. There are long NHS waiting lists and often a limited choice of treatment or surgeons.
There are a number of benefits involved with choosing to go private with your haemorrhoid treatment which includes:
- Access to treatments that may not be available on the NHS local to you
- Choice of where and when you want to have treatment
- Choice of consultant
- No NHS waiting list
- Faster treatment
All treatments and procedures have risks, and these will all be discussed with you in detail during your consultation.
Potential risks or side effects of the Rafaelo® procedure includes: discomfort after the procedure, discharge, symptom recurrence, infection and minor bleeding within the first couple of weeks post-procedure.
Risks and complications from haemorrhoidectomy surgery are rare but include: slow healing, narrowing of the anus due to scar tissue, small tears, damage to the sphincter muscles, infection, and urinary retention
Haemorrhoid procedures are often the best method of haemorrhoid removal treatment. They not only improve the symptoms of haemorrhoids but also remove or reduce the haemorrhoids.
Our Rafaelo procedure has been a great success in our clinics. The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) has also approved the Rafaelo procedure when it is carried out with special arrangements for clinical governance, consent and audit or research (NICE interventional procedures guidance IPG589).
THD Haemorrhoid Treatment has been approved by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) in 2010 as an effective alternative to haemorrhoidectomy or stapled haemorrhoidopexy.
Haemorrhoidectomy procedures are also very effective and usually cures a haemorrhoid although care must be taken to avoid developing further haemorrhoids in the future.
We recommend coming in for a consultation to discuss your symptoms and our specialists will be able to assess your suitability for the procedure and what your outcome from treatment is likely to be.
If you are having Rafaelo treatment, there may be some slight discomfort and a sharp scratch when the local anaesthetic is injected but once that takes effect there should be no pain. If required, you will be given a mild sedative to help you relax.
If you are having Haemorrhoidectomy surgery or THD Haemorrhoid Treatment, these are performed under general anaesthetic so you will not be awake or able to feel anything during the procedure.
The Rafaelo® procedure takes 15 minutes to perform.
A Haemorrhoidectomy surgery takes 30 minutes – 1 hour to perform.
A THD Haemorrhoid procedure takes 30-40 mins to perform.
The Rafaelo treatment is our first haemorrhoid treatment choice. If you are not suitable for this procedure, then we are also able to offer THD Haemorrhoid Treatment or a Haemorrhoidectomy surgical procedure.
Our expert consultant colorectal surgeons are specialists and will be able to advise on which treatment is best for you.
There are 4 clinical grades of Haemorrhoids. Rafaelo treatment is ideal for treating 1-3 but grade 4 may only be reduced and require a haemorrhoidectomy procedure to get the best results. Your surgeon will be able to best advise you during a consultation.
You should notice your haemorrhoid symptoms improving almost immediately after Rafaelo® procedure or haemorrhoidectomy surgery.
The recovery time from the Rafaelo® procedure normally takes between one to seven days, but is generally less. This depends on the severity of the haemorrhoids.
Overall, THD does have a shorter recovery period in comparison to a haemorrhoidectomy procedure. Most patients can return to their usual daily activities after 1 week.
The recovery time following haemorrhoidectomy surgery can take 2-4 weeks but most patients are able to return to the majority of their usual activities within 2 weeks.
You will be seen again in clinic between 6 and 8 weeks after your haemorrhoid removal procedure
You will be given painkillers to take home with you after your haemorrhoid removal procedure.
Patients who have had a haemorrhoidectomy may experience some bleeding or discharge from the anus.
Full aftercare instructions will be provided following your haemorrhoid treatment.
Ensure you have plenty high-fibre foods as part of your diet, drink plenty of water or similar fluids, always go to the toilet when you need to, avoid excessive pushing or straining when passing a stool, take part in regular exercise, avoid sitting for extended periods and ask your GP about fibre supplements if required.
Haemorrhoids develop when the veins around your anus are stretched under pressure resulting in them swelling. The swollen veins can develop for a wide range of reasons such as excessive straining during bowel movements and increased pressure due to pregnancy.
Symptoms of haemorrhoids will vary from person to person but they can include;
Itching or irritation around your anal region
Soreness or pain from your anus
Most patients are able to return to their daily activities once the Rafaelo® procedure is done but depending on the grade of the haemorrhoids you may wish to have a day or two of rest.
For patients who have had haemorrhoidectomy surgery, it will depend on the type of job role that you have but generally patients take anywhere from 1-2 weeks off work.
Overall, THD does have a shorter recovery period in comparison to a haemorrhoidectomy procedure. Most patients can return to work after 1 week.