The Private Clinic offers safe and reliable treatments for Osteoarthritis pain.
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Medically reviewed by Lorcan Sheppard BSc MBBS FRCA, Chief Medical Officer for The Private Clinic.
Last Reviewed January 6th 2022
Other Treatments
Osteoarthritis (OA), also known as degenerative Joint Disease (DJD) or wear and tear is a chronic disease of the joints. It affects the smooth cartilage lining of the joints which can cause pain, stiffness, tenderness or swelling of the joint and also problems moving the joint.
Osteoarthritis is the single most common cause of disability in older adults and the 2010 Global Burden of Disease Study estimated that 10% to 15% of all adults aged over 60 had some degree of symptomatic Osteoarthritis [1;2].
The severity of osteoarthritis will vary from patient to patient, for some patients, the symptoms may be mild and come and go whereas other patents are in continuous pain which can be severe and make everyday activities a challenge. Osteoarthritis is often given stages from 0-4, 0 being no Osteoarthritis all the way to 4 which is severe symptoms of osteoarthritis. Although osteoarthritis can be a progressive condition, this is not always the case for everyone and some patients may not even reach stage 4 as their condition may have stabilised before reaching this stage.
Where can Osteoarthritis occur?
Osteoarthritis can affect any joint on the body; however the most common areas are the hips, knees, lower back, neck, hands, and feet.
What causes Osteoarthritis?
The exact cause of Osteoarthritis can be difficult to confirm, factors that are known to increase the risk of developing Osteoarthritis include:
- Old age.
- Injury to the joint.
- Pre-existing conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.
- Being a woman.
Treatment for Osteoarthritis
Current treatment options for Osteoarthritis include anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), corticosteroid injections, oral supplements, or invasive surgery. Medication for Osteoarthritis only works to provide pain relief or reduce inflammation. Invasive joint replacement surgery can improve function too, however the risks associated with this procedure and the life span of joint prosthetics means that a large number of patients are not suitable.
The development of Regenerative Surgery (RS) procedures has enabled a major change in early Osteoarthritis and advanced Osteoarthritis treatments. These treatments can help to provide persistent relief from pain through minimal tissue repair.
Regenerative surgery procedures are safe, minimally invasive treatments with minimal side effects or complications.
The aim of regenerative surgery treatments is to improve osteoarthritis symptoms, restore local cells and encourage tissue regeneration. The treatments are performed in-clinic as walk in, walk out day case procedures so patients can get back to their usual routines almost instantly after the procedure has taken place.
- WHO Department of Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion.
- United Nations. World Population to 2300.(http://www.un.org/esa/population/publications/…/WorldPop2300final.pdf)
What to Expect
Osteoarthritis Treatment
Regenerative surgery treatment
The first step of treatment involves having your blood taken by one of our nurses in clinic, this will be just like if you were to have a blood test at your doctors or a hospital.
The blood is then taken and put into a machine known as a centrifuge. A centrifuge spins the blood to separate the platelets and plasma from the other blood cells.
The platelet and plasma mixture will then be injected into the areas being treated which treats the area with a concentration of platelets that is significantly higher than what is found in the human body naturally. The platelets contain a high number of growth factors which help to both decrease swelling and inflammation but also to heal injured tissue.

Regenerative surgery aftercare
There is no downtime after regenerative surgery treatment for osteoarthritis.
Some patients may feel a little sore in the areas treated but this should reduce over 24 hours.
Results can often be felt within a few weeks of treatment.

The Private Clinic have collaborated with Chrysalis Finance to offer 0% finance for our patients.*
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Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have Osteoarthritis?
The first stage of your Osteoarthritis diagnosis is likely to take place with your GP. They will be able to analyse the appearance of the joints alongside your record of how long the discomfort has been present.
If you suspect you have Osteoarthritis in your hands, they make look out for bony lumps known as Heberden’s Nodes and Bouchard’s Nodes which are a symptom of osteoarthritis of the hands.
You may also be referred to have an x-ray of the joint/s. An x-ray can show the loss of cartilage in the joint and the narrowing of the space between the bones.
There are a range of symptoms for Osteoarthritis and the occurrence of them will vary between patients but can include:
- Joint stiffness
- Joint Pain
- Joint Swelling
- Crackling sensation when moving the joints
- Bony growths felt under the skin
Regenerative treatment for Osteoarthritis has shown promise of being an effective treatment as an alternative to surgery. The treatment actively helps to both reduce inflammation, but also to heal the cartilage allowing it to rebuild over time.
Our regenerative treatment for Osteoarthritis works by taking the patients own blood, spinning the blood in a centrifuge to separate the platelets and plasma creating a Platelet Rich Fibrin product. The platelet and plasma solution has a high concentration of platelets that are effective in the treatment of tissue damage. The natural fibrinogen that is within the blood is converted to fibrin by thrombin in the early stages of clot formation. This creates a spongy fibrin matrix that activates the platelets and allows for a slow release of growth factors, which starts the tissue healing process. This is injected into the joints to help reduce any inflammation whilst also encouraging stem cell growth.
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