Sleep Apnea
There are three types of sleep apnea, Central Sleep Apnea (CSA), Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), and Mixed Sleep Apnea ( i.e. both Central Sleep Apnea and Obstructive Sleep Apnea).
Please see our frequently asked questions for Sleep Apnea.
Frequently Asked Questions
Some treatments involve lifestyle changes, such as avoiding alcohol or muscle relaxants, losing weight, quitting smoking or changing sleeping positions.
Some people require the use of a breathing machine called CPAP – continuous positive airway pressure. CPAP delivers the air through a nasal or face mask under pressure. When adjusted properly and tolerated, it is nearly 100% effective in eliminating or reducing obstructive sleep apnea. Unfortunately, only 60% of people with CPAP machines report that they use them and only 45% of them use them more than 4 hours per night.
The use of a CPAP mask can be impaired when a patient has nasal congestion or a septal deviation; it is important to have these evaluated since they can be treated.
Another non-surgical method is a dental appliance to hold the jaw, keeps the tongue forward and holds the palate up thus preventing closure of the airway. This small increase in airway size sometimes is enough to control the apneas. A dental appliance requires natural teeth to fit properly and it must be worn every night.
Finally, many medications have been studied for obstructive sleep apnea; however, because obstructive sleep apnea is due to an anatomic airway narrowing, it has been difficult to find a medication that will help.
A functional rhinoplasty or septoplasty can help to reduce the severity of obstructive sleep apnea.
The type of surgery chosen is dependent on an individual’s specific condition, anatomy and goals from surgery.
We have clinics across the UK including:
- London – 98 Harley Street, W1G 7HZ
- Birmingham – 88 Hagley Road, B16 8LU
- Manchester – 25 St John St, M3 4DT
- Leeds – 45 Park Square North, LS1 2NP
- Northampton – 82 Billing Road, NN1 5DF
Find out more about we can help by contacting us here.
Prices for Functional Rhinoplasty / Septoplasty start from £8,100.
A more accurate quote will be provided following a no-obligation consultation with one of our expert Consultant Plastic Surgeons who specialises in performing rhinoplasty procedures.
They will evaluate your condition and suggest which treatment and techniques they think will work best for you.
A consultation with our Consultant Plastic Surgeons is £100.