Here, at The Private Clinic, our specialist Consultant Plastic Surgeons offer Labiaplasty procedures to help correct issues with the labia that are abnormal, causing distress or may be harming your health.
Please see our frequently asked questions for Labiaplasty.
Frequently Asked Questions
A labiaplasty procedure is usually performed to reduce the size of the labia minora (inner lips). Labiaplasty can also be performed to reshape/reduce the size of the labia major, (outer lips), although this is less commonly performed.
Our surgeons recommend that activities including strenuous exercise, sexual activity, and physical activities like running, swimming, and cycling should ideally be avoided until 6 weeks following a labiaplasty procedure.
After 6 weeks, patients will return back to see the surgeon who, based on their recovery so far, will be able to tell them when it would be safe to return to their usual activities.
A reduction in sensation is not typically encountered with labia reduction surgery but it will always be a risk.
Our labiaplasty surgeons are very experienced and during a labiaplasty procedure will ensure that any labial tissue is removed in the safest way.
Many patients report that they have experienced improved sensitivity following labiaplasty since excess tissue was removed from the area.
Vaginal Rejuvenation typically refers to a combination of cosmetic gynaecological surgery procedures to the vagina. The aim of vaginal rejuvenation is to improve the appearance, function and sensation of the vagina and surrounding areas, including the labia.
At The Private Clinic, we only provide Labiaplasty procedures which work to reduce the size of the labia. We do not offer vagina tightening, pelvic floor muscle repair surgery or surgical perineum repair.
Yes, labiaplasty surgery has no effect on your ability to get pregnant or your ability to have a vaginal birth.
Childbirth and pregnancy will also not have any effect on the results of your labiaplasty procedure.
Whilst your overall recovery time is 6-8 weeks, your downtime is minimal and you can expect to be feeling comfortable to return within 1 week following your procedure.
More physically demanding activities such as strenuous exercises and sexual activities are best avoided until 6 weeks after your procedure.
The labia is part of the vagina. It refers to the folds of skin that surround the vulva. There are two parts to the labia, the outer labia (labia majora) and the inner labia (labia minora).
It is important to know that it is very normal for the labia to appear in all different shapes and sizes. There is no ‘normal’. But for those who are unhappy with the appearance of their labia then labia reduction surgery (labiaplasty) can be performed.
The appearance of a large labia or an asymmetric labia can cause women to feel self-conscious despite it being a private and sensitive area of their body. Choosing to go ahead with reconstructive surgery in this area can be a difficult decision.
A labiaplasty should only be carried out by a qualified plastic surgeon who specialises in vaginal rejuvenation surgery.
There is nothing wrong with having a large labia. Many women are able to live their lives happily and comfortably with no issues or concerns.
For some women, a large labia can cause significant psychological distress as well as functionality issues.
Issues with functionality can include chafing/rubbing on clothing and discomfort or embarrassment when wearing certain types of clothing such as swimwear. It can also make activities such as sexual intercourse, exercise, horse riding and cycling feel uncomfortable.
A labiaplasty procedure can help to reduce the size of the labia and allow the patient to live their life free from any issues caused by a large labia.
The best way to find out if you are suitable for a labiaplasty procedure is to contact us to book a no-obligation consultation with one of our expert plastic surgeons.
Consultations are held within our discreet clinics and a chaperone will be available at all times to help you feel comfortable.
Patients who are unhappy about the shape, size, or symmetry of their labia are most likely the ones that would be considering labiaplasty surgery. An ideal patient may be someone who feels their labia is causing discomfort which impacts their day-to-day life.
If you are looking to tighten the vagina or a procedure to strengthen pelvic floor muscles then a labiaplasty would not be suitable.
During your consultation, the plastic surgeon will listen to your concerns and examine the labia. This enables them to determine if labiaplasty surgery would help and ensure that you have realistic expectations of what can be achieved by labia surgery.
All patients will also be required to undergo a pre-operative assessment that checks to see that they are physically and psychologically fit and healthy.
Designer vagina is a slang term to describe any type of cosmetic gynaecological surgery. This includes labial reduction surgery (labiaplasty), vaginal tightening surgery (vaginoplasty), and other vaginal rejuvenation procedures.
We do not use the phrase Designer Vagina at The Private Clinic. We like our patients to understand what the procedure they are coming to see us for entails.
We do not offer vaginal tightening surgery or any other type of vaginal rejuvenation procedures other than labiaplasty surgery.
We ensure that all patients are aware of what to expect from labiaplasty surgery and are honest when a patient has unrealistic expectations from the procedure.
A labiaplasty involves removing skin from the labia. The tissue will not grow back following the procedure and therefore any changes will be permanent.
No repeat treatment is required to maintain the results of a labiaplasty.
Wearing certain types of clothing such as swimwear and tight-fitting clothes can cause discomfort and embarrassment to those seeking a labiaplasty procedure.
Labiaplasty surgery removes excess tissue; therefore, many patients do feel more comfortable wearing clothing they would have previously avoided.
Labiaplasty surgery is usually performed under general anaesthetic so no pain would be felt during the procedure.
For patients who choose local anaesthetic, the area will numb, the injection will be a sharp scratch but once the anaesthetic takes affect, no pain should be felt.
Any discomfort or pain experienced following surgery can be easily managed with pain medication which will be provided by the surgeon. Post-operative pain usually subsides after a few days.
In the first few days following the procedure, patients may find going to the toilet or sitting down uncomfortable. Any discomfort felt is likely to be caused by the swelling. Swelling of the area should gradually reduce in the days following the procedure, it can take up to 2 weeks for all the swelling to go.
It is perfectly normal to have soreness, swelling or bruising in the labial area for up to two weeks after surgery.
Just like any type of surgery, labiaplasty surgery does come with risks and complications. You will be made aware of all of these during your consultation.
Risks and side effects following labiaplasty surgery include; Bleeding, scarring, infection, asymmetry and reduced genital sensitivity.
Complications of a labiaplasty include blood clots (DVT), removing too much tissue or not enough tissue and wound breakdown.
Complications during and following labiaplasty surgery are very rare.
Your surgeon will answer any questions you may have about the procedure.
Non-surgical labia reduction treatments are available, such as non-surgical radiofrequency technology and laser labia reduction however, there are no real reports to support their claims and the results are not permanent.
There are treatments such as creams, home remedies and exercises that all claim to reduce labia size but again, there is limited scientific proof of their effectiveness.
Labiaplasty surgery is the only guaranteed way to reduce the size of your labia permanently, and safely.
We advise that you take a full week off work following your labia reduction surgery.
During your consultation, you will be able to discuss your role at work and what tasks are required of you which help your surgeon to advise on whether longer would be required or not.
To allow for a full recovery of the area, we advise abstaining from sexual intercourse for at least 4 weeks, but ideally 6 weeks. Your surgeon will then be able to advise when you can safely resume sexual activities following your 6-week follow-up.
The Private Clinic sees over 15,000 new patients every year and perform over 10,000 procedures, with one of the highest patients’ satisfaction in the sector, Trustpilot 5 star rating, 98% would recommend us to their friends and family.
The Private Clinic prides itself on its commitment to Medical Expertise, Patient Care and Satisfaction, Honest advice and most importantly Results. We are above all committed to Quality.
Please feel free to contact us for any Labiaplasty advice or to book a consultation with one of our expert surgeons. Labiaplasty Cost can be part of your decision to undergo a procedure but it should never be the deciding factor. For more information about The Private Clinic, our experience and medical expertise click here
Labiaplasty can be carried out under local or general anaesthetic. The price for labiaplasty starts from £5,100. We don’t follow a one-price-fits-all policy and prices are quoted on a case by case basis. You will be given an accurate quote for your requirements following your consultation.
A labiaplasty consultation with one of our Consultant Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeons is £100 at our clinics in London Harley Street, Manchester, Leeds and Northampton.