Tummy Tuck FAQs
Please see our frequently asked questions for Tummy Tuck.
Frequently Asked Questions
Diastasis recti, or separated abdominal muscles, is one of the most common side effects of pregnancy but it can also occur in women who have not had children.
Typical symptoms of diastasis recti include an abdominal bulge that doesn’t go away, a jelly-like feeling around the belly button, coning or doming when you contract your ab muscles and an overall weakness of the core.
Diastasis recti corrective surgery is not available on the NHS so many women go private for repair surgery.
Diastasis recti surgery is the same procedure as a tummy tuck so seeking a specialist tummy tuck surgeon is going to give you the best results.
Our surgeons are able to provide more information about Diastasis Recti correction via tummy tuck/abdominoplasty surgery in consultation. To find out if you are suitable, book a consultation.
Abdominoplasty involves the removal of excess, sagging skin and some of the connective tissue surrounding it and will not result in demonstrable fat removal. People who have lost a lot of weight quickly or had babies and have excess skin are typically ideal candidates for the procedure.
Instead, people looking for fat removal will be suitable for liposuction. As the skin may struggle to tighten, a tummy tuck can be used to help improve the result of the fat removal. A consultation will help you to understand what procedure or procedures your body may need.
A full tummy tuck removes loose skin above and below your belly button, a mini tummy tuck will only remove skin below your belly button and an extended tummy tuck removes loose skin from above and below the belly button as well as from your sides/flanks or love handles.
Do I need a full or mini tuck? – Find out more in our blog
To get an accurate idea on which procedure is best for you, make an appointment to see one of our specialist abdominoplasty surgeons.
You should notice an initial difference straight after your procedure however the best results are not seen until after the swelling has subsided which can take up to 6 weeks.
The Private Clinic sees over 15,000 new patients every year and performs over 10,000 procedures, with one of the highest patients’ satisfaction in the sector with a Trustpilot excellent rating, and 98% of patients saying they would recommend us to their friends and family.
The Private Clinic prides itself on its commitment to Medical Expertise, Patient Care and Satisfaction, Honest advice and most importantly Results. We are above all committed to Quality.
Please contact us for any Tummy Tuck advice or to book a consultation with one of our expert surgeons. Tummy Tuck Cost can be part of your decision to undergo a procedure but it should never be the deciding factor. For more information about The Private Clinic, our experience and medical expertise click here.
The average price for a mini-tummy tuck starts from £7,000. If you require a full tummy tuck the price starts from £9,980. You will be given an accurate quote for your procedure following your consultation.
Consultations with our plastic surgeons are £100 at our clinics in London Harley Street, Birmingham, and Northampton.
All consultations with Mr William Van Niekerk are £250.
We also offer consultations with our highly experienced Patient Coordinators which require a £25 refundable deposit to secure your place. These are available in Birmingham and Northampton.
Patient coordinators can offer you all the required information before meeting a surgeon.
Please note all consultations available at our Harley Street clinic are with a surgeon.
The Private Clinic has several clinics so we are sure to have an expert tummy tuck surgeon located near you.
Our clinics:
Where can I get a tummy tuck in London?
London – 98 Harley Street, W1G7HZ
Where can I get a tummy tuck in Manchester?
Manchester – 25 St John Street, M3 4DT
Where can I get a tummy tuck in Birmingham?
Birmingham – 88 Hagley Road, B16 8LU – West Midlands
Where can I get a tummy tuck in Leeds?
Leeds – 45 Park Square North, LS1 2NP – Yorkshire
Where can I get an abdominoplasty in Northampton?
Northampton – 82 Billing Road, NN1 5DF – East Midlands
To find out more about booking a consultation at a clinic near you, contact us here.
A tummy tuck / abdominoplasty procedure is best performed on patients who have excess skin from pregnancy or weight loss and need it to be removed and tightened. Although fat can be removed during a tummy tuck procedure, it is not a quick fix for losing weight.
We only perform cosmetic procedures on patients over the age of 18. As long as you are fit and well then there is no upper age limit on tummy tuck surgery.
Tummy tucks are not gender specific so men can definitely get tummy tucks. The abdomen is a problem area for men and women alike, with different factors affecting the area. The ageing process affects the elasticity and integrity of the skin, whilst weight loss leaves the body unable to naturally tighten the skin effectively – both problems that affect men.
We recommend that you are at your ideal weight before having tummy tuck surgery. If you lose or gain a significant amount of weight after having the procedure you may find yourself having to have additional surgery to correct the results. Although it is not a medical requirement, we also recommend that you do not have a tummy tuck procedure if you are planning on getting pregnant in the future. Pregnancy can cause your skin to stretch which again, may result in revision surgery being required at a later date.
A tummy tuck consultation with your surgeon is a great way to firstly get to know the surgeon that is potentially going to be carrying out the procedure, discuss your desired outcome, ask any questions that you may have and talk through any concerns that you have about the procedure. The surgeon will ask to see your stomach so they can assess which procedure would be best for you. You will also be able to go through before and after photographs to get a realistic idea of what to expect post-surgery.
A tummy tuck procedure can take up to 2 hours to perform and you may be required to stay overnight in the hospital so that your surgeon and the nursing team can ensure you are recovering well.
The type of anaesthetic used will depend on the patient, the surgeons’ preferences, and the type of procedure. Most abdominoplasty procedures require general anaesthetic, but some can be performed under local anaesthetic with sedation if requested.
The procedure involves an incision being made along the lower abdomen (further incisions may be needed). Then skin is carefully separated, allowing the excess tissue and skin to be removed and the remaining skin and tissue to be repositioned or reshaped. Finally, the skin is firmly pulled across the abdomen area and sutured up.
If you are having liposuction as part of the process, excess fat will be extracted along with the removal of excess skin and tissue.
Temporary drainage tubes can sometimes be used for fluid drainage if required. Surgical gauze and compression garments will be used to wrap around the treated area to aid the body’s recovery process.
Your pain should be effectively managed with the prescribed pain relief and although you are told to rest, you are also advised to get up and take regular short walks throughout the day. Initially, you may feel tightness in the abdomen and find standing up straight difficult for the first 4-5 days post-surgery. You will have an aftercare plan set up which will require you to visit your nearest clinic regularly to ensure you are healing well. You will be required to wear a compression garment during your healing for 6-8 weeks or until any swelling has gone.
You will not feel any discomfort before or during the procedure but after the procedure, you are likely to experience moderate discomfort. Painkillers and sedatives are prescribed for patients and a full resting period is necessary in order to help your body adjust. Considering the results, most patients report the procedure’s downtime was worth it.
You will need to take between 1-3 weeks off work, depending on your job. After a surgical procedure you need to care for your body and grant it the full rest it deserves. Naturally, the recovery process varies considerably between patients so you may find you will be able to do some very light work from home sooner than you thought. Following the aftercare schedule we provide will help you heal quickly and effectively so make sure you adhere to the care plan.
At your consultation, your surgeon will discuss your scar placement with you. It may be beneficial for you to bring or wear specific underwear or bikini bottoms that you know you want the scar to sit beneath to give your surgeon a clear idea of where the scar should sit. Ideally, the scar will sit as low on the abdomen as possible, for the first few weeks it will be very visible and it will go through a red phase before eventually fading to a silvery colour. Over the years your scar will continue to fade and should sit flat against your skin. Your surgeon will give you guidance on how to care for your scar post-surgery.
Invasive surgery of any kind will leave some form of scarring but our surgeons are specialised and able to minimise scarring as much as possible, as well as hiding the scars below the underwear/bikini line. Fortunately, the scarring will be in a place that isn’t commonly visible most of the time. Advice will be given to treat scarring post-procedure and further treatments are available at The Private Clinic if you need further help with treating your scarring.
The results you get after a tummy tuck procedure are essentially permanent however as we age, our bodies change and our skin may become more elasticated which could affect the results. Gaining weight or becoming pregnant can also alter the results of a tummy tuck procedure.
A tummy tuck procedure is not designed to remove stretch marks so this is not guaranteed, however due to the technique of the skin being tightened – some patients find the appearance of their stretchmarks has reduced after their procedure.
A tummy tuck procedure will not prevent you from getting pregnant and pregnancy after a tummy tuck procedure is definitely safe for both mother and baby.
We do recommend that patients do not have a tummy tuck if they are planning a pregnancy again in the future. This is because there is a risk that the skin and abdominal muscles could stretch out again during pregnancy. It makes more sense to wait due to risk of additional expense and need for revision surgery.
However, not all patients require a second procedure following pregnancy, especially if their tummies do not stretch out too much. Everybody responds differently to pregnancy so whether you would need a second procedure would only be able to be decided post-pregnancy.
A tummy tuck procedure is intended to remove excess skin rather than fat although some fat removal can be carried out during the procedure. If you are looking for a procedure to help with stubborn fat removal see our Vaser Liposuction page.
A standard tummy tuck will not target your love handles/sides/flanks but an extended tummy tuck does target this area otherwise a vaser liposuction procedure may be best suited.
We recommend that you allow 6-8 weeks before returning to exercise and any other strenuous activities.
We advise that you wait for at least 6 weeks after surgery to fly.
An abdominoplasty procedure is a relatively safe procedure but it does carry risks just like any surgical procedure would do. The most common risks after an abdominoplasty procedure are infection, excessive bleeding or a reaction to the anaesthetic; your surgeon will discuss these in full at your consultation.
We are offering free tummy tuck phone or video consultations with an experienced patient coordinator.
Our coordinators are able to provide information on tummy tuck procedures and advise on which tummy tuck surgeon is going to suit your requirements best.
In order to secure the timed appointment we do require a £25 refundable deposit. This is refunded once the consultation takes place. You can change your appointment time up to 48 hours before.