- Breast Auto Augmentation is able to improve the shape of your breasts without an implant
- Performed by expert breast surgeons who specialise in the advanced technique
- 0% Finance Available
- Redeemable Consultation Fee
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- About this Treatment
- Before & Afters
- What to Expect
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- Things to Consider
- Why the Private Clinic
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Medically reviewed by Lorcan Sheppard BSc MBBS FRCA, Chief Medical Officer for The Private Clinic of Harley Street, London.
Last Reviewed July 10th 2024
Related Cosmetic Surgery
Breast Auto-Augmentation
A breast auto-augmentation is a great way lift the breast and also restore fullness into the upper breast with no implant.
When it comes to implant removal, one of the biggest reasons that leaves patients feeling concerned is how their breasts are going to look after the implants have been taken out.
When you remove your breast implants, it can cause your breasts to lack fullness and appear sagged. When the upper pole of the breast is lacking in volume, it can cause breasts to look sunken and saggy.
Consultations for Auto Augmentation are available at our clinics in London Harley Street, Birmingham and Northampton. Your Consultation Fee is Redeemable against your Breast Surgery booking.
What is breast auto-augmentation (breast uplift and implant removal)?
A breast auto-augmentation or a breast augmentation-mastopexy or breast lift with auto-augmentation, is a specialised plastic surgery procedure that uses your natural breast tissue to reshape and enhance the shape of your breasts.
The procedure only uses your natural breast tissue and it has a big advantage over implants in that it will only increase volume in the upper pole, no volume or weight will be added to the lower pole of the breasts. It may be difficult to replicate the same size with implants, but it will be a close match.
Who can have a breast auto-augmentation operation?
Ideal candidates for a Breast Auto-Augmentation procedure are patients who are looking to have their implants removed but do not want sagging breasts post-procedure.
It is common for upper pole fullness to decrease following a breast implant removal as the implant was often the reason for the fullness. The shape and appearance of the bust can change for patients who have had large implants or implants for a long period of time. The skin of the breasts can appear stretched and sagged.
Breast Auto Augmentation, Breast Lift without Implant at a glance
Procedure Time
1 – 2 hours
Anaesthetic Type
General Anaesthetic
Hospital Stay
Day case
1 week
1 week
Up & Mobile
1 day
Sexual Activity
4 – 6 weeks
Back to work
1 week
6 weeks
6 weeks
Full Recovery Time
6 weeks
Final Results
6 – 12 months
Support Garments
Surgical Bra to be worn for 6 weeks
Sleeping elevated on back for 2 weeks
What are the benefits of an Auto-Augmentation?
- Improving the shape of your breasts without an implant
- Increasing the fullness of the upper breast with no implant
- Correcting sagging of the breast
- Lifting the breasts into a more youthful position
- No added weight of an implant
- A natural implant is achieved
What is the difference between Breast Auto Augmentation and Breast Uplift?
The breast auto-augmentation procedure is similar to a breast uplift however this procedure is instead a reconstruction of the breast for patients who are having their implants removed. A breast uplift tends to focus on relocating the nipple to give the appearance of fuller breasts and the breast tissue is often untouched. An auto-augmentation procedure instead uses the patient’s existing breast tissue or glands and relocates them to the upper portion of the breast.
Who is the best plastic surgeon for breast auto-augmentation (breast uplift and implant removal)?
Breast Auto-augmentation is a specialist plastic surgery procedure which should only be performed by expert breast surgeons. Very few plastic surgeons carry out this specialist type of procedure so be sure to ask to see previous examples of their work when you visit for a Breast Auto-Augmentation consultation
We offer Breast Auto augmentation consultations at our London Harley Street or Northampton clinics.
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Breast Auto Augmentation Before & After Photos
Our expert surgeons offer leading breast surgery procedures.
Take a look at our Auto Breast Augmentation before and after photos to see how we have helped change our patients’ lives.
What to Expect
The Private Clinic has been treating patients for over 40 years with thousands of women placing their trust in us each year. We pride ourselves on being able to offer a personalised service. We have a team of friendly nurses and expert breast surgeons who understand the importance of this decision and will support you throughout your journey with us.
The Consultation
Your Breast Auto Augmentation procedure journey will start with a consultation with one of our expert breast surgeons who specialises in this procedure.
At your consultation you will be able to find out more about the specialist procedure and if you are suitable.
Your surgeon will also:
- Review your medical history
- Examine your breasts to assess your suitability for auto-augmentation surgery
- Discuss your expectations from surgery
- Detail the risks and complications of breast auto-augmentation surgery
- Go through the aftercare and recovery process
You will then be allocated a dedicated patient coordinator who will be your point of contact should you wish to go ahead with the procedure.

Pre-Operative Appointment
In the interests of patient safety, all our patients are assessed against our patient selection criteria.
Following your breast auto augmentation consultation your medical history will be reviewed and the pre-operative nurse will choose which pre-operative tests to carry out which are going to be most appropriate to you.
Most breast auto augmentation pre-operative assessments include a blood test, MRSA swabs, urine test and a blood pressure test.
They will also advise you of any precautions you need to take in the days or weeks leading up to your breast auto-augmentation procedure and advise on any medication that you should stop taking before the procedure.

The Procedure
A breast auto aumentation procedure is performed under general anaesthetic and a T-shaped, anchor shaped or lollipop shaped incision will be created on the lower portion of the breast to help ensure longer-lasting results.
- Firstly the breast implant will be removed from the breast.
- The outer layer of excess skin (the epidermis) is then removed.
- At this stage an uplift procedure would remove and discard any excess breast tissue however an auto augmentation instead works to reshape the tissue to fill the upper portion of the breast.
- The surgeon will select the breast tissue or glands in the lower breast and rotate it up into a new position in the upper pole of the breast. The tissue is not surgically cut to preserve the blood supply.
- Once in its new position, the tissue is then secured to the chest wall and upper breast tissue.
- Your surgeon will then relocate your nipple and areola higher up on your breast to give that uplifted appearance
- Any excess skin is removed before the incisions are closed with absorbable sutures.

The results from a Breast Auto-Augmentation are instant however your breasts will need to go through a recovery period which may include some swelling. The best results can be seen from 6 weeks post-op but it can take 6-12 months for you to fully heal.
Following your procedure, you may need to stay overnight in the hospital but this will be decided by your surgeon ahead of your procedure. We recommend that patients take 1-2 weeks off work and avoid any intense exercise or strenuous physical activity in the first 3 to 4 weeks following surgery.
Swelling and localised discomfort will subside within a few weeks, but you will need to wear a support bra, with no under-wire, for at least 6 weeks.

Watch our Breast Auto-Augmentation Information Videos
The Private Clinic have collaborated with Chrysalis Finance to offer 0% finance for our patients.*
*Acceptance is subject to status. Terms and conditions apply.
Frequently Asked Questions
A breast augmentation is a breast enlargement procedure. This surgical procedure uses breast implants to enhance the shape of the breasts. A breast auto-augmentation is a variation of a breast uplift procedure that instead uses the patient’s own natural breast tissue to increase volume in the upper portion of the breast without the need for an implant, effectively a natural breast enlargement. A breast auto-augmentation is not designed to increase the size of the breast, just to enhance the shape and is most commonly performed on patients after a breast implant removal procedure. The advantage is that following surgery your breast size should be similar in size or slightly smaller than if you still had the implant in place.
To find out more about the breast auto-augmentation procedure book a consultation with one our expert surgeons.
A breast auto-augmentation is designed to enhance the shape of your breasts by reshaping the breast using your own natural breast tissue. The procedure can help to maintain fullness in the upper portion of the breasts following a breast implant removal.
A breast auto-augmentation can;
- Lift the breasts
- Correct sagging
- Improve the overall shape of the breasts
- Increase fullness in the upper portion of the breast
- Recreate the appearance of an implant
To find out more about the breast auto-augmentation procedure book a consultation with one our expert surgeons.
A breast auto-augmentation is unable to dramatically increase the size of your breasts like a breast implant would as the surgeon is only using your own breast tissue.
In this instance, if a bigger size of breast is requested then you will instead be offered a removal and replacement procedure where implants of a bigger size can replace your current ones.
An auto augmentation is a great option for patients who wish to maintain the majority of the volume of their chest after their implant has been removed. Although we are unable to guarantee that your breast size will stay the same as it was with the implant, you can be sure that you will achieve breasts that still have volume and are uplifted.
To find out more about breast auto-augmentation procedures visit us for a consultation with one of our expert surgeons.
An auto-augmentation is best performed on patients who are having their breast implants removed. It is a great procedure for women who wish to maintain a certain fullness to the chest after their implants have been removed. You should ideally have a good amount of natural breast tissue, good quality skin that stretches well and realistic expectations of what can be achieved with auto-augmentation surgery.
To find out if you are suitable for a breast auto-augmentation procedure we recommend visiting us for a consultation where our expert breast surgeons will be able to assess you and recommend the best treatment option to suit you.
Breast AUTO-Augmentation is Available in these Clinics
Things to Consider
Our advice on what to consider when deciding to have a breast auto-augmentation procedure:
1. When choosing a clinic, you should always do your research, and only go to an established, reputable clinic.
The Private Clinic has been in the cosmetic surgery industry for over 40 years. We are here to answer all of your questions and give you peace of mind.
2. When choosing a surgeon, make sure you know who you’ll be seeing. Their expertise, qualifications and patient satisfaction rate are important factors to take into consideration.
At The Private Clinic, we only source the most experienced and specialised surgeons. Find out more about our plastic surgeons here.
3. Price should never be the deciding factor when choosing where to have your treatment. Safety should be your number one priority and feeling confident that they will look after you – not only before, but also after your procedure
4. When it sounds too good to be true, it often is. Always find out what your clinic’s reputation is.
Our excellent reputation for patient safety and satisfaction, honest advice and outstanding care means your journey with The Private Clinic will be an exciting experience to a newfound shape.
Why Choose The Private Clinic
- The Private Clinic has been treating patients for over 40 years with thousands of women placing their trust in us each year.
- Top UK-specialised best breast surgeons with decades of experience who specialise in Breast Auto Augmentation procedures.
- Dedicated care with your expert breast surgeon and nursing team, and a 24 hour help line.
- We have state of the art hospital facilities.
- All breast surgery options are discussed so you can ensure you are recieving the most suitable care that is best for you.
- 5 Star Trustpilot Rating

Meet our Surgeons
Our expert Breast Auto-Augmentation Surgeons consult from London and Northampton.
Consultant Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon
Consultant Plastic, Reconstructive, Cosmetic Surgeon