Breast Asymmetry Correction FAQs
Please see our frequently asked questions for Breast Asymmetry Correction.
Frequently Asked Questions
Breast Asymmetry Surgery is a surgical procedure designed to correct a difference in breast shape. The type of surgical technique used will vary between patients but it is usually breast augmentation, breast reduction, breast uplift or a combination of 1 or 2 techniques.
To find out more about breast asymmetry surgery click here to book an appointment with one of our expert breast surgeons.
To be considered for breast asymmetry correction surgery you must be at least 18 years of age but ideally above 21 years of age to allow for any additional breast growth. You should also not be pregnant or breast feeding. Patients should also be at their ideal weight as any significant weight gain or loss post procedure could affect your results.
If you feel your breasts are significantly different in size usually by one or 2 cup sizes then you would most likely be suitable for breast enlargement surgery. Everyone’s breasts are uneven to some degree but this is not visually noticeable for the majority of patients.
The best way to find out if you are suitable for breast asymmetry correction surgery is to book a consultation with one of our specialist breast correction surgeons who will be able to assess you in person.
Your breasts should appear more evenly balanced after breast asymmetry correction surgery however they will not be 100% perfect as this is impossible to achieve. You should expect to look more equally proportioned and any differences that may still occur will not be as noticeable.
Unfortunately cosmetic surgery is not routinely available on the NHS. In rare cases they may offer breast implant surgery for patients who are severely underdeveloped and causing a significant amount of psychological distress. In these cases you will need to be referred by your GP.
The majority of patients who have uneven breasts will usually have to pay for this privately. It is important that you choose a surgeon who is experienced in correcting asymmetric breasts to perform your procedure as usually a variety of techniques will need to be used to give you the best results. You should always question your surgeon to find out their experience and ask to see examples of previous breast asymmetry patients.
Click here to make an appointment with one of our breast correction specialists.
The Private Clinic has clinics nationwide so we are sure to have an expert breast surgeon located near to you.
Our clinics are in;
• London – 98 Harley street, W1G7HZ
• Manchester – 25 St John Street, M3 4DT
• Birmingham – 88 Hagley Road, B16 8LU – West Midlands
• Leeds – 45 Park Square North, LS1 2NP – Yorkshire
• Buckinghamshire – Virtual Consultations Only
• Northampton – 82 Billing Road, NN1 5DF – East Midlands
To find out more about booking a consultation at a clinic near you, contact us here.
Overall, no one really knows what causes breasts to develop unevenly. It is usually down to hormonal changes or trauma to the chest but it could also be an underlying medical condition such as Poland syndrome or juvenile hypertrophy.
Juvenile hypertrophy is very rare but it does cause one breast to grow significantly larger than the other. Poland syndrome is again another rare condition that occurs at birth and one side of the chest wall is underdeveloped compared to the other.
The extent of your scarring post breast asymmetry correction surgery will vary depending on the technique used. There will always be scarring with any surgical procedure, breast enlargements will have a small scar within the inframammary fold, breast reduction and uplifts often have more visible scarring that may run from the nipple down to the inframammary fold of the breast.
Your surgeon will give you scar care information which will help you to achieve a well healed scar that will gradually fade in appearance in the year following your surgery.
The results from breast asymmetry correction surgery are usually permanent. Changes to the result may occur with ageing, pregnancy and any change in weight.
For information on Breast Implant Safety and risk please see