Breast Augmentation Before and After Photos

Please see our before and after images for Breast Augmentation. We have selected a variety of photos that shows a selection of different implant types, implant sizes, implant shapes, implant profiles and implant positions. Our expert breast surgeons are very knowledgeable in advising the best options to help you achieve your ideal shape and size.

Implant size: 275cc
Implant profile: High Profile
Implant size: 390cc
Implant profile: High Profile
Implant placement: Subglandular / Above
Time of after photo: 6 weeks
Implant placement: Dual Plane
Time of after photo: 17 weeks
Implant size: 315cc
Implant profile: High Profile
Time of after photo: 10 weeks
Implant size: 320cc
Implant profile: High Profile
Time of after photo: 6 weeks
Implant size: 390cc
Implant profile: High Profile
Implant placement: Subglandular / Above
Time of after photo: 6 weeks
Implant size: 300cc
Implant profile: Low Profile
Time of after photo: 9 weeks
Implant size: 390cc
Implant profile: Moderate Profile
Implant placement: Subglandular / Above
Time of after photo: 6 weeks
Implant size: 390cc
Implant profile: Moderate Profile
Implant placement: Subglandular / Above
Time of after photo: 22 weeks
Implant size: 330cc
Implant profile: Moderate Profile
Implant placement: Subglandular / Above
Time of after photo: 6 weeks
Time of after photo: 17 weeks
Implant size: 320cc
Implant profile: High Profile
Time of after photo: 6 weeks
Implant size: 300cc
Implant profile: High Profile
Implant size: 300cc
Implant profile: Moderate Profile
Implant placement: Dual Plane
Time of after photo: 6 weeks
Implant size: 360cc
Implant profile: Moderate Profile
Implant placement: Subglandular / Above
Time of after photo: 6 weeks
Implant size: 390cc
Implant profile: Moderate Profile
Implant placement: Subglandular / Above
Time of after photo: 14 weeks
Implant size: 250cc
Implant placement: Sub Muscular / Under
Time of after photo: 9 weeks
Implant size: 300cc
Implant profile: Moderate Profile
Implant placement: Subglandular / Above
Time of after photo: 6 weeks
Implant size: 300cc
Implant profile: Moderate Profile
Implant placement: Subglandular / Above
Time of after photo: 6 weeks
Implant size: 390cc
Implant profile: Moderate Profile
Implant placement: Subglandular / Above
Time of after photo: 6 weeks
Implant size: 275cc
Implant profile: High Profile

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