Breast Augmentation FAQs
Please see our frequently asked questions for Breast Augmentation.
Frequently Asked Questions
All breasts develop differently and not one pair will look alike. Some women develop very pointed or pointy breasts/boobs. This may be caused by a congenital breast disorder known as tuberous breasts.
Pointy boobs are a common characteristic of tuberous breasts. The breast tissue develops abnormally which causes the breast mound to become constricted. This causes the breasts to appear pointed or in more severe cases, tube-shaped and often point downwards. There may also be a large gap between the breasts.
Breast surgery can help reshape tuberous breasts by releasing the constriction and either reducing, uplifting or enlarging the breast.
In some cases, boobs can appear pointy following a breast augmentation. This is usually temporary and caused by swelling and tight muscles. Once the muscles relax and the swelling reduces, the implant will sit within the lower implant pocket and take on a more rounded appearance.
Yes, At The Private Clinic, we can carry out some Breast Augmentation procedures under Local Anaesthetic and Sedation. This procedure allows suitable patients to achieve significant enhancement with implants up to 350cc—making beautiful results accessible to those who prefer to avoid general anaesthesia, using proven techniques backed by years of documented success.
Following a consultation with your surgeon, your suitability for this type of procedure will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
The size and shape of a woman’s bust can cause a great feeling of unhappiness and insecurity. In cases like these, breast augmentation is a great way to provide both a safe and convenient solution to help restore confidence.
There are many reasons why our patients decide to go ahead with breast augmentation but here at The Private Clinic, we have a team of expert breast surgeons using the best techniques to help provide you with the results that you wish to achieve. All patients are handled with sensitivity and discretion.
If you are over 18 years old, in good health and generally feeling fit and well then you will be suitable for a breast augmentation. However, in some cases, a breast augmentation may not be suitable for the results that you are expecting and in such cases, an alternative or combined surgery method may be advised.
The best way to ascertain your suitability for any type of surgery is to book a consultation to speak with your chosen surgeon.
To book a consultation with our highly experienced surgeons click here.
The right implant for you will be decided on by one of our expert breast surgeons. Your chosen breast implant will take into consideration your natural breast size and your body shape and frame.
It is not possible to give an idea of one type of breast implant as different implant sizes, shapes (teardrop or round) and profiles will not all look the same on every patient.
For each implant, there are usually up to 4 different profiles which range from low to extra high and these decide on how much of the implant projects away from the chest wall. A low profile will usually deliver more of a subtle or natural result but in certain cases the surgeon may advise that you go for a higher profile implant so that your breasts will be more in proportion to your body, therefore achieving a more natural result.
Your surgeon will then discuss implant placement, usually for patients wanting a more natural implant result the implant will be placed below the muscle as this allows for more natural breast tissue to sit on top of the implant but in some cases it may be more appropriate to go an over the muscle option as that is what will suit your body the best.
Taking care of your new breasts post-surgery will also have a big impact on the final result so it is very important to follow your surgeon’s aftercare advice to help you achieve the most natural result.
We have an expert team of surgeons and nurses who will ensure that you receive the best advice both pre and post-procedure to give you the best results.
To book a consultation click here or to find out more about the different types of breast implants view our breast augmentation video series here.
Deciding where your breast implants are placed during breast augmentation surgery is decided by your surgeon and will be discussed in your consultation.
Over the muscle may also be referred to as above the muscle or subglandular and it is when the breast implant is placed in front of the pectoralis minor and pectoralis major muscles that sit in your chest. If you have a good amount of breast tissue then this option would be suitable for you as it will be able to help conceal the shape of the implant giving a more natural result.
Under the muscle is also referred to as behind the muscle or Dual Plane. Although called under the muscle, usually the implant is never placed completely under the muscle as this is a relatively old fashioned breast augmentation technique. Instead, the implant is placed under the pectoralis major muscle in the upper breast but above the serratus anterior muscle in the lower breast. Under the muscle is more commonly referred to as being dual plane and is normally the most favoured of techniques. This option is best for patients who have little natural breast tissue as this method reduces the likelihood of your breast implants showing and gives a more natural looking result.
Our expert breast surgeons are experienced in recommending the best breast augmentation technique to help suit you and your desired results.
Find out more about breast implant placements here.
To book a consultation click here.
The Private Clinic guides thousands of patients every year through their breast enlargement journey. We are committed to Medical Expertise, Patient Care and Satisfaction, Honest advice and most importantly the best breast enlargement results.
The Private Clinic ensures you have the best cover and quality which includes;
- Highly experienced Cosmetic Breast Surgeons who have decades of experience.
- 24 hour patient helpline to ensure you are always in the best of hands.
- Comprehensive Breast Enlargement Patient Guide.
- Outstanding hospital facilities.
- As many post-operative care and appointments with your surgeon and nursing team as required.
- Our experience and medical expertise make your journey a reassuring one click here to find out more
Breast enlargement cost can be part of your decision to undergo a procedure but it should never be the deciding factor.
Breast augmentation costs at The Private Clinic start from £6,300, but a more accurate quote will be provided following your consultation.
This will be an all-inclusive procedure cost, with no hidden extras. Our costs include the best aftercare cover with unlimited follow-up appointments with your surgeon and nursing team. See our comprehensive before and after photos and start your journey today.
Book a consultation or request information.
Consultations with our breast surgeons are £100 at our clinics in London Harley Street, Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester and Northampton.
We offer consultations with our highly experienced Patient Coordinators which require a £25 refundable deposit to secure your place. These are available in Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester and Northampton.
Patient coordinators can provide you with all the information you require before meeting a surgeon. All consultations available at our London Harley Street clinic are with a plastic surgeon.
The Private Clinic have collaborated with Chrysalis Finance to offer 0% finance for our patients. Acceptance is subject to status. Terms and conditions apply. Find out more here or speak to your patient advisor.
Our surgeons at The Private Clinic will be more than happy to show you a selection of before and after photos of the procedure you are considering at your consultation.
We do also have a breast enlargement before and after photo gallery for you to view on our website by clicking here.
A Breast augmentation is known by many names – like breast enhancement, breast enlargement, or more commonly, a ‘boob job’ – but one thing is clear, it’s one of the most sought-after cosmetic procedures in the UK.
In the British Association of Aesthetic Surgeons (BAAPS) 2022 annual audit, Breast Augmentation or breast implants surgery accounted for 6,640 procedures (up 67% from last year) and was rated the top cosmetic surgery procedure for 2022.
A breast augmentation procedure involves breast implants being inserted into the chest to enhance the appearance of the breast by increasing the size, shape, form and feel of a woman’s breast.
The procedure does involve a general anaesthetic but there is not usually an overnight stay required. There are 3 potential incision sites but the most common and widely used is the inframammary fold (IMF) which means the scar is placed along the natural crease line underneath the breast. A typical breast augmentation scar is very small usually 3-5cm. Other alternative incision sites are Periareolar (around the underside of the nipple) and axillary (through the armpit) these are not used on a regular basis and the option to use them will come down to the preference of the surgeon.
There is also an option as to where the implant is placed which is either in front of the pectoral muscle or behind. This decision will be made by your surgeon and is often based on the amount of natural breast tissue that you have.
Once your implant has been put into place, your surgeon will use dissolvable stitches to secure the incision and bandages and a support bra will be placed on you which you will wake up in, once in recovery.
After the procedure, you shouldn’t be in too much pain as the local anaesthetic administered in and around the breast will still be in place. Once you are feeling well and your surgeon has assessed you, you will be able to return home to recover.
At The Private Clinic, your chosen specialist breast surgeon will be able to discuss your options with you and speak to you about the procedure in detail. They will be able to assess your shape in detail and advise on the most suitable placement for your implants and give you their objective opinion on the best breast enlargement shape that you can achieve.
To find out more about Breast augmentation procedures at The Private Clinic, or to book a consultation click here.
At The Private Clinic for breast augmentation, types of breast implants we offer are Nagor, Mentor (Johnson & Johnson), Motiva, Allergan Smooth and B-lite. The best option is to discuss the type of breast implant and what is best for your shape in your consultation with your breast cosmetic surgeon.
We primarily use silicone implants, which we believe give the most natural and long-lasting results. They consist of a solid silicone outer shell which is pre-filled with medical-grade, fully approved cohesive silicone gel.
Breast implants can be round or shaped / teardrop. Your suitability will be established during consultations where you will discuss the different shapes and sizes and how they might suit your needs and shape.
For more information on breast implants see the following blogs;
- How to choose breast implants profile
- Choosing the perfect shape of implants
- Choosing the correct breast implant shape and size
- What is a good size breast implant
To find out more about the types of implants we offer, visit us for a consultation with an expert breast surgeon who will be able to advise on the best implant to help you achieve your desired look and suit your frame.
Implants have been designed to mimic the natural feel of the breasts. Silicone implants offer the best possible feel. In particular, if the implant is positioned below the muscle then the natural breast tissue will become more prominent – allowing for a more natural feel. Initially, your breast implants may feel unnatural to you. This is most likely because you are not used to them but breast implants can also take a month or so to properly settle and soften.
Our medical team at The Private Clinic have many years of experience in breast surgery procedures. They regularly help patients achieve the results they want. It is always their aim to ensure that your results are natural looking and will always recommend the best options to suit you, your frame and your ideal goal from surgery.
The Keller Funnel is a device used by some surgeons to insert the breast implant into the chest pocket without the need to touch it.
The Keller Funnel is made of a clear polymeric material and the interior is surfaced with a hydrophilic coating. This coating is then submerged in a sterile solution causing it to become very slippy allowing the breast implant to move through it.
Round implants are loaded into the funnel usually direct from the packaging which is why this is often called a ‘No Touch Technique’. Shaped implants are usually hand-placed into the funnel to allow the surgeon to make sure that they are in the correct position, direction and orientation and this is called the ‘Minimal Touch Technique’.
The smallest part of the funnel is then placed into the incision and the implant is gently moved through the Keller funnel and into the chest pocket.
Benefits of the Keller Funnel include;
- Shorter incision lengths
- Improved patient comfort
- Increased protection against infection
- Reduced risk of Capsular Contraction [1]
- Reduced force on the breast implant
- Less trauma is caused to tissue surrounding the implant.
The Keller Funnel is an FDA (Food & Drug Administration) approved device in the USA. The Keller Funnel is owned by Allergan, one of the world’s largest medical, pharmaceutical research and development companies
To find out more about the Keller Funnel technique book a breast augmentation consultation with one of our expert surgeons.
All breast augmentation procedures at The Private Clinic are performed as a day case unless otherwise specified by the surgeon. Once you have been assessed by your surgeon or a member of the nursing team you will be able to leave to continue your breast augmentation recovery in the comfort of your own home.
We advise that you take a week off work to recover, but some patients choose to take two weeks. The recommended time you should take off work depends on your healing rate and the nature of your occupation. Those with a desk job may find returning to work easier than those who are more active or spend all day on their feet.
The week following your procedure you should be resting and taking it easy but do not spend all your time stationary. It is important to keep active and make sure to get up for regular short walks but at the same time, do not try to do too much. You should arrange for someone to help you around the house and to help with childcare if necessary.
Exercise and other strenuous activities should be avoided for 4-6 weeks post-procedure and your surgeon will be able to advise you on this.
You will be required to attend a series of follow-up appointments at The Private Clinic. You will have a dressing change a week following your procedure with a nurse and then a 6-week follow-up appointment with your surgeon.
At this stage, you should be pretty much back to your everyday activities and your surgeon will be able to advise you on anything that you are unsure of or have questions about.
Find out more about what to expect after a Breast Augmentation by taking a look at our Breast Enlargement Journey video series here.
Contact us to book an appointment with a breast implant specialist at The Private Clinic.
There is no upper age limit on breast augmentation surgery; as long as you are over 18 years old, in good medical health and generally fit and well then you will be able to be considered for surgery.
We have many patients who have breast enlargement surgery with us who have had children and want to regain their feminine shape following breastfeeding.
To find out more or book a breast augmentation consultation with our breast surgery specialists click here.
Some woman may have one breast slightly larger than the other.
Breast asymmetry is not usually linked to any underlying medical condition, but it can be very distressing for you and could have a deep impact on your confidence and self-esteem.
Your breasts may have started developing into different sizes during puberty, as this is when the breast tissue starts to develop. The difference may have become greater and greater over the years. The good news is that if you have a significant difference in breast sizes, this can be corrected with breast enlargement surgery by using different implant sizes or breast reduction where one breast is reduced to match the other.
Breast implant surgery can also be used to correct a condition called Tubular breasts or tuberous breasts. This is when breasts have a very narrow base and abnormally large nipples. Tubular breasts get their name from the tube-like shape that forms often during puberty. Tubular breasts are the result of the lack of development of breast tissue, which can affect one or both breasts. Affected breasts are often asymmetrical and grow unusually far apart as well as being noticeably droopy. They can cause a considerable amount of psychological distress for women and many of those affected may wish to have a cosmetic procedure such as breast implants or a breast uplift / mastopexy to resolve the issue.
At The Private Clinic, we have a team of expert plastic surgeons with many specialising in asymmetric breast correction. Get in touch to find out more.
Breast Implants are measured in weight known as CC (cubic centimetres). The same size of implants will provide very different results in two different patients so although it is helpful to see results from other patients it is important to remember that everyone’s size and frame are different.
Implants are not measured by cup sizes. This is for bra sizing only, and whilst we can provide an estimate, we are not able to guarantee a cup size from breast surgery.
Our expert breast enlargement surgeons will help you choose an implant size that fits the rest of your body proportions. The final decision will depend on your personal preference, following the breast surgeon’s advice during your consultation.
Your surgeon will take measurements during your consultation. They will be looking at how broad your chest is at the base width of your breasts and the distance between your breasts. This helps them to make an accurate decision as to what size and shaped implant would be best, to help you achieve the results that you want.
Find out more about Implant size in our blog; What is a good size breast implant?
As a potential breast enlargement patient, you need to consider the potential risks and consequences that sometimes can occur with the surgery you are seeking.
Breast Augmentation surgery carries risk just like any surgical procedure would do. The common risks are infection, seromas, excessive bleeding or reaction to the anaesthetic.
Other risks specific to breast augmentation surgery include;
Implant Displacement
Implant displacement occurs when your breast implants move out of place. A displaced implant could be sitting too high, too low, or off to the side. It is often caused when breast implants are too big or heavy for the patient’s frame/body. Implant displacement can occur months or years after the initial procedure. In most cases, removal or replacement of implants is recommended.
Capsular Contracture
After you have had breast implants, your body begins to naturally surround the implant with a layer of scar tissue. This tissue is known as a ‘capsule’ because it encapsulates or surrounds the implant. Sometimes, for a number of reasons, the capsule can tighten and squeeze the implant. This is then known as capsular contracture. It can cause the breast to feel hard, look misshaped and can sometimes be painful.
Whilst this is treatable, it may require additional surgery and is one of the most common reasons for reoperation. Your surgeon will discuss this with you in more detail at your consultation. As part of your initial clinical assessment, your surgeon will take steps to reduce your chance of developing capsular contracture. The severity is graded using the four-grade Baker scale; Grade I is the least severe and Grade IV is the most severe.
Implant rupture
An implant rupture is a tear or hole in the breast implant shell. When this occurs in a silicone gel-filled implant, the gel may remain in the shell, leak into the tissue (or capsule) that forms around the implant or spread beyond the capsule. This can be caused by a variety of causes such as excessive trauma to the chest, extreme capsular contracture or damage by surgical instruments.
The symptoms of implant rupture that you may notice include;
- Decreased breast size
- Changes in the breast shape
- Pain or tenderness and swelling
In some instances, a ‘silent rupture’ may occur and the woman will experience no changes to the way the implant looks or feels. This type of rupture is diagnosed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which is recommended as part of your post-surgery medical examinations.
Implant rupture is treatable, a removal of the implant will be recommended. Your surgeon will diagnose if your implant has ruptured and determine if you should have it replaced or removed.
Breast Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL)
BIA-ALCL is a Breast Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma, a rare T-cell lymphoma that can arise around breast implants. Currently, the cause of BIA-ALCL is not clearly understood. BIA-ALCL is rare and the true incidence is hard to estimate. To date, the estimated incidence rates in scientific literature range from 0.03% to 0.003% or 1 in 3,817 to 1 in 30,000. Current MHRA (The UK Regulator for Medical Devices) estimates that the rate is 1 in 24,000.
BIA-ALCL has been associated with both saline and silicone implants, round and anatomical implants, all gel types, all types of implant texturing, and all projections and seizes, as well as breast implants that have been used for both reconstructive and cosmetic purposes.
Presently, no specific risk factors have been identified by health bodies around the world that are studying this disease. However, factors such as breast implant texture, genetics and bacteria have been implicated and are presently undergoing further study. Breast implants have different surface textures, including smooth or textured. For cases reported to date, BIA-ALCL has been seen most often in patients with textured implants. Your plastic surgeon will be able to provide you with much more information at your consultation and please don’t hesitate to ask any questions you may have regarding BIA-ALCL or any other risk associated with breast implant surgery.
When diagnosed early BIA-ALCL can be treated, often successfully by removing the breast implant and surrounding scar capsule, however, additional treatment may be necessary depending on the individual and whether the disease has spread throughout the body. As with all cancers, it is important to be diagnosed and treated as early as possible. At The Private Clinic, we advise it is good health practice to self-examine breasts regularly and we would recommend that all patients with breast implants do this. Should anything such as swelling of the breast or other symptoms such as pains, lumps and unevenness between the breasts be detected an appointment to see your surgeon or GP should be made as soon as possible.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Various Lymphomas in Capsule Around Implants
There is a risk that patients with breast implants could develop squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and various types of lymphoma in the capsules around the implants, according to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
The FDA believes that occurrences of SCC or various lymphomas in the capsule around the breast implant are rare. The cause, incidence and risk factors remain unknown.
Other breast augmentation surgery risks include a change in breast or nipple sensation, implant displacement, breast asymmetry and ptosis.
What to expect at your consultation?
At your consultation, your plastic surgeon will discuss all the risks and complications mentioned above. You will also receive a Breast Enlargement Patient Guide and Breast Implant Safety advice which details all of the information that you need to know before going ahead with breast augmentation surgery.
last update: March 2023
BAAPS statement on breast implants and guidance for patients
Breast Implant Safety and Risks
Please see our Breast Implant Safety page for more information.
A breast augmentation procedure tends to last roughly an hour and a half but this will depend on your surgeon and the process of your individual procedure.
The procedure is performed under general anaesthetic but you will not be required to stay overnight at hospital unless your surgeon has advised otherwise.
After your procedure, you will be given time to rest from surgery and will be able to leave to return home later on in the day once checked over by the nursing team. You will need to have a friend or family member to leave with you to ensure that you get home safely.
It is uncommon for your breast implants to cause stretch marks to appear on your breasts because the skin on your breast is usually very elastic and resilient to a change in size.
Stretch marks can occasionally be a side effect of breast implants but this is usually for a genetic reason rather than anything to do with the implant. When you are measured for your implants, your chest dimensions are taken into consideration to avoid the stretching of the skin for implants that are too big.
If you are already prone to stretch marks then it is best to take this into consideration when choosing an implant size.
Here at The Private Clinic, we have a team of breast implant specialists who will be able to effectively advise you on the best implant shape and size that will work best with your body in order to avoid the risk of stretch marks.
To book your consultation click here.
At The Private Clinic, we always advise our patients to stop smoking both before and after having any surgical procedure.
Smoking causes the blood vessels to constrict which reduces the blood supply and oxygen to the damaged tissue caused by surgery.
When patients smoke after surgery they may notice that their wounds are healing much slower compared to others. Your surgeon will discuss the appropriate time frames for when to refrain from smoking in your consultation.
The average lifespan of a breast implant according to most manufacturers is 10 years which is why many surgeons will recommend removing or replacing your implants around this time frame. This estimate however can vary between individuals so we do recommend that you attend regular check-up appointments with your surgeon who will be able to assess you and your implants.
Just because you have had your implants for 10 years does not always mean that they need to be removed or exchanged and in most cases, you will be fine to leave them in. Your surgeon may suggest that you book an MRI scan to check the condition of your implants.
When you attend a consultation with one of our expert breast surgeons, they will fully explain the lifespan of your implant and what to expect in the future. It is important that you feel well-informed before having a surgical procedure and here at The Private Clinic you will find that our experience and medical expertise will make your breast enlargement journey a reassuring one.
The Private Clinic are expert in removal and/or change of implant procedures. We have many women who choose to visit us having had their original surgery elsewhere as they want to be sure that they are choosing expert surgeons. Our surgeons have had lots of experience in the change of implant procedures.
Find out more about how long your breast implants will last in our blog.
If a leak or rupture is spotted, you shouldn’t panic, as implants are made in such a way as not to damage your body’s tissue. However, if anything goes wrong, it’s best to address the issue as soon as possible, because complications may arise otherwise.
If you suspect that you’ve suffered a rupture, the best course of action is to immediately contact your surgeon to arrange for a consultation. Once you’ve been examined, your surgeon will discuss your options with you.
There are two kinds of possible ruptures. A silent rupture is contained within the breast tissue and may not present any symptoms or discomfort. Some women decide to leave things be and to see what happens, but your surgeon will weigh in on what’s most advisable in your case.
On the other hand, if you are experiencing any pain, tissue distortion, or swelling, you’ll most probably have to undergo surgery. In both cases, you will have the option to either completely remove, or to replace your implants.
We believe that the right aftercare is essential to a successful recovery process and at The Private Clinic, we’re proud to be known for our high-quality aftercare.
Our elite medical team will be at your disposal every step of the way. You will be assigned a dedicated Patient Coordinator, who will be there to support you throughout your time with us, all the way up until you’ve fully recovered, and beyond! You will be able to contact them with any questions or concerns that you may have. As well as being able to offer you information, they are also there to give you emotional support should you need it.
You will be treated with utmost professionalism while you’re under our care. Your surgeon will take you through a detailed recovery guide following your breast enhancement procedure and we will call you to check up on your progress. Our highly skilled nurses will regularly be in touch to check on you and see you in clinic whilst you heal. Consultations with your surgeon can be arranged at any time, but are booked for 6 weeks post-procedure as standard.
We offer a 24 hour patient helpline direct to an advanced nursing team which means should you have any concerns, at any time we are always here to help.
Many patients are able to breastfeed after they have had breast augmentation surgery. As long as your breasts contain functioning breast tissue and you are able to produce breast milk prior to surgery, then this will be unaffected during the procedure. If your procedure is combined with another procedure such as an uplift or nipple correction when incisions may be made around the nipple area, then there may be a risk of your milk ducts being damaged or functioning breast tissue being removed. Your surgeon will discuss this thoroughly at your consultation.
Our expert breast surgeons are very experienced in performing breast enlargement procedures that allow patients to breastfeed after the procedure. If you are concerned about breastfeeding post-procedure then it is important to discuss this with your surgeon as it may affect their planned surgical technique.
Overall, a breast augmentation procedure should not cause too much change to your nipple area or nipple sensation. Some patients may experience extra sensitive nipples after the procedure and others may notice a decrease in sensitivity. In both cases, this change should be temporary and you can normally expect nipple sensitivity to return to normal 2-3 months after breast enlargement surgery but it can be permanent in very rare cases.
Breast implants are placed beneath the gland of the breast so they will not interfere with the lactation process. There is also no evidence to suggest that silicone implants will harm your baby.
Our specialist breast surgeons here at The Private Clinic use their expertise to ensure that patients do not experience this problem by picking sensible implant sizes, using an inframammary incision technique that does not involve incisions in the nipple area and ensuring that the implant location is suitable for the breast size, shape and frame for the patient.
Click here to book a breast enlargement consultation with one of our expert surgeons.
A breast augmentation is a form of surgical procedure so you will need to take some rest post-procedure to ensure that you heal well.
At The Private Clinic, we provide our patients with detailed aftercare information which will include advice about returning to exercise and general activity post breast enlargement surgery.
We usually recommend that you avoid all exercise for at least 4 weeks after surgery. At 4 weeks you could return to gentle activities but no heavy lifting or strenuous activities should be carried out until you are 6 weeks post-surgery.
Overall it is best to discuss your typical exercise routines with your surgeon ahead of your procedure to help best plan your recovery and aftercare guidance.
You should look after your breasts the same way you would have prior to surgery.
Be sure to regularly check your breasts for any changes in appearance, shape, size or texture.
If you are concerned, you can book an MRI scan to make sure that everything’s as it should be.
Sunbathing or tanning at salons should not cause any damage to the implant but it may affect the way that the scars heal. If you start tanning too early after your breast surgery it can increase your risk of hyperpigmentation which is when patches of skin become darker than the surrounding skin. It can take up to a year for your scar to fully mature so exposing it to direct sunlight or tanning rays on a sunbed can cause pigmentation and you may find that your scar heals darker.
If you do visit a sunbed or are sunbathing within a year after your surgery then we highly recommend covering your scars with tape or a swimsuit and not just sunscreen.
Our surgeons here at The Private Clinic are experts in scar care and will give you full advice on how to achieve the best result post-surgery.
It is important for you to wear your surgical bra or a sports bra recommended by your surgeon for the initial weeks following breast enlargement surgery. Your breasts will be swollen for a little while after your procedure so it is best to wait for 4-6 weeks before going to get sized up for a new bra. A poorly fitting bra or an underwired bra can affect the way that your breasts are healing and how your implants finally settle.
At your 6-week post-op appointment, your surgeon will be able to give you the go-ahead to go and get fitted for a new bra. Some surgeons may suggest choosing softer bras initially without the underwire to ensure that your incisions are not being irritated which could affect your healing time.
Some swelling still may be present at the 6-week stage, so we would advise going for regular bra fittings to ensure that you are always wearing the correct size. Bras can differ considerably in size and shape from one brand to the next so be cautious to pick bras that you can either try on first or have a simple return policy.
Your surgeon can provide more advice about bra shopping and sizing after your surgery. To find out more about breast enlargement procedures or to book a consultation click here.
Choosing the right surgeon is a fundamental part of your Breast Enhancement journey. Opting for a qualified and experienced professional will make all the difference in your final results.
The first step is to assure yourself that your surgeon is registered with the General Medical Council (GMC) and that the clinic they operate from is registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). You should research your surgeon as much as possible and ask to be shown their previous work.
Also, be wary of any set prices and deals offered to you prior to a consultation – every patient is different and needs to be assessed before a definitive cost can be settled. At The Private Clinic, we list all of our expert surgeons on our website along with their General Medical Council number (GMC), their specialisation and years of experience.
How well you heal post-surgery will vary from patient to patient. There will always be an element of scarring but our highly experienced surgeons will ensure that breast implant incisions are made in discreet places. The most common breast augmentation incision used in the UK is the inframammary incision which is the area within the natural breast fold. Breast incision scars are usually 3-5cms in length and are often barely visible in this area, especially when wearing a bikini or bra.
Other incision types used for breast surgery include:
- Periareola which is around the nipple.
- Transaxillary which is within the armpit.
- Transumbilical otherwise known as the TUBA incision which is round the belly button.
These incisions are not commonly performed and would be at the preference of the surgeon.
Scar care at The Private Clinic is a big part of our aftercare advice plan and your surgeon will give their best recommendations on how to reduce the appearance of scars.
Your scars will go through a healing phase for a few months and it can take up to a year for them to fully mature to a faint, barely visible mark.
We use a variety of breast implant brands at The Private Clinic, each implant brand has its own warranty guarantee. This guarantee is held with the implant brand, not The Private Clinic. However, we can provide more information about these warranties in consultation to help you understand them. As a guide, please see the information below.
Nagor breast implants give you a lifetime product guarantee via GCA Comfort Plus™ Warranty. They offer replacement cover for capsular contracture (Baker grade scale iii and iv) and confirmed implant rupture. They also offer lifetime coverage against BIA-ALCL.
For further information on the Nagor Lifetime implant guarantee please click here.
Mentor was the first breast implant manufacturer in the industry to offer a limited warranty on all of their breast implants. All Mentor Breast Implants are covered with the Mentor Promise Protection Plan. This offers lifetime product replacement and limited financial assistance if needed.
For further information on the Mentor limited warranty please click here.
All Motiva implants are covered against rupture by the Always Confident Warranty®, for the lifetime of the device, and by Motiva’s Product Replacement Policy against capsular contracture, Baker grades III and IV for a period of 10 years.
For more information about Motiva Implants Always Confident Warranty® click here.
Allergan Smooth
Each Allergan breast implant is covered individually by Allergan’s warranty. The warranty covers instances including Rupture and Capsular contracture Baker Grade III/IV.
Polytech B Lite Implants
Polytech B-lite implants offer The Implants of Excellence warranty programme which has been specially developed for patients with Polytech implants. The warranty includes a free lifetime exchange of implants in the event of a material-related loss of shell integrity and Implant replacement for 10 years in the event of Baker III or IV capsular contracture.
For more information about Polytech’s The Implants of Excellence warranty programme click here.
It is possible to develop an allergy but silicone allergies are very rare. Silicone is around us every day in items such as hand lotion, soaps, chewing gum, and antiperspirants so it is very likely that you will have been in contact with it before.
If you are experiencing allergy symptoms post-surgery this may be because of the medications you are taking, the adhesives used, or the prep solutions used during surgery, but it is not likely to be the implants. Please contact your surgeon or our nursing team who will be able to advise you.
If you become pregnant after having a breast augmentation procedure then your breasts will react as normal to pregnancy which can include increasing in size. Your mammary glands will enlarge and swell during pregnancy preparing for breastfeeding which can stretch the breast tissue and surrounding skin. Once you have finished breastfeeding the mammary glands will shrink back to their former size however, in some cases sagging or stretched skin may become apparent.
We have many women at The Private Clinic who have had breast augmentation surgery and gone on to become pregnant with very little change occurring to their results. Everyone’s body will react differently. Our expert surgical team will be able to advise you on your options if you are left feeling unsatisfied post-pregnancy.
A capsular contracture is when your body produces too much scar tissue around the implant. A rupture is when the implant splits. Symptoms of implant rupture can vary from patient to patient with some noticing a change in the size or shape of their breast and pain or tenderness whereas some patients have no symptoms at all. Capsular contracture in severe cases can cause your breasts to feel hard, tight and sometimes painful.
Both of these issues are rare and only happen in a small number of patients.
Saline implants often have the same outer shell as silicone implants but it is the substance inside that is different. Saline implants are filled with a sterile salt water solution and are usually inserted into the breast pocket empty and once in place they are then filled to the required size. Silicone implants are pre-filled with a gel-like substance that has been said to mimic the feeling of human fat.
Each type of implant has advantages and disadvantages but in the UK, silicone tends to be the most commonly used implant type due to its similarity to natural breast tissue, the decreased risk of ripples appearing and just the general properties of saline being safe and the most inert of prosthetic materials.
Your breast augmentation at The Private Clinic will include a detailed description of the type of implants being used in your surgery and our expert surgeons will be able to give you an informed view of what they believe to be the best material, shape, size and type for your body type in relation to the results that you are looking to achieve.
Our surgeons only use the highest quality CE Mark and FDA-approved implants to ensure the very best results and safety standards.
The Private Clinic have several clinics so we are sure to have an expert breast surgeon located near to you.
Where to get breast implants in London?
Our London clinic is located on 98 Harley Street, W1G7HZ
Where to get breast implants in Manchester?
• Manchester – 25 St John Street, M3 4DT
Where to get breast enlargement in Birmingham?
• Birmingham – 88 Hagley Road, B16 8LU – West Midlands
Where to get breast implants in Leeds?
• Leeds – 45 Park Square North, LS1 2NP – Yorkshire
Where to get breast implants in Bucks?
• Buckinghamshire – Virtual Consultations only
Where to get breast enlargement in Northampton?
• Northampton – 82 Billing Road, NN1 5DF – East Midlands
To find out more about booking a consultation at a clinic near you, contact us here.
The HSCIC (The Health & Social Care Information Centre) which is now known as NHS Digital developed a Breast Implant Registry on behalf of the Department of Health. The registry has been established to capture record of all breast implant surgery carried out both by the NHS and privately.
The Breast and Cosmetic Implant Registry has been designed to record the details of patients in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland who have had breast implant surgery. Details are held to that in the event of a safety concern, all patients can be traced. It will also allow the identification of any possible trends or complications that relate to specific implants.
In order to add your details to the register, The Private Clinic will require consent and consent forms will be provided to you on your surgery day. Only hospital or clinic staff with access to the registry can enter patient information.
If you are unsure if your information is on the registry, you can submit a subject access request.
For further information about The Breast and Cosmetic Implant Registry please see:
Breast and Cosmetic Implant Registry (BCIR): GDPR information
The placement of your breast implants is an important decision that will be advised upon by our expert surgeons.
Everyone’s body is different and implant placement will be dependent upon your body type, breast shape and your desired result.
It is generally advised that if you are petite with little natural breast tissue then your implants should be placed behind the muscle to create a more natural result as it makes the implant less visible.
Those patients who have a suitable amount of breast tissue may be recommended to have their implants placed over the muscle as this will instead give them a more natural result. Find out more information about breast implant placement in our blog here.
Our expert breast surgeons will be able to best advise you on your optimal breast implant placement at your consultation.
You will still be able to have routine mammograms if you have had a breast augmentation. We recommend that you let your radiology centre or technician know prior to the scan that you have breast implants. A special technique may need to be carried out where additional views are required in order to get a reliable X-ray.
The Elkund technique is a modified compression technique that was introduced by G W Elkund in 1988. The Elkund technique is commonly used for patients who have breast implants or post-reconstructed breasts to allow for significant improvement in image quality.
It is very rare for a mammogram to cause any complications to your breast implant.
Having breast implants will not make you unaffected by gravity. The normal ageing process will occur and you may notice that your breasts may begin to droop. This is not usually a direct result of having breast implants but more just your natural ageing process.
Wearing supportive bras and taking great care of your skin will help to lessen the risk of sagging or drooping. Your surgeon will discuss your risks of implant sagging and they may suggest a combined surgical procedure of a breast lift with implants if they feel your skin is more prone to sagging.
A breast uplift or mastopexy will help to retain the results of breast augmentation in spite of the natural changes to the body over time. In some cases, it may be advised to remove and replace your breast implants in order to maintain an uplifted result.
A surgical bra will be provided to you by The Private Clinic and you will be wearing this once your breast augmentation surgery is complete.
We recommend that you wear your post-op bra for 6 weeks after your surgical procedure. We do advise patients to purchase a spare bra to wear when their original bra is in the wash, these can be purchased from Macom, Lipoelastic or many high street stores such as Marks & Spencer and Asda.
If you would like advice on purchasing a bra then please speak to your patient advisor or plastic surgeon who will be able to recommend some.
We offer free breast augmentation consultations with one of our experienced patient advisors which will take place over the phone or through a video call. Our advisors are able to provide you with all the information you need to know on breast augmentation procedures and recommend the best breast augmentation surgeons to suit your requirements.
In order to secure your timed phone or video appointment we ask that you pay a £25 refundable deposit. This is refunded once the consultation takes place. You can change your appointment time up to 48 hours before.