Breast Implant Replacement FAQs
Please see our frequently asked questions for Breast Implant Replacement.
Frequently Asked Questions
The answer to this question depends on the reasons why you are removing your original implants and also what look you are trying to achieve.
If you like the appearance of your breast implants but want them removed because they are faulty or have come to the end of their lifetime then a replacement of implants would be the best option.
However if you feel your implants are too large, and just want a more natural appearance to your bust then it is best to have the implants removed.
If you are feeling unsure then we recommend visiting one of our expert breast surgeons who will be able to listen to your thoughts and concerns about surgery and help you make a more informed decision. They will also be able to assess you in person and give their advice on what you can expect to achieve from surgery.
In most instances, a breast implant replacement or exchange is very similar to breast augmentation. It does depend on the reason for the revision however if the patient is choosing similar sized implants and there are no other issues then it will be just like a breast augmentation. If the patient needs to have the pocket adjusted to fit a larger implant, scar tissue or capsules removed or if they require a breast lift then this will be a more complex procedure.
The procedure will be explained in full detail by your surgeon at your consultation so you will be fully informed ahead of making your decision. Aftercare advice will also be provided to you following surgery and you will be able to contact us 24/7 using our patient helpline if you have any questions or concerns.
One of the most common reasons that patients decide to have a breast implant exchange is because they are not happy with the size of their current implants and want to go bigger or smaller.
At The Private Clinic, we give our patients the chance to go through the different sizes of implants during their consultation or at a second sizing appointment. When you decide to exchange your implants, this process will happen again although it can be difficult to work out the best size when you already have implants in place. Using the sizer bra and any 3D imaging device can give you inaccurate results to base your decision off of. In these instances, your surgeon will take measurements of your breast base and shape to help decide on an implant that is going to be suitable for your body as well as give you the results that you are hoping for. If you did not have your original implants with us, then it is useful to bring along information about what size, type, profile and placement of your current implants.
The amount that you can look to increase or decrease the size of your implant depends on your tissue and chest size. In some people who have very tight tissue and a small chest it is not advisable to increase the size of the implant too much as it will distort the natural tissue and be too wide for your chest.
When it comes to choosing smaller implants, in some cases you may require a breast uplift procedure as the tissue around the implant may have been stretched to fit the previous implant and changing to a smaller implant could cause the skin to sag. In these cases, it will depend on the size of your current implant in comparison to the size that you are changing too.
Your options for breast implant exchange/replacement surgery will all be discussed in consultation with one of our expert breast surgeons.
The Private Clinic sees over 15,000 new patients every year and perform over 10,000 procedures, with one of the highest –patients’ satisfaction in the sector, Trustpilot 9.4, 5 star rating, 98% would recommend us to their friends and family. We are a multi award winning provider and have been voted the Aesthetic award for Best UK Clinic Group 2017.
The Private Clinic prides itself on its commitment to Medical Expertise, Patient Care and Satisfaction, Honest advice and most importantly Results. We are above all committed to Quality. Please feel free to contact us for any advice or to book a consultation with one of our expert Breast surgeons.
Breast Implants removal and replacement cost can be part of your decision to undergo a procedure but it should never be the deciding factor. For more information about The Private Clinic, our experience and medical expertise click here.
The cost of removal of breast implants is approximately £4,650. The cost of removal and replacement of breast implants is approximately £6,500. We don’t follow a one-price-fits-all policy and prices are quoted on a case by case basis. You will be given an accurate quote for your requirements following your consultation.
Consultations with our breast surgeons are £100 at our clinics in London Harley Street, Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester and Northampton clinics.
We also offer consultations with our highly experienced Patient Coordinators which require a £25 refundable deposit to secure your place. These are available in Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester and Northampton.
Patient coordinators are able to offer you all the information you require prior to meeting a surgeon.
Please note all consultations available at our Harley Street clinic are with a surgeon.
The Private Clinic has clinics nationwide so we are sure to have an expert breast surgeon located near to you where you can discuss impant removal or replacement procedures.
Our clinics are in;
• London – 98 Harley street, W1G7HZ
• Manchester – 25 St John Street, M3 4DT
• Birmingham – 88 Hagley Road, B16 8LU – West Midlands
• Leeds – 45 Park Square North, LS1 2NP – Yorkshire
• Buckinghamshire – Virtual Consultations Only
• Northampton – 82 Billing Road, NN1 5DF – East Midlands
To find out more about booking a consultation at a clinic near you, contact us here.
If you feel your breasts implants are too big following a breast augmentation it is best to wait at least 6-12 months to ensure that all swelling has subsided and that your implants have settled fully.
If you are still unhappy with the size of your implants after this time then we would encourage you to return to your original surgeon to discuss this however we appreciate that this is not always possible.
We are happy to see patients who have had surgery elsewhere to discuss implant removal or replacement.
Our surgeons will work with you to help you achieve your desired goals.
See patient Toula Rose’s story to hear how she underwent a breast re-augmentation to correct implants that were too large.
You do not need to see your original surgeon but we suggest that you try and get hold of details such as the size and type of your current implants and any other relevant information as this will help your new surgeon create an appropriate treatment plan for you.
If you want your implants removed because you feel they have ruptured or you have developed a capsular contracture then we would advise that you see your original plastic surgeon as they will have all the information about your implants to enable them to decide on the best course of action.
An enbloc is when the implant and capsule are removed in one piece with the implant still within the balloon of the capsule. At The Private Clinic, we have surgeons who will remove the old capsule via en bloc capsulectomy when it is safe and appropriate for the patient.
There are some instances where an enbloc is not possible. This is when the capsule is too thin or delicate to be removed in one piece or if the capsule is adhering to vital tissues. In these instances, surgeons can work to remove as much as the capsule as possible with the implant and then carefully remove any remaining scar tissue from the breast pocket. In some cases, however, removal of the capsule could cause damage to vital tissues; for example, if scar tissue is tightly attached to the rib cage, removing the tissue could risk injuring the lungs. In these cases, portions of the capsule will remain in place but we will take precautions to allow proper healing including sterilising the remaining capsules.
For more information about enbloc procedures, please state this ahead of booking your procedure to ensure that you are given a consultation with a breast surgeon who specialises in offering this service.
If you are having your implants replaced then this is most commonly done as one procedure. However, if you are having the implants removed due to a medical reason then your surgeon may remove the implants and perform the replacement as a separate surgical procedure once any infection has cleared which can take up to 3 months.
The details of how your procedure will be performed will be discussed at your consultation where you will be able to ask any additional questions to ensure that you are fully informed before deciding to go ahead with your procedure.
The length of time you should wait before undergoing removal or replacement surgery will depend on your reasons for surgery. If you are experiencing complications or issues such as a ruptured implant or capsular contraction then this can be performed as soon as possible to relieve you of any pain or discomfort.
If you are not experiencing any complications but are just not happy with the appearance of your implants then we do remind patients that it can take longer than a few weeks to see the true results from breast enlargement surgery. Swelling will start to subside over 4-6 weeks and after this stage, implants will begin to settle. The final results from a breast augmentation may take up to 6 months to evolve. Overall, we do recommend that patients wait 6 months before making a decision on revision surgery.
Revisional surgery should not be overused, the fewer the better. Patients who come across complications will have to have necessary medical revision surgery but when it comes to changing the size of the implant, these cosmetic revisions should be performed as infrequently as possible.
When patients wish to change the size of their implants, we offer a range of sizing consultations to help them make an informed decision about implant sizes, shapes, profiles and placement to ensure that they are choosing the best-sized implants to suit their body and also their lifestyle and long-term goals too.
As a potential breast implant removal and/or replacement patient, you need to consider the potential risks and consequences that sometimes can occur with the surgery you are seeking.
Breast implant and/or replacement surgery will carry risks just like any surgical procedure would do. Common risks include infection, seromas, excessive bleeding or reaction to the anaesthetic.
Your plastic surgeon will explain in detail all the risks associated with surgery to ensure that you fully understand the procedures you will undergo and any risks or potential complications.
Risks that are more specific to breast implant replacement surgery are similar to those that you would have been told about ahead of your original breast enlargement surgery such as change in breast sensation, scarring, breast deformity or sagging of the breast area. Other risks include;
Capsular Contracture is when the tissue that naturally forms around your breast implant becomes tighter and it squeezes the implant. This can cause your breast to feel hard, look misshapen and come sometimes be painful. Capsular contracture is more common for those who have experienced it before and this will be discussed in more detail with your surgeon at your consultation.
Implant Rupture is when a tear or hole occurs in the breast implant shell. When this happens in a silicone gel-filled implant, the gel may remain in the shell, leak into the tissue/capsule that forms around the implant or spread beyond the capsule. Implant ruptures can be caused by a variety of traumas including extreme capsular contracture, excessive trauma to the chest or damage by surgical instruments. Symptoms of implant rupture include change in breast shape, swelling of the breast and pain or tenderness. In some cases a silent rupture may occur which will often not cause any changes to the way that the implant looks or feels. In these cases the rupture if often only diagnosed by an MRI scan which is often recommended as part of your post-surgery medical examinations. Implant rupture is treated by either removing or replacing the implant. At The Private Clinic we offer cover for 3 years following your original breast augmentation procedure. Your cover period can be extended with our unique extended aftercare scheme to give you that additional peace of mind, ask your co-ordinator for more details about this.
Breast Implant Associated Anaplastuc Large Cell Lymphona (BIA-ALCL)
BIA-ACLCL stands for Breast Implant Associated Anaplastuc Large Cell Lymphona and it is a rare T-cell lymphoma that can occur around breast implants. The cause of BIA-ALCL is not clearly understood and no specific risk factors have been identified by health bodies around the world that are studying the disease. However, factors such as breast implant texture, genetics and bacteria have been implicated and are presently undergoing further study. For cases reported to date, BIA-ALCL has been seen most in patients who have textured implants. Your plastic surgeon will be able to provide you with more detailed information at your consultation and we encourage patients to ask us any questions that they may have. When diagnosed early, BIA-ALCL can often be treated successfully by removing the breast implant and surrounding scar capsule however, additional treatment may be required depending on the individual and whether the disease has spread throughout the body. As with any type of cancer, it is important to be diagnosed and treated as early as possible.
At The Private Clinic we advise that it is good health practice to self-examine breasts and we encourage patients with breast implants to do this regularly. Should anything such as pain, unevenness between the breast and lumps be detected then you should make an appointment to see your surgeon or GP as soon as possible.
At your consultation
During your consultation, your surgeon will go through all the risks and complications associated with breast implant removal and/or replacement surgery as appropriate in more detail. You will also be provided with a copy of our patient guide which will provide comprehensive information about the procedure that you are considering undergoing. At your consultation, your surgeon will also discuss the range of implant shapes, sizes and brands to help you feel informed and offer their advice on which are going to be most suited for you to achieve your desired result and which will suit your body type.