Tuberous Breast Correction FAQs

Please see our frequently asked questions for Tuberous Breast Correction.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are puffy or pointed nipples?

Puffy or pointed nipples could be caused by a number of factors.

When referring to puffy nipples, you are more likely to be talking about the entire areola area of the breast or male chest. An excess in fat or glandular tissue can cause swelling of the area which gives the puffy appearance.

Conditions such as gynecomastia and tuberous breasts can cause the appearance of puffy or pointed nipples in men and women.

Large nipples can also cause the appearance of a puffy or pointed nipple in men or women. Nipple reduction surgery can help to reduce the size of the nipple so that it is more in proportion to the rest of your chest or breast. Find out more about nipple reduction surgery here.

Why are my breasts pointy?

All breasts develop differently and not one pair will look alike. Some women develop very pointed or pointy breasts/boobs. This may be caused by a congenital breast disorder known as tuberous breasts.

Pointy boobs are a common characteristic of tuberous breasts. The breast tissue develops abnormally which causes the breast mound to become constricted. This causes the breasts to appear pointed or in more severe cases, tube-shaped and often point downwards. There may also be a large gap between the breasts.

Breast surgery can help reshape tuberous breasts by releasing the constriction and either reducing, uplifting or enlarging the breast.

In some cases, boobs can appear pointy following a breast augmentation. This is usually temporary and caused by swelling and tight muscles. Once the muscles relax and the swelling reduces, the implant will sit within the lower implant pocket and take on a more rounded appearance.

What is tuberous breast deformity?

Tuberous or tubular breasts are when the breasts have not developed properly. Usually breast tissue is spread out across the chest but tuberous breasts often have a long and narrow appearance with a domed nipple area as the lower pole has failed to develop properly.

How can I tell if I have tuberous breasts?

Tuberous breasts are characterised by a narrow base which tends to result in a high fold underneath the breasts, and a shorter distance between the nipple and the fold under the breast.

You can check to see if your breasts are tuberous by measuring the distance between the breast fold and the nipple. This measurement is usually 7-8cm but if your measurements are in the region of 3-4cm then you may have a mild form of tuberous breasts.

The symptoms of tuberous breasts vary greatly between individuals but can include;

  • Cylindrical or narrow breast tissue that usually stays same shape from the base of the breast to the end.
  • Breasts that have a saggy appearance due to an abnormally elevated lower breast fold.
  • Enlarged and/or puffy areolas (areola hypertrophy)
  • Constriction of tissue at the base of the breast.
  • Higher than normal breast fold.
  • Large space between the breasts.
  • Only one breast may be affected.

The best way to see if you are suitable for tuberous breast correction surgery is to have a consultation with one of our expert breast surgeons who will be able to assess you in person and advise on the best procedure to get the results you are after.

Will I be able to breast feed after tuberous breast correction?

It is common for women who have tuberous breasts to be unable to breast feed or have difficulty breast feeding. Tuberous breasts are undeveloped breasts and it often means that insufficient breast tissue have been produced causing a low milk supply, or none at all in some cases. Unfortunately surgery can only help to improve the appearance of the breasts and can’t help to assist with breast feeding.

Is there a tuberous breast correction clinic near me?

The Private Clinic has clinics nationwide so we are sure to have an expert breast surgeon located near to you.

Our clinics:

  • London – 98 Harley street, W1G7HZ
  • Manchester – 25 St John Street, M3 4DT
  • Birmingham – 88 Hagley Road, B16 8LU – West Midlands
  • Leeds – 45 Park Square North, LS1 2NP – Yorkshire
  • Buckinghamshire – Virtual Consultations Only
  • Northampton – 82 Billing Road, NN1 5DF – East Midlands

To find out more about booking a consultation at a clinic near you, contact us here.

How long do the results from tuberous breast correction last?

The results of tuberous breast correction are permanent however ageing, pregnancy, breastfeeding and any significant weight loss or gain could alter the appearance of your results over time.